Thursday, December 26, 2019
Metabolic Control of Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus...
This paper is to critique a study conducted on the metabolic control of adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This one year study examines the impact of education and counseling on the metabolic control specifically in the Mexican population. Burns and Grove (2009) describe sampling as â€Å"a process of selecting subjects, events, behavior, or elements for participation in a study†. In this study, the researchers obtained a sample of the population to be studied by using the self-selection method. The participants were selected from a specific geographic area and adults affected by DMT 2 in ambulatory care setting agreed to be a part of the study after a door to door calling was conducted to identify the subjects. Creatinine level was†¦show more content†¦A nonprobability sampling was utilized. The creatinine level was checked before the participant took part in the study. The study participants had a similar socioeconomic status, same genetic homogeneity, and several years of formal education. The Research and Ethics Committee from the school nursing had a chance to analyze and approve the research proposal before the research begins to contact the participants. The researchers informed the participants of the contents and obtained consent from each participant. Participants were given the guarantee that confidentiality and the concept of beneficence would be respected. It was made clear to the participants that they could withdraw from the study at any time. Participation in the research was also voluntary. Measurements were taken at regular intervals on 5 different occasions. Since HbA1C is generally checked every 3 months the time interval was 3 months and the study went on for one full year which is equal to 12 months. Measurements taken include the anthropometrics and clinical as well four questionnaires with likert and multiple-choice scales (Gallegos, ovalle-Berumen, Gomez-Meza, 2006). The concept of reliability was included in the study. In fact, the reliability of each tool was tested and a value was included in the details about the study. The researchers assigned values to the score per individual to make the comparison process lessShow MoreRelatedDiabetes Mellitus And The Long Term Complications1385 Words  | 6 Pagesgeneral idea of diabetes mellitus, epidemiology, role factors and complications that arise from it, comparing and exhibiting the distinctions between type I type II diabetes, the people who are in jeopardy of developing diabetic renal diseases and hypertens ion due to the complications identifying the general pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus the long term complications that may transpire. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The United States - 1676 Words
The concept of the United States is so ingrained into the hearts of Americans that it can be hard to imagine when the home of the brave did not exist. However, the early seventeenth century features the origins of a country no one could imagine at the time. It began with James I issuing a charter to the Virginia Company, known then as the London Company, in 1606, but it progressed from that rough start to become the first permanent English colony in North America, located in Jamestown. New additions soon came to what would be the United States: Plymouth in 1620; eastern Massachusetts in 1630; and finally Maryland in 1632. The first two colonized regions of North America by the British, the Chesapeake Bay and New England, faced early†¦show more content†¦All of the colonies had an underlying economic focus, which was personified in several different attempts among the colonies: Maryland’s widespread effort of encouraging settlement, which included policies of religious tolerance and their eventual adoption of a â€Å"headright†system; Virginia’s thriving tobacco production; the Pilgrims’ agricultural industry; and the Puritans’ trade with Native Americans. Both regions had colonies established by private companies with charters, such as the Massachusetts Bay Company in New England or the Virginia Company in the Chesapeake. The Puritans and Pilgrims had another reason for their departure from England: religious persecution, especially from James I. Due to this religious purpose, the two colonies in Massachusetts had more families, which added stability to a colony in its infancy; the Jamestown colony, on the other hand, had few families due to their disregard of the settlement as permanent. In regards to location, neither group was particularly intelligent in choosing a site to live: both Jamestown’s apparently well-calculated spot and Plymouth’s unintentional location were on marshlands. Their poor locat ion along with insufficient food and illness led to surprisingly and devastatingly high death tolls in the first year: 63.5% of Jamestown settlers, half of Plymouth’s population, and a third of the Puritans. Yet, the Jamestown colonies were particularly
Monday, December 9, 2019
Ethical and Governance Issues Raised free essay sample
Table of Contents 1Introduction2 2Discussion of case study2 2. 1Identification of the Ethical and Governance issues raised in the case study2 2. 2Critical analysis of the main ethical and the governance issues raised in the case study5 2. 3An evaluation of the conditions that enabled the issues identified to arise7 2. 4Recommendations to the company9 3Conclusion11 4References12 Introduction Apple is one of the most successful companies to date, they have dominated most of the markets they have entered, and all of this was able to become a reality because of Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple. He is seen as a somewhat genius when it comes to business, and his employees seem to be very satisfied, but what most people dont actually see are manufacturer workers of Apple, the employees in China who supply Apple’s products. We will delve into issues which have occurred at its suppliers over the past few years and will also investigate what Apple has done to rectify these problems. