Monday, January 27, 2020
Body Of Evolution Of Musical Film Genres Film Essay
Body Of Evolution Of Musical Film Genres Film Essay On the primitive period, musical generates as an hybrid from European operetta and American vaudeville and music hall. A director that represents this period is Busby Berkeley. His films pay not attention to the plot, are vehicle for song and dance. It is pure spectacle and sensuality. Sex is offered through the gaze (Hayward, 2000). On the mature period, from the 30s to the 50s, songs and dance move with the narrative and are introduced on a natural way. Fred Astaire develops an elegant, stylised style and Gene Kelly develops a more energetic one (Hayward, 2000). From the 50s to the 70s, musicals are more realistic, subjects as racism, delinquency are treated. Examples are West side story, whose narrative is based on Romeo and Juliet, Saturday Night Fever and Grease. Some other films go back to the traditional narrative structure, as Barbra Streisand and The sound of Music(1965) (Hayward, 2000). Cabaret(1972) Bob Fosse has influences of art cinema and the camera work is different than usual, it goes from fluid to vertiginous (Hayward, 2000). Formal conventions, stereotypes and narrative (Hayward, 2000) (Cohan, 2010) For Altman (1989) musicals on the mature period are an ode to marriage. The narrative is based on the principle of pairing and mirroring. Male and female are paired, maturity is paired to immaturity. The main characters are mirrored in other couples, settings are mirrored in others (Hayward, 2000). Camera work, editing compared to dominant codes of continuity. Use of diegesis. The genre can not be as used to be on the past, these times are far too cynical for it, it would not be taken seriously. The way to do it would be making singing an dancing naturalised within a fictive world or being represented as fantasies occurring within a characters mind (Cohan, 2010). Conventions in HSM follow the traditional ones . It follows the principle of duality (the two main characters). What it adds is a contrast between authenticity, represented by the main couple, and manipulated artistry, represented by another couple formed by Sharpay and Ryan. (Cohan, 2010). theories of spectatorship and scopophilia (Richardson, 2008), (Hayward, 2000) and (Sturken Cartwright, 2009) It is interesting to analyse what appeals the viewer. We can go from psychoanalytical theories, to cognitive theories, to theories that distinguish the spectator for gender, to later theories that consider that the spectator the pleasure that the spectator feel at looking at others. Some musical genre detractors consider that the character breaking suddenly out into singing and dancing creates a sense of alienation as spectator(Cohan, 2010). Reasons that can help to revive the genre. Cohan mentions David Rooney and Jonathan Bing describing which can be the factors to bring back musicals. They mention the development of new technology to help with the task of shooting and editing and to reduce costs. Also the after-market of the fans of musical can be financially interesting, as they are repeat viewers, so DVDs and soundtracks would sell, as well as merchandising would do. Another interesting factor is that youth audience has been raised on music videos. This could help to explain the success of High School Musical or Glee (Cohan, 2010).There are also negative factors, as that cinema industry is offering young male audience other products that get their attention (Cohan, 2010). Intertextuality. Viewers have a wider visual knowledge that make them able to understand messages transmitted on ambiguous ways. This mechanism is known as intertextuality. Chandler (2003) quotes Leiss (1990): The growing preponderance of visuals in ads has enhanced the ambiguity of meaning embedded in message structures. Earlier advertising usually states its message quite explicitly through the medium of written text, but starting in the mid-1920s visual representation became more common, and the relationship between text and visual image became complementary that is, the text explained the visual. In the postwar period, and especially since the early 1960s, the function of text moved away from explaining the visual and towards a more cryptic form, in which text appeared as a kind of key to the visual. In all, the effect was to make the commercial message more ambiguous; a reading of it depended on relating elements in the ads internal structure to each other, as well as drawing in references from the external world. HSM and authorship. HSM in schools. Postmodernism in last musicals productions for TV Cohan (2010) quotes Edwards: The charm and artistic merit of the original HSM movie lies in its ability to consider a sophisticated theatrical and musical heritage and consequently revise it for a modern audience à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ it simultaneously conforms to genre expectations and pays homage to its textual influences while taking a postmodern delight in exposing its own limitations and playing with some gentle pastiche of literary and cinematic predecessors.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Pope John Paul II as a Candidate for Canonization Essay example -- ess
The question of whether or not that Pope John Paul II should be canonized can be answered by a review of his teachings and his actions throughout his life. There are countless details and reasons which illustrate that Pope John Paul II is a probable and anticipated candidate for canonization. John Paul has practiced heroic virtue, lived in fidelity to god’s grace, and is believed to carry the Holy Spirit inside him. These reasons will be supported by linking his life on earth with a canonization excerpt from the Catechism. John Paul was supporting and ratifying. His journey began on May 18, 1920 in southern Poland. John’s mother died when he was only 9 years old and was raised by his single father who supported his schooling. He was always optimistic and looked forward to aiding others through his path, until he enters Heaven. As a young teenager, John was an athlete and an actor. Despite his busy schedule, he always took time to work as a volunteer librarian. This demonstrates that John Paul shows God’s grace in helping others in spite of living a fun and ruthless life as ...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Male Characters as Less Heroic than the Female Characters of “Generals Die in Bed†Essay
