Thursday, December 26, 2019
Metabolic Control of Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus...
This paper is to critique a study conducted on the metabolic control of adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This one year study examines the impact of education and counseling on the metabolic control specifically in the Mexican population. Burns and Grove (2009) describe sampling as â€Å"a process of selecting subjects, events, behavior, or elements for participation in a study†. In this study, the researchers obtained a sample of the population to be studied by using the self-selection method. The participants were selected from a specific geographic area and adults affected by DMT 2 in ambulatory care setting agreed to be a part of the study after a door to door calling was conducted to identify the subjects. Creatinine level was†¦show more content†¦A nonprobability sampling was utilized. The creatinine level was checked before the participant took part in the study. The study participants had a similar socioeconomic status, same genetic homogeneity, and several years of formal education. The Research and Ethics Committee from the school nursing had a chance to analyze and approve the research proposal before the research begins to contact the participants. The researchers informed the participants of the contents and obtained consent from each participant. Participants were given the guarantee that confidentiality and the concept of beneficence would be respected. It was made clear to the participants that they could withdraw from the study at any time. Participation in the research was also voluntary. Measurements were taken at regular intervals on 5 different occasions. Since HbA1C is generally checked every 3 months the time interval was 3 months and the study went on for one full year which is equal to 12 months. Measurements taken include the anthropometrics and clinical as well four questionnaires with likert and multiple-choice scales (Gallegos, ovalle-Berumen, Gomez-Meza, 2006). The concept of reliability was included in the study. In fact, the reliability of each tool was tested and a value was included in the details about the study. The researchers assigned values to the score per individual to make the comparison process lessShow MoreRelatedDiabetes Mellitus And The Long Term Complications1385 Words  | 6 Pagesgeneral idea of diabetes mellitus, epidemiology, role factors and complications that arise from it, comparing and exhibiting the distinctions between type I type II diabetes, the people who are in jeopardy of developing diabetic renal diseases and hypertens ion due to the complications identifying the general pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus the long term complications that may transpire. 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The first type is Diabetes type one. â€Å"Type one (formerly known as type one; insulin–dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or juvenile diabetes.)†Lippincott, 2012 page1294 Type one cannot be prevented. There are only treatment options onRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus Type 2: A Research1511 Words  | 6 Pagescontributes to a serious metabolic disorder called Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. While not managed by insulin injections, it is nevertheless quite serious and has a number of progressing symptoms that, if not treated properly, can result in cardiovascular, renal and neurological problems, as well as amputation, ocular issues, and even cognitive dysfunction. Type II Diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, is also called non-insulin-dependent diabetes or aadult onset diabetes. It is a medical disorder
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The United States - 1676 Words
The concept of the United States is so ingrained into the hearts of Americans that it can be hard to imagine when the home of the brave did not exist. However, the early seventeenth century features the origins of a country no one could imagine at the time. It began with James I issuing a charter to the Virginia Company, known then as the London Company, in 1606, but it progressed from that rough start to become the first permanent English colony in North America, located in Jamestown. New additions soon came to what would be the United States: Plymouth in 1620; eastern Massachusetts in 1630; and finally Maryland in 1632. The first two colonized regions of North America by the British, the Chesapeake Bay and New England, faced early†¦show more content†¦All of the colonies had an underlying economic focus, which was personified in several different attempts among the colonies: Maryland’s widespread effort of encouraging settlement, which included policies of religious tolerance and their eventual adoption of a â€Å"headright†system; Virginia’s thriving tobacco production; the Pilgrims’ agricultural industry; and the Puritans’ trade with Native Americans. Both regions had colonies established by private companies with charters, such as the Massachusetts Bay Company in New England or the Virginia Company in the Chesapeake. The Puritans and Pilgrims had another reason for their departure from England: religious persecution, especially from James I. Due to this religious purpose, the two colonies in Massachusetts had more families, which added stability to a colony in its infancy; the Jamestown colony, on the other hand, had few families due to their disregard of the settlement as permanent. In regards to location, neither group was particularly intelligent in choosing a site to live: both Jamestown’s apparently well-calculated spot and Plymouth’s unintentional location were on marshlands. Their poor locat ion along with insufficient food and illness led to surprisingly and devastatingly high death tolls in the first year: 63.5% of Jamestown settlers, half of Plymouth’s population, and a third of the Puritans. Yet, the Jamestown colonies were particularly