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical and Governance Issues Raised or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Finally we will present recommendations which Apple can implement to better the quality of life at its suppliers and thus become more socially responsible. Discussion of case study Identification of the Ethical and Governance issues raised in the case study The main ethical issue raised in the case study is whether it is right for companies such as Apple to be solely focussed on profit maximisation rather than also bettering the lives of its stakeholders. Apple has been highly successful in the past decade, having seen its share price soar thanks to its innovative products such as the iPod and the iPhone. In creating such products, they have become market leaders in their segments, and thus have been able to charge premiums for their products, which has translated into large profits for Apple. Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO, has been credited with creating products that understand the needs of its customers before they even know they need it. With such a strong focus on its products’ human interaction and user experience, it is unfortunate that Apple has forgotten about the companies that have helped make it so successful, namely the Chinese manufacturers of its products. In the drive for larger margins and lower product prices, Apple has forgotten to protect the quality of life of workers of its Chinese sub-contractors (Rein 2010c). The case study focuses on one such company, Foxconn, where six of its workers have committed suicide this year. This is widely presumed to be caused by the sub-standard working conditions. Last year, a worker accused with stealing an Apple iPhone prototype killed himself after being beaten by security guards (Rein 2010c). Physical abuse aside, there has also been reports noted in Apple’s 2010 audit that manufacturers are also making their workers exceed maximum stipulated working hours, not meeting occupational safety and health standards and are paying less than the minimum wage (Branigan 2010). The most recent outrage against Apple has been caused by the poisoning of at least 62 workers at Wintek, another Apple sub-contractor, due to the introduction of an unsafe chemical in the name of efficiency (Harvey 2010). The case study notes two reasons why Apple should care about the issues brought up. The first is that Apple’s reputation has taken a severe media beating due to the events noted. However, this has yet to translate to any conclusive loss of sales or decrease in share price, and therefore Apple has not needed to swiftly act upon this. In addition, although publications on ethics and corporate citizenship rankings exist, there is a lack of consistency between lists that creates confusion and effectively devalue their importance and guidance (Coster 2010). For example, a company may be able to be noted as an ethical company by in large paying to be on the list. Nevertheless, the world is becoming more mindful of its ethical responsibilities, as seen with the push for corporate social responsibility, so there is a real risk that these issues could cause considerable damage to Apple in the future. Secondly, there is a supply chain risk associated with the increasingly bad reputation of the Chinese manufacturers, given China’s rapidly changing labour market. Younger workers are becoming overly optimistic in their career options and are not willing to work in factories (Rein 2010a). With the growing bad reputation of the factories, the manufacturers are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit employees and retain good staff. As a result, maximum production outputs may not be utilised and there are greater costs and loss of efficiencies involved with worsening quality control of production due to staffing difficulties. Apple’s executives have been short-sighted in their drive to maximise profit. Shaun Rein (2010b) notes that â€Å"true leadership is about bettering the lives of the people around you†rather than simply making money at any price. While it can be argued that Apple can only do so much, for example, set out strict agreements on code of conducts of manufacturers, Apple can also be blamed for the lack of regulation of these agreements and pursuant action taken on breaches. Given the cases noted above, it is clear Apple’s executives can do more in its governance to become great leaders. It is also noted that evidence exists that governance to the ends of bettering the lives of stakeholders, as seen with Nike, may actually lead to profit maximization rather than be an overbearing cost on companies. 2 Critical analysis of the main ethical and the governance issues raised in the case study We will critically analysis the following two issues: (1) profit maximisation vs. orporate social responsibility; and (2) what has Apple actually done in regards to ensuring that its Chinese suppliers comply with Apple’s values. Corporations such as Apple, are constantly under pressure to maximise shareholder wealth, as shareholders are the ultimate owners of the company. A key proponent of this view was Nobel-Prize winning economist, Milton Friedman. Friedman states in a New York Times article (1962) that managers’ key responsibility as agents was t o the act in shareholders’ best interests; this was management’s social responsibility. By acting in the interest of others, such as the interest of society, management are not fulfilling their duty to shareholders and are effectively imposing a tax on shareholders, who could more efficiently allocate their resources to this purpose rather than rely on corporations. However, modern theory known as corporate social responsibility (CSR), has complicated the situation in that stating that companies are not only responsible to its shareholders, but also to the stakeholders which its actions may impact (Freeman 1984). While this may seem to contradict the mantra of profit maximisation, Russo and Perrini (2010) suggest that in today’s conscience-minded society, success is based not only on maximising profit but also on a corporation’s stakeholder relationships, which include social and environmental issues. The important factor in understanding CSR is that organisations do not implement every possible aspects of CSR. Russo and Perrini (2010) state that CSR is now focused on a stakeholder model, although this is extremely dynamic in response to organisational changes.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The New Technology Essay Essay Example