Good stories oftentimes have well-written heroic characters. That is because the hero functions as the character with whom the readers relate to. The significant role of the hero is that he is the one who communicates the experience within the narrative. But what if the central characters of a good story are lacking essential heroic traits? Instead the central characters exemplify unheroic attributes such as cowardice. It would be understandable if the readers would scour the pages of a good story for characters to look up to. This is the subtle effect in Charles Yale Harrison’s â€Å"Generals Die in Bed. †Arguably, the women characters in the novel had acted more heroic than the male characters. But before we traverse further in this discussion, it would be essential to first have a definition of the word â€Å"heroism. †The word carries along a mythological connotation. The first ideas would be of brave men overcoming great obstacles and challenges. The word is often attributed to soldiers, knights, kings, etc. But if treated with a contemporary approach, the word pertains to acts of selflessness geared towards others. In today’s world, we do not have to slay a dragon to be heroes, we just have to be of any help to the people around us. What had lead to the argument that the women were more heroic was the cowardice of the men. The juxtaposition of the level of heroism of men and women had set latter as the more admirable and the former as cowards. If the tone and language of the male characters would be reviewed, especially the narrator’s, it is evident that their mindset are comprised of a mixture of fear and naiveness. The narrator is seemingly a little enthusiastic about going to war. Of course he was afraid, but the fear they experienced in the trenches would be amplified exponentially. The narrator describes what they experienced as hypnotic terror (Harrison 163). The characters of the novel had entered the war as civilians who held up to morals and values. But as they were becoming accustomed to the life at the trenches, they had developed cowardliness. There was even an account wherein they had become afraid to light the candles because they might be spotted by snipers (69). The characters appeared to be less heroic as the war progressed. The narrator even seemed to be relieved when he delivered the last line of the novel â€Å"I am carried up the gangplank. †(170) War songs are usually cheery to raise the morale of soldiers and alleviate â€Å"shell shock. †But in the novel, the songs that the soldier sung expresses fear of what the war has to offer â€Å"I’m too young to die, I want to go home†(15). In addition, most of the soldiers would go to battle in a drunken state. Perhaps it is to some kind of coping mechanism for the stress and distress due to the war. Should we ever consider bloodlust as a heroic trait? There are many recounts of killings interspersed all over the novel. There was an instance wherein the narrator was telling Gladys in a lively fashion that he had committed murder (95). Then when he observed that Gladys was becoming offended and afraid of his story, he laughed and said that the killing took place in the trench. In the narrator’s standpoint, it was as if the murder that he had committed was something easily acceptable and forgivable. It was as if an enemy’s life does not count as life of another human being, but a life of some animal whose destiny is to be brutally slaughtered. The narrator described how he and his comrades had become â€Å"snarling, savage beast†during their brutal encounter with the enemy troop. The male characters in the novel had shown degrading kindness towards humanity. Since it was the males that were sent in the battlefield and develop this dehumanizing kind of mindset, it is the females who are left at home devoid of these ill thoughts. In the light of the novel’s context, a shining example of heroism by the females would be of the nurses. The nurses during times of war had shown outstanding bravery that could be compared to the bravery of men in the frontline. They are the ones who risk their lives in war stricken areas, but instead of killing people, they risk their lives saving the injured. The novel had painted a vivid picture of war with horrific realism, â€Å"severely injured, one of Broadbent’s legs is hanging by one strand of flesh†(147). These are the horrors that the nurses had to battle during the times of war. Furthermore, setting aside the risk of being hit by a stray bullet or being bombarded, the nurses faces the risk of infection and catching deadly diseases. This is an excellent example of heroism because of the risks involve and the nurses motivation of helping those who are in need. An injured soldiers who were healed and taken cared off by nurses should consider the nurses as their heroes. As opposed to the seemingly passive character of the protagonist, one of the most colorful of all the characters is Gladys. For those who had the chance to read the novel, she is easily remembered as to one of the few women who have a proper name in the ensemble of characters. Moreover, she was a â€Å"courtesan†or a prostitute with whom the protagonist had spent a great deal of his time. In effect, Gladys had a significant effect on the protagonist’s worldview. It should be pointed out that being a