Monday, December 9, 2019
Ethical and Governance Issues Raised free essay sample
Table of Contents 1Introduction2 2Discussion of case study2 2. 1Identification of the Ethical and Governance issues raised in the case study2 2. 2Critical analysis of the main ethical and the governance issues raised in the case study5 2. 3An evaluation of the conditions that enabled the issues identified to arise7 2. 4Recommendations to the company9 3Conclusion11 4References12 Introduction Apple is one of the most successful companies to date, they have dominated most of the markets they have entered, and all of this was able to become a reality because of Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple. He is seen as a somewhat genius when it comes to business, and his employees seem to be very satisfied, but what most people dont actually see are manufacturer workers of Apple, the employees in China who supply Apple’s products. We will delve into issues which have occurred at its suppliers over the past few years and will also investigate what Apple has done to rectify these problems. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical and Governance Issues Raised or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Finally we will present recommendations which Apple can implement to better the quality of life at its suppliers and thus become more socially responsible. Discussion of case study Identification of the Ethical and Governance issues raised in the case study The main ethical issue raised in the case study is whether it is right for companies such as Apple to be solely focussed on profit maximisation rather than also bettering the lives of its stakeholders. Apple has been highly successful in the past decade, having seen its share price soar thanks to its innovative products such as the iPod and the iPhone. In creating such products, they have become market leaders in their segments, and thus have been able to charge premiums for their products, which has translated into large profits for Apple. Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO, has been credited with creating products that understand the needs of its customers before they even know they need it. With such a strong focus on its products’ human interaction and user experience, it is unfortunate that Apple has forgotten about the companies that have helped make it so successful, namely the Chinese manufacturers of its products. In the drive for larger margins and lower product prices, Apple has forgotten to protect the quality of life of workers of its Chinese sub-contractors (Rein 2010c). The case study focuses on one such company, Foxconn, where six of its workers have committed suicide this year. This is widely presumed to be caused by the sub-standard working conditions. Last year, a worker accused with stealing an Apple iPhone prototype killed himself after being beaten by security guards (Rein 2010c). Physical abuse aside, there has also been reports noted in Apple’s 2010 audit that manufacturers are also making their workers exceed maximum stipulated working hours, not meeting occupational safety and health standards and are paying less than the minimum wage (Branigan 2010). The most recent outrage against Apple has been caused by the poisoning of at least 62 workers at Wintek, another Apple sub-contractor, due to the introduction of an unsafe chemical in the name of efficiency (Harvey 2010). The case study notes two reasons why Apple should care about the issues brought up. The first is that Apple’s reputation has taken a severe media beating due to the events noted. However, this has yet to translate to any conclusive loss of sales or decrease in share price, and therefore Apple has not needed to swiftly act upon this. In addition, although publications on ethics and corporate citizenship rankings exist, there is a lack of consistency between lists that creates confusion and effectively devalue their importance and guidance (Coster 2010). For example, a company may be able to be noted as an ethical company by in large paying to be on the list. Nevertheless, the world is becoming more mindful of its ethical responsibilities, as seen with the push for corporate social responsibility, so there is a real risk that these issues could cause considerable damage to Apple in the future. Secondly, there is a supply chain risk associated with the increasingly bad reputation of the Chinese manufacturers, given China’s rapidly changing labour market. Younger workers are becoming overly optimistic in their career options and are not willing to work in factories (Rein 2010a). With the growing bad reputation of the factories, the manufacturers are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit employees and retain good staff. As a result, maximum production outputs may not be utilised and there are greater costs and loss of efficiencies involved with worsening quality control of production due to staffing difficulties. Apple’s executives have been short-sighted in their drive to maximise profit. Shaun Rein (2010b) notes that â€Å"true leadership is about bettering the lives of the people around you†rather than simply making money at any price. While it can be argued that Apple can only do so much, for example, set out strict agreements on code of conducts of manufacturers, Apple can also be blamed for the lack of regulation of these agreements and pursuant action taken on breaches. Given the cases noted above, it is clear Apple’s executives can do more in its governance to become great leaders. It is also noted that evidence exists that governance to the ends of bettering the lives of stakeholders, as seen with Nike, may actually lead to profit maximization rather than be an overbearing cost on companies. 