Monday, December 2, 2019
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The New Technology Essay Essay Example
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The New Technology Essay Essay From as far back as doing movies travel the 35mm camera has ever been about. for over 100 old ages now and if you watch a film made on 35mm you can understand why. The consequence it gives off is something else its non tellurian Television manner and it’s merely right. except one thing the monetary value ticket on the existent movie celluloid. Unfortunately there is no replacement or cheaper equivalent to 35mm for entering a film. However as we have advanced in the universe of engineering we now have a camera that is capable of entering with similar acuteness as 35mm The Digital Video Camera. The chief difference between movie and digital picture is the cost of entering and the expression it personifies. 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One of the ruins is they can be easy duplicated and uploaded to the cyberspace and a good point if this was legal is the movie will non lose any of its quality in the procedure. This all sounds excessively good. nevertheless its non every bit easy as it looks. certain you can purchase a DV camera down the route and do a half nice image if you put your head to it but how is it traveling to be screened? The job is cinemas have and have ever had projectors that play 35mm movie. Too enable a film to demo DV so it is traveling to hold to import a batch of new engineering. So to get down the ball turn overing film around the universe have to acquire rid of all the large projectors they have and ever have used and refit the film with new digital 1s. The following measure is they have to acquire online so they can stream the film as the thought is to stream the film which is all portion of doing digital movies easier in all Fieldss. However to be able to make all this will intend all different types of connexions to be fitted into the cinema/multiplex. In the long tally you can see this is a wise investing although it leaves a batch of people idle such as film distributers. celluloid companies non to advert adjunct camera men/women. sound men/women and other assorted workers on film sets. Well the truth is movie studios don’t truly care about them there non the cardinal factors to the revolution in movie to Digital Video the chief factor is Piracy and at the minute movie buccaneering can non be controlled or suppressed. 1 â€Å"The US gesture image industry loses more than $ 3 billion yearly in possible worldwide gross due to buccaneering. Due to the trouble in ciphering Internet buccaneering losingss. these figures are NOT presently included in the overall loss estimations. However. it is safe to presume Internet losingss cause untold extra amendss to the industry†. 2 Too day of the month there is merely one manager that has used DV to enter different shootings in a film and that is Gorge Lucas for his prequel Editions to the Star Wars trilogy. Star Wars Episode 2 Attack Of The Clones. During the cinematography of the movie Gorge Lucas used a DV camera. 3 The Sony HDC ( High Definition Camera ) F900 was the pick of camera. they shot at 24 progressive frames per second. The 24 frames fit in absolutely with the traditions of movie projection and redaction. â€Å"By non utilizing movie. the production squad saved the clip and money normally invested in movie stock and photochemical processing. and was able to achieve an image of unbelievable lucidity already in the digital medium ready for postproduction use†. 4 It has besides been noted that histrions themselves would instead work in-front of a DVC. There grounds for this are when working with DVC there are frequently two cameras ( whereas with 35mm there is merely one ) so they feel freer excessively work in-front of two instead than merely the 1. Another is that there is less force per unit area if they make a error as it won’t consequence in a loss of money because there is no movie in the camera merely memory it can easy be deleted and redone in a affair of seconds. One of the defects is because you have so much freeness and ample memory with the camera you can really free path of you entering and stop up with to much footage. An illustration of this is when a docudrama was being filmed there was so much infinite on the memory of the camera that 150hrs of memory was recorded for a 1hr docudrama. it turned out that it took a whole twelvemonth to redact down. This evidently seems a job in a sense that all first clip movie shapers are traveling to enter 100s of hours of footage but non needfully because they can now hold the package to redact their work on a place personal computer which means they can set more hours in at place to complete the occupation. I think entering in DV is a great thought when you think it opens the doors to so many more different genres of people. Hollywood may be against it for grounds I can sympathies with. you merely have to look at the music industry to see how much lawlessness buccaneering has caused but I don’t think they should govern it out. DV fundamentally means anyone who has of all time wanted to do a movie now has the chance to make so and it won’t be them the Earth. Cartridges for hive awaying film footage on. will put person back around 19 lb for a twosome of hours of memory and with a spot of clip spent on illuming and sound you can bring forth a quality image like Dancehall Queen ( Jamaican movie. filmed on a DVC ) . Although I am rather confident to assume at that place will non be any Hollywood blockbuster films being recorded via a DVC until buccaneering has been controlled as it is to risky to the industry of movie devising.
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