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The New Technology Essay Essay From as far back as doing movies travel the 35mm camera has ever been about. for over 100 old ages now and if you watch a film made on 35mm you can understand why. The consequence it gives off is something else its non tellurian Television manner and it’s merely right. except one thing the monetary value ticket on the existent movie celluloid. Unfortunately there is no replacement or cheaper equivalent to 35mm for entering a film. However as we have advanced in the universe of engineering we now have a camera that is capable of entering with similar acuteness as 35mm The Digital Video Camera. The chief difference between movie and digital picture is the cost of entering and the expression it personifies. We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The New Technology Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The New Technology Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The New Technology Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Other differences include the weight easiness of duplicate and transportability. For a long clip digital recordings suffered from inferior sound and image quality when projected onto big screens. but recent progresss in computing machine processing storage and projection have overcome this job for their usage in theaters. Just in footings of the equipment needed a digital production is about a ? less than the cost of 35mm movie production. Unlike movie. digital formats require really small physical storage infinite. One of the ruins is they can be easy duplicated and uploaded to the cyberspace and a good point if this was legal is the movie will non lose any of its quality in the procedure. This all sounds excessively good. nevertheless its non every bit easy as it looks. certain you can purchase a DV camera down the route and do a half nice image if you put your head to it but how is it traveling to be screened? The job is cinemas have and have ever had projectors that play 35mm movie. Too enable a film to demo DV so it is traveling to hold to import a batch of new engineering. So to get down the ball turn overing film around the universe have to acquire rid of all the large projectors they have and ever have used and refit the film with new digital 1s. The following measure is they have to acquire online so they can stream the film as the thought is to stream the film which is all portion of doing digital movies easier in all Fieldss. However to be able to make all this will intend all different types of connexions to be fitted into the cinema/multiplex. In the long tally you can see this is a wise investing although it leaves a batch of people idle such as film distributers. celluloid companies non to advert adjunct camera men/women. sound men/women and other assorted workers on film sets. Well the truth is movie studios don’t truly care about them there non the cardinal factors to the revolution in movie to Digital Video the chief factor is Piracy and at the minute movie buccaneering can non be controlled or suppressed. 1 â€Å"The US gesture image industry loses more than $ 3 billion yearly in possible worldwide gross due to buccaneering. Due to the trouble in ciphering Internet buccaneering losingss. these figures are NOT presently included in the overall loss estimations. However. it is safe to presume Internet losingss cause untold extra amendss to the industry†. 2 Too day of the month there is merely one manager that has used DV to enter different shootings in a film and that is Gorge Lucas for his prequel Editions to the Star Wars trilogy. Star Wars Episode 2 Attack Of The Clones. During the cinematography of the movie Gorge Lucas used a DV camera. 3 The Sony HDC ( High Definition Camera ) F900 was the pick of camera. they shot at 24 progressive frames per second. The 24 frames fit in absolutely with the traditions of movie projection and redaction. â€Å"By non utilizing movie. the production squad saved the clip and money normally invested in movie stock and photochemical processing. and was able to achieve an image of unbelievable lucidity already in the digital medium ready for postproduction use†. 4 It has besides been noted that histrions themselves would instead work in-front of a DVC. There grounds for this are when working with DVC there are frequently two cameras ( whereas with 35mm there is merely one ) so they feel freer excessively work in-front of two instead than merely the 1. Another is that there is less force per unit area if they make a error as it won’t consequence in a loss of money because there is no movie in the camera merely memory it can easy be deleted and redone in a affair of seconds. One of the defects is because you have so much freeness and ample memory with the camera you can really free path of you entering and stop up with to much footage. An illustration of this is when a docudrama was being filmed there was so much infinite on the memory of the camera that 150hrs of memory was recorded for a 1hr docudrama. it turned out that it took a whole twelvemonth to redact down. This evidently seems a job in a sense that all first clip movie shapers are traveling to enter 100s of hours of footage but non needfully because they can now hold the package to redact their work on a place personal computer which means they can set more hours in at place to complete the occupation. I think entering in DV is a great thought when you think it opens the doors to so many more different genres of people. Hollywood may be against it for grounds I can sympathies with. you merely have to look at the music industry to see how much lawlessness buccaneering has caused but I don’t think they should govern it out. DV fundamentally means anyone who has of all time wanted to do a movie now has the chance to make so and it won’t be them the Earth. Cartridges for hive awaying film footage on. will put person back around 19 lb for a twosome of hours of memory and with a spot of clip spent on illuming and sound you can bring forth a quality image like Dancehall Queen ( Jamaican movie. filmed on a DVC ) . Although I am rather confident to assume at that place will non be any Hollywood blockbuster films being recorded via a DVC until buccaneering has been controlled as it is to risky to the industry of movie devising.
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