2 Critical analysis of the main ethical and the governance issues raised in the case study We will critically analysis the following two issues: (1) profit maximisation vs. orporate social responsibility; and (2) what has Apple actually done in regards to ensuring that its Chinese suppliers comply with Apple’s values. Corporations such as Apple, are constantly under pressure to maximise shareholder wealth, as shareholders are the ultimate owners of the company. A key proponent of this view was Nobel-Prize winning economist, Milton Friedman. Friedman states in a New York Times article (1962) that managers’ key responsibility as agents was t o the act in shareholders’ best interests; this was management’s social responsibility. By acting in the interest of others, such as the interest of society, management are not fulfilling their duty to shareholders and are effectively imposing a tax on shareholders, who could more efficiently allocate their resources to this purpose rather than rely on corporations. However, modern theory known as corporate social responsibility (CSR), has complicated the situation in that stating that companies are not only responsible to its shareholders, but also to the stakeholders which its actions may impact (Freeman 1984). While this may seem to contradict the mantra of profit maximisation, Russo and Perrini (2010) suggest that in today’s conscience-minded society, success is based not only on maximising profit but also on a corporation’s stakeholder relationships, which include social and environmental issues. The important factor in understanding CSR is that organisations do not implement every possible aspects of CSR. Russo and Perrini (2010) state that CSR is now focused on a stakeholder model, although this is extremely dynamic in response to organisational changes.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The New Technology Essay Essay Example
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The New Technology Essay Essay From as far back as doing movies travel the 35mm camera has ever been about. for over 100 old ages now and if you watch a film made on 35mm you can understand why. The consequence it gives off is something else its non tellurian Television manner and it’s merely right. except one thing the monetary value ticket on the existent movie celluloid. Unfortunately there is no replacement or cheaper equivalent to 35mm for entering a film. However as we have advanced in the universe of engineering we now have a camera that is capable of entering with similar acuteness as 35mm The Digital Video Camera. The chief difference between movie and digital picture is the cost of entering and the expression it personifies. We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The New Technology Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The New Technology Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The New Technology Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Other differences include the weight easiness of duplicate and transportability. For a long clip digital recordings suffered from inferior sound and image quality when projected onto big screens. but recent progresss in computing machine processing storage and projection have overcome this job for their usage in theaters. Just in footings of the equipment needed a digital production is about a ? less than the cost of 35mm movie production. Unlike movie. digital formats require really small physical storage infinite. One of the ruins is they can be easy duplicated and uploaded to the cyberspace and a good point if this was legal is the movie will non lose any of its quality in the procedure. This all sounds excessively good. nevertheless its non every bit easy as it looks. certain you can purchase a DV camera down the route and do a half nice image if you put your head to it but how is it traveling to be screened? The job is cinemas have and have ever had projectors that play 35mm movie. Too enable a film to demo DV so it is traveling to hold to import a batch of new engineering. So to get down the ball turn overing film around the universe have to acquire rid of all the large projectors they have and ever have used and refit the film with new digital 1s. The following measure is they have to acquire online so they can stream the film as the thought is to stream the film which is all portion of doing digital movies easier in all Fieldss. However to be able to make all this will intend all different types of connexions to be fitted into the cinema/multiplex. In the long tally you can see this is a wise investing although it leaves a batch of people idle such as film distributers. celluloid companies non to advert adjunct camera men/women. sound men/women and other assorted workers on film sets. Well the truth is movie studios don’t truly care about them there non the cardinal factors to the revolution in movie to Digital Video the chief factor is Piracy and at the minute movie buccaneering can non be controlled or suppressed. 1 â€Å"The US gesture image industry loses more than $ 3 billion yearly in possible worldwide gross due to buccaneering. Due to the trouble in ciphering Internet buccaneering losingss. these figures are NOT presently included in the overall loss estimations. However. it is safe to presume Internet losingss cause untold extra amendss to the industry†. 