â€Å"courtesan†or a prostitute is one of the world’s oldest known profession. It would be troublesome to argue that being a prostitute is heroic. However, if we were to discuss selfless acts, nothing could be selfless than selling oneself to provide for one’s family. Just like other companions of soldiers, be them wives, girlfriends, mothers, etc. , they all serve as inspiration for the soldier. It is no secret that women have an inexplicable capability of raising the morale of soldiers. And of course, of all the women exemplifying admirable heroism during the war, it would be the mothers on top of the list. Mothers are directly affected of the war because everyday they battle horrific thoughts of their husbands and sons getting killed in the battlefield, of never seeing them alive ever again. If we would be talking about obstacles and challenges, those thoughts could be hardest ordeals one has to face. Admirably, mothers of war participants overcome those thoughts and still be able to tend to the needs of their children. There is an instance in the novel wherein the narrator and his comrades were wounded and in need of a place to stay. They managed to find a war-torn village where an old woman, a mother, was residing. The hospitable old women provided them with food and a place to stay. She even treated the wounds of the soldiers. The nurturing that only mothers are capable is undeniably heroic. Conclusion The author has described the horrifying experience in the trenches, thanks to his first hand experience of the war. Fear is very evident in the male characters and that fear is communicated to the reader. The absence of characters with whom the reader could view as heroic lead to the conclusion that women were more heroic. Women in the novel were generally described as agreeable. The most negative of all could just be Gladys’ job as a prostitute. Other than that, women were the ones whom the soldiers run to when they need help. The women were willing to help the soldiers even though they are not required to do so. Soldiers will always be of course the heroes in the eyes of the public, of the spectators of the war. But for those who truly take part in the war, not the generals who die in their beds, the heroic acts of women during the war are indispensable. Soldiers are not out there in battlefield to save lives, their duty is to kill the opposition. Fortunately, humans are blessed to be categorized under two very different yet complementing sex, man and woman. The former being able to destroy and the latter endowed with the gift to nurture. Women should be commended in performing their different roles in the war. Arguably, they are more admirable in this context because they fight the war without having to carry the instruments of war like guns, etc. The real heroes of war should not just be judged by the number of people they kill, it should also be by the number of the lives they save. In this novel, we see that many acts of heroism are overlooked. Work Cited Harrison, Charles Yale. Generals Die in Bed. Ontario: Firefly Books Ltd, 2007
Friday, January 3, 2020
Case Study 1 Chapter 2 - 1234 Words
1. Find a list of all 10 of Zappos corporate values. Pick two of the values and explain how you think those values would influence the way employees do their work. A. Zappos list of 10 corporate values are: Deliver WOW Through Service, Embrace and Drive Change, Create Fun and A Little Weirdness, Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded, Pursue Growth and Learning, Build Open and Honest Relationships with Communication, Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit, Do More with Less, Be Passionate and Determined, and Be Humble. If I had to pick two values from that list they would be Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit and also Build Open and Honest Relationships with Communication. I believe that these two values would have the†¦show more content†¦This shows that he wants to build a culture that applauds things such as weirdness and humility. This makes me want to say that their culture is very people and team oriented. They want the whole organization to feel as one team a nd go as far as to set up a complex web of human interactions that let people post tweets such as â€Å"Did anyone bring a hairdryer to the office today?†3. How did Zappos’ corporate culture begin? How is Zappos’ corporate culture maintained? C. Zappos started selling shoes and other products online in 1999. Tony Hsieh became CEO of Zappos in 2000 and was determined to â€Å"build a culture that applauds such things as weirdness and humility.†The book described Tony as the epitome of weirdness and humility. I believe that Tony was a huge influence on the corporate culture of Zappos. He was determined to do things differently with Zappos than he did with his previous company LinkExchange which he described as a dysfunctional company because it relied solely on technical skills. He first invited 300 employees to list the core values the culture should be based on and soon compiled a list of 10 values that would continue to drive the organization. He envis ioned the culture of Zappos as more than just a list of written values, as he said the culture should be â€Å"lived†. Through a â€Å"complex web of human interactions†, Zappos hasShow MoreRelatedHr Case Study Chapter 1 Chapter 21341 Words  | 6 PagesHR case study chapter 1 chapter 2 CASE STUDY 1: Vipul Chemicals limited is a small proprietary concern which started production and marketing in 1995. There was a rapid growth in the activities and in March, 2002, it was converted into a public limited company with a turnover of Rs. 175 crore. Initially, the workers employed were 125 but the number reached to 1800 in March 2002. These workers worked in 25 different departments under the control of 25 supervisors and 10 managers. 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