2 Too day of the month there is merely one manager that has used DV to enter different shootings in a film and that is Gorge Lucas for his prequel Editions to the Star Wars trilogy. Star Wars Episode 2 Attack Of The Clones. During the cinematography of the movie Gorge Lucas used a DV camera. 3 The Sony HDC ( High Definition Camera ) F900 was the pick of camera. they shot at 24 progressive frames per second. The 24 frames fit in absolutely with the traditions of movie projection and redaction. â€Å"By non utilizing movie. the production squad saved the clip and money normally invested in movie stock and photochemical processing. and was able to achieve an image of unbelievable lucidity already in the digital medium ready for postproduction use†. 4 It has besides been noted that histrions themselves would instead work in-front of a DVC. There grounds for this are when working with DVC there are frequently two cameras ( whereas with 35mm there is merely one ) so they feel freer excessively work in-front of two instead than merely the 1. Another is that there is less force per unit area if they make a error as it won’t consequence in a loss of money because there is no movie in the camera merely memory it can easy be deleted and redone in a affair of seconds. One of the defects is because you have so much freeness and ample memory with the camera you can really free path of you entering and stop up with to much footage. An illustration of this is when a docudrama was being filmed there was so much infinite on the memory of the camera that 150hrs of memory was recorded for a 1hr docudrama. it turned out that it took a whole twelvemonth to redact down. This evidently seems a job in a sense that all first clip movie shapers are traveling to enter 100s of hours of footage but non needfully because they can now hold the package to redact their work on a place personal computer which means they can set more hours in at place to complete the occupation. I think entering in DV is a great thought when you think it opens the doors to so many more different genres of people. Hollywood may be against it for grounds I can sympathies with. you merely have to look at the music industry to see how much lawlessness buccaneering has caused but I don’t think they should govern it out. DV fundamentally means anyone who has of all time wanted to do a movie now has the chance to make so and it won’t be them the Earth. Cartridges for hive awaying film footage on. will put person back around 19 lb for a twosome of hours of memory and with a spot of clip spent on illuming and sound you can bring forth a quality image like Dancehall Queen ( Jamaican movie. filmed on a DVC ) . Although I am rather confident to assume at that place will non be any Hollywood blockbuster films being recorded via a DVC until buccaneering has been controlled as it is to risky to the industry of movie devising.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
AP US History DBQ Articles of Confederation... essays
AP US History DBQ Articles of Confederation... essays An effective government is one that will responsibly carry out and defend the wishes and rights of the people, while keeping the country stable and strong. Between the years of 1781 and 1789 the Articles of Confederation failed to provide the United States with an effective government. The country was no in a stable state, economically, politically, or defensively. Under The Articles of Confederation the government could not levy taxes which added to a huge economic problem. The Articles also tried to limit the power of the central government and instead gave it to the states which turned out to be a completely unrealistic approach to creating a stable nation. However possibly the biggest weakness under The Articles of Confederation was the lack of defense. The American economy decreased significantly when the Articles of Confederation were ratified in 1781. (Doc B) This was because the Articles of Confederation did not grant the central government the power to regulate trade or tax. Instead taxation was left to the individual states. The states, having been granted power under The Articles of Confederation decided they would not pay. The citizens of the few states that did institute a tax to help pay the enormous debt of the war felt out of touch with their tax. Most did not know the current situation of the government nor did they care to and they did not know why they were being taxed. Instead they felt they were being taxed unfairly. This led to uprisings such as Shays Rebellion which threatened the government severely. The government also lacked the power to regulate trade. To one proposed tariff, the Rhode Island Assembly to Congress responded (Doc. A), [B]y granting to Congress a power to collect moneys from the commerce of the se repugnant to the liberty of the United States. Rhode Island felt that this tax was not in the interest of the people and it also thought ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Gram Positive vs. Gram Negative Bacteria
Gram Positive vs. Gram Negative Bacteria Most bacteria are classified into two broad categories: Gram positive and Gram negative. These categories are based on their cell wall composition and reaction to the Gram stain test. The Gram staining method, developed by Hans Christian Gram, identifies bacteria based upon the reaction of their cell walls to certain dyes and chemicals. The differences between Gram positive vs Gram negative bacteria are primarily related to their cell wall composition. Gram positive bacteria have cell walls composed mostly of a substance unique to bacteria known as peptidoglycan, or murein. These bacteria stain purple after Gram staining. Gram negative bacteria have cell walls with only a thin layer of peptidoglycan and an outer membrane with a lipopolysaccharide component not found in Gram positive bacteria. Gram negative bacteria stain red or pink after Gram staining. Gram Positive Bacteria The cell walls of Gram positive bacteria differ structurally from the cell walls of Gram negative bacteria. The primary component of bacterial cell walls is peptidoglycan. Peptidoglycan is a macromolecule composed of sugars and amino acids that are assembled structurally like woven material. The amino sugar component consists of alternating molecules of N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM). These molecules are crosslinked together by short peptides which help give peptidoglycan strength and structure. Peptidoglycan provides protection for bacteria and defines their shape. This image shows the cell wall composition of Gram positive bacteria. CNX OpenStax/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 4.0 The Gram positive cell wall has several layers of peptidoglycan. The thick layers of peptidoglycan help to support the cell membrane and provide a place of attachment for other molecules. The thick layers also enable Gram positive bacteria to retain most of the crystal violet dye during Gram staining causing them to appear purple. Gram positive cell walls also contain chains of teichoic acid that extend from the plasma membrane through the peptidoglycan cell wall. These sugar-containing polymers assist in maintaining cell shape and play a role in proper cell division. Teichoic acid helps some Gram positive bacteria to infect cells and cause disease. Some Gram positive bacteria have an additional component, mycolic acid, in their cell walls. Mycolic acids produce a waxy outer layer that provides additional protection for mycobacteria, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Gram positive bacteria with mycolic acid are also called acid-fast bacteria because they require a special staining method, known as acid-fast staining, for microscope observation. Pathogenic Gram positive bacteria cause disease by the secretion of toxic proteins known as exotoxins. Exotoxins are synthesized within the prokaryotic cell and released into the exterior of the cell. They are specific to certain bacterial stains and can cause serious damage to body organs and tissues. Some Gram negative bacteria also produce exotoxins. Gram Positive Cocci Gram positive cocci refer to Gram positive bacteria that are spherically shaped. Two genera of Gram positive cocci noted for their role as human pathogens are Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. Staphylococcus are spherical in shape and their cells appear in clusters after they divide. Streptococcus cells appear as long chains of cells after division. Examples of Gram positive cocci that colonize the skin include Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes. Staphylococcus aureus is a Gram-positive coccus (round) bacteria that is found on the skin and mucous membranes of humans and many animals. The bacteria are usually harmless, but infections can occur on broken skin or within a blocked sweat or sebaceous gland, resulting in boils, pustules and abscesses. Paul Gunning/Science Photo Library/Getty Images While all three are part of the normal human microbiota, they can cause disease under certain conditions. Staphylococcus epidermidis form thick biofilms and can cause infections associated with implanted medical devices. Some Staphylococcus aureus strains, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), have become resistant to antibiotics and can lead to the development of serious illness. Streptococcus pyogenes can cause strep throat, scarlet fever, blood poisoning, and flesh-eating disease. Gram Negative Bacteria Like Gram positive bacteria, the Gram negative bacterial cell wall is composed of peptidoglycan. However, the peptidoglycan is a single thin layer compared to the thick layers in Gram positive cells. This thin layer does not retain the initial crystal violet dye but picks up the pink color of the counterstain during Gram staining. The cell wall structure of Gram negative bacteria is more complex than that of Gram positive bacteria. Located between the plasma membrane and the thin peptidoglycan layer is a gel-like matrix called periplasmic space. Unlike in Gram positive bacteria, Gram negative bacteria have an outer membrane layer that is external to the peptidoglycan cell wall. Membrane proteins, murein lipoproteins, attach the outer membrane to the cell wall. This image shows the cell wall composition of Gram negative bacteria. CNX OpenStax/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 4.0 Another unique characteristic of Gram negative bacteria is the presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules on the outer membrane. LPS is a large glycolipid complex that protects bacteria from harmful substances in their environment. It is also a bacterial toxin (endotoxin) that can cause inflammation and septic shock in humans if it enters the blood. There are three components of the LPS: Lipid A, a core polysaccharide, and an O antigen. The lipid A component attaches the LPS to the outer membrane. Attached to the lipid A is the core polyssaccharide. It is located between the lipid A component and the O antigen. The O antigen component is attached to the core polyssaccharide and differs between bacterial species. It can be used to identify specific strains of harmful bacteria. Gram Negative Cocci Gram negative cocci refer to Gram negative bacteria that are spherically shaped. Bacteria of the genus Neisseria are examples of Gram negative cocci that cause disease in humans. Neisseria meningitidis is diplococcus, meaning that its spherical cells remain in pairs after cell division. Neisseria meningitidis causes bacterial meningitis and can also cause septicemia and shock. Neisseria meningitidis are spherical, Gram negative bacteria which cause meningitis in humans. The bacteria are typically seen in pairs, each one concave on the side facing its partner. Health Protection Agency/Science Photo Library/Getty Images Another diplococcus bacterium, N. gonorrhoeae, is the pathogen responsible for the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea. Moraxella catarrhalis is a Gram negative diplococcus that causes ear infections in children, upper respiratory system infections, endocarditis, and meningitis. Gram negative coccobacillus bacteria have bacterial shapes that are in between spherical and rod shaped. Bacteria of the genus Haemophilus and Acinetobacter are coccobacilli that cause serious infections. Haemophilus influenzae can cause meningitis, sinus infections, and pneumonia. Acinetobacter species cause pneumonia and wound infections. Key Points: Gram Positive vs. Gram Negative Bacteria Most bacteria can be broadly classified as Gram positive or Gram negative.Gram positive bacteria have cell walls composed of thick layers of peptidoglycan.Gram positive cells stain purple when subjected to a Gram stain procedure.Gram negative bacteria have cell walls with a thin layer of peptidoglycan. The cell wall also includes an outer membrane with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules attached.Gram negative bacteria stain pink when subjected to a Gram stain procedure.While both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria produce exotoxins, only Gram negative bacteria produce endotoxins. Sources Silhavy, T. J., et al. The Bacterial Cell Envelope. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, vol. 2, no. 5, 2010, doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a000414.Swoboda, Jonathan G., et al. Wall Teichoic Acid Function, Biosynthesis, and Inhibition. ChemBioChem, vol. 11, no. 1, June 2009, pp. 35–45., doi:10.1002/cbic.200900557.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Language learning process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Language learning process - Essay Example The most important factor for educationists however remain that the very natural devices can be adopted, enhanced and used in a pedagogical manner to make the academic training of language learning possible. Language learning therefore entails both natural and academic processes. Generally, language is acquired by the reinforcement of the child’s natural ability to learn language. For this reason, a child will not be able to speak any native language if he or she lives in say the forest since infancy and never hears anyone speak. In the same way, a child who was not born with natural language acquisition device cannot speak any native language no matter the effort put into making the person speak. This means that language learning process is indeed a two way affair. The cultural background of any child is very instrumental in the language learning process of that child. Indeed, there are research works that â€Å"demonstrate that values and customs are manifested not only in non-verbal communication but also in verbal communication in that native language influences the speakers’ ways of using a non-native language†(Gao, 1998). ... atus than that of the culture in which they are learning the language make slower progress.†Culture may also affect language learning process in other ways such as the availability of native language. Thus, children who learn language in the midst of several other native languages are likely to master a particular language slowly. Again, if the language structure of a particular culture is too complicated, children are likely to learn slowly. Culture, would indeed remain important in language acquisition because â€Å"not all languages appear to share much in common, and their diversity seems to defy the idea that there could be something universal underlying all languages that is coded into our species at the gene-level†(Early Advantage, 2011). Culture would however remain very important because if for nothing at all, culture requires that every child learns a native language. †¢ Plan and implement experiences (2-3 initially, then more at your discretion) through which the children can learn more about and extend their topic/s of interest. Record/document children’s responses and adult:child interactions during these experiences. Experiences of children Use of non-verbal gestures Verbal response to questions Children try to use stress to lay emphasis but stress is placed at the wrong places Intonation of children not very clear Children can spell 2 and 3 letter words. These experiences were observed through children’s interactions with adults. †¢ Plan and implement strategies to introduce opportunities for talk, new vocabulary and print materials into these experiences to encourage emergent literacy understandings in the children. Record these strategies and children’s interactions (child: child, child: adult). The systematic strategies used in helping
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Improving Palm Chemist Systems To Cope With The Expansion Needs Essay
Improving Palm Chemist Systems To Cope With The Expansion Needs - Essay Example Through its continuous growing demand in the products required by its clients, the company is building a big pharmaceutical store which will be conducted in three phases. With this demand, it is no doubt that the firm requires a technological system that is secure and efficient to ensure timely distribution of its products. The firm therefore requires a secure system that connects the entire departments and track sales of all the products. The first phase of the Palmcy chemist was a detailed demonstration of electronic messaging through the use of the GSI system within its supply chain management. The demonstration showed the successful application of bar coding and messaging of various departments of ordering, packing, dispatching and receipting of various products as manufactured by the company. Some of the benefits which were recorded during phase one included reduction in the time of receipt time by 25%, embracement of technology by the staff members and enhanced accuracy. The second phased focused on the broadening of the first phase through the expansion of the project implementation scope, project team, and reduced difficulties during the implementation. The areas of implementation of the system were mainly identified in the second phase. They were mainly driven by some of the learning in the first phase, which includes - Identification and the bar coding of various pharmaceutical; and related products as manufactured by Palmcy chemist.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Let’s Go to the Beach Essay Example for Free
Let’s Go to the Beach Essay It was summer, last year; in July 15th the hotter day of the season made me took to my young son, my niece, and my mom to the beach. It was noon, when I noticed that my mom to come from Mexico who was visiting me for some months was getting bore at home. Because she loves to be in Mexico, when she visited me I have to do fun thinks to extend her stay with me. Thinking what should I do to make her happy I had a great idea come to me and I told them â€Å"let’s go to the beach†. Without hesitation my mom said â€Å"yes†. I asked my ten years old son and my fourteen years old niece if they could help me to hold her because my mom’s troubles to walk alone. With a very blue sky, hot and yellow sun and the kid’s support with my mom I thought that it would be a perfect day to take my mom to the beach. My mom and I would not expect that going to the beach at a beautiful day, in a blink we will be terrified and involved others to spoil their beautiful day too. Planning to have a perfect day at Seascape Beach Resort, I learn that by my mistake inadvertence the brighter day, would become in a nightmare turning our day in a darkness day. After to invite my family to the beach, quickly I had to package some staff that we need to spend all day at the beach. I gave to my niece some appropriately cloths to go to the beach, my son wore his sandals, short and a light t shirt. Faster, I dressed a short and sandals too but my mom who though that she wont get wet to the beach, she did not want to change her beautiful light green pants and her write blouse that she was wearing. After we changed our clothes, I got four towels, my sunglasses, and a cap. As my purpose was to stay six hours at the beach, I made some sandwiches, water bottlers I cut a sweet watermelon, a cantaloupe, and bananas. Having it, I tough it is all that we need to get fun at the beach. Exited to be at the beach, my mom and the kids were into my car happily where my mom was in the font, my niece and my son on the back sets. Taking the 101 north highway, I drove to the road of the Seascape Beach Resort. While I was driving, we were listening Spanish music to made my mom felt much more relax. Even though the day was hot we were happy because I turned the air condition in and there was not traffic and we laughed, joked each other, and we talked about the beautiful day that we would expected to have. After twenty minutes driving, we arrived to the parking lot As I worked at Seascape Beach Resort for seven years, I knew where I should park my car safety for a long time and how to get to the beach while we can enjoy the scene of the path. Getting out towels and food, I was trying to leave my cell phone in my car, when my mom saw it she told me â€Å"bring it I’ll take care of it, I won’t be wet in the beach. †Easily, she convinced me and she put my cell in her pans packet. Because the hotter day, anxiously my niece and my son wanted to get wet and play with the sand, so they walk faster. Feeling my niece and my son the smell of the beach, they could not wait to touch the cold water. Recently my mom got a total knee replay surgery; she was unable to walk faster as my niece and my son. Taking the path of the beach, they let my mom and me behind. Frequently, I used to take my son at this beach, so they knew the path very well that tis why I allowed them to walk quickly. Whishing this beautiful day for my mom were unforgettable we walked slowly holding my moms hand, enjoying the view through the beachs path. Feeling the freshener of the green threes, getting relax with a beautiful fountains, looking at the flower gardens, and when we were close to the beach we enjoy the smell of the beach. After a few minutes with an enjoyable rode of the beach, we finally were at the beach. Before this day I took my mom to the same beach to watch the waves sitting on the beach’s bench and got refresh because her weakness of her knee. I wanted my mom has a perfect day, pampering her, I said yes for that entire she wanted without though that a nightmare will happen to us. Feeling my mom attracted to the waves and the beachs freshness and the smell of the breeze she asked me if she could get wet her feet. â€Å"Why not†, I said her. Caring my mom shoes in my left hand and my right hand holding her, slowly, we started to walk. Felling the burner sand in our feet, we continued to walk into the wet sand. With a very beautiful blue sky, and fresh waves, my mom feet happy and relax. After, we met with my son and my niece, who were playing with the sand and getting wet with the waves; I told them â€Å"my mom wants her feet get wet, we will be walking right there to the beach†. With Disregard they said â€Å"yes†because they were very busy with the waves. A few minutes ago, still walking under the wet sand, my mom wanted her feet touch the cooler water. Feeling the coolness of the breeze, touching our face and smelling the fragrance of the beach, my mom feet got wet. Two minutes later, walking still slowly under the sand a very small wave was coming to us. Happily, my mom and I, we were waiting the wave. Suddenly, I saw a very big wave coming to us. Immediately, I told my mom: lets go back quickly a big wave is coming towards us†. Even though I want to walk faster, my mom was unable to do because my mom’s knee weakness. Then, the big wave reached us soon. Holding my mom’s hand she, felt down lay at the water. Because my back injured I was incapable to stand up her. Terrify, for a few seconds, and unable to help my mom, I saw some people far of us. Frighten, and desperate because my mom was in danger to be driven for more big waves that were coming to us, I was holding tightly my moms hand; with my other hand I made some signal wishing the American’s family help. Fortunately, they saw my hands signal, so they guest that we need help. Two minutes later, they were coming one by one to help us. First it was just a lady who was trying to stand up by pulling my mom, while I tried to push her, but we could not stand up her. Soon, they were four more people who arrived to get her up. Thankfully to the kindly family help, by my negligence to allow my niece and my son to separate of my mom instead of held them to be close to my mom while she waked I spoiled the beautiful day to this family also. My mom, totally wet and dirty her light green pants and white blouse when her shoes were driven by the waves too, finally, we got my mom up. Immediately, the kindly family called to Seascape beach life guard to be sure that my mom was not injured. Because she was shaking for the tragedy and the cold water friendly, they sat her down in one of their chair that they had, trying to calm down, cleaning and drying, her with their big new towels that they had. Pampering my mom and waiting for the safe guard they frequently, need me, to asked her if she was fine because my mom cannot speak any English word. After twenty minutes of my moms tragedy I remembered that my son and my niece also were there. Still trembling I told the family members that there were two kids with us. Then, my son and my niece were called by one lady of this family witch let they know about my mom tragedy. Generously, around half an hour, my mom was pampering by this family while we were still waiting for the life guard, such us surrounding her, warming, hugging, and trying to make her safe outside the water. A few minutes later, the life guard came to us, when in detail, the family explained to the guy all about my moms accident and telling the guy about my mom’s recently knee surgery. Immediately, her blood pressure, her knee surgery, and everything of my mom were examined by the safe guard. Patiently, they helped her to ride the big truck when she was transported the outside of the beach. They also arranged with the bell men to give us a shuttle to my car because my moms shoes were missing, even though the bell boy was known to me because we were co-workers. Helplessness, how as humans bad things can happened and we cannot help ourselves, so we just ask others for help. Luckily, the generosity of this family save my mom to be browned at the beach, this nightmare taught me that they are some places when should I not take my mom by myself. Even though I have been giving the best care at my home for a long time, with my mom’s back, hip, and knee problems and her seven and eight years old and my back problem it was my big mistake to took her to the beach alone. With our short stance and bad experience at the beach, we back inside my car quite grateful with the American family who save my mom life.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
McCarthy :: essays research papers
While I cannot take the time to name all of the men in the State Department who have been named as members of the Communist party and members of a spy ring, I have here in my hand a list of 205 that were known to the Secretary of the State as being members of the Communist party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department. (Bayley, 1981,p.17) This story is held responsible for sparking the McCarthyism era. The incidents following it, represent a journalistic period paralleled to the Christian views of the Spanish Inquisition; a time period of branded embarrassment and horror never to be forgotten. Later McCarthy said the number he gave in his speech was not 205 but 57. The fact is that Desmond had a written copy of the speech before McCarthy gave it, but he could have changed the number to 57 when he actually presented the speech. Regardless, the number 57 would have been just as shocking as 205. The reporter's ethics and/or practices were questionable in handling this story. Why he did not ask to see the list of 205 Communists? If he did, history may have been different, for as McCarthy said himself "what he held in his hand was the Byrnes letter, not a list."(Bayley, 1981, p.24) If Desmond had reported that McCarthy was holding a letter, not a list, the newspapers would have handled the story much differently. A letter from one person to another, which suggests unfit employees, would have made much less news than the illusion of an actual list of names. This lack of verification, was one of many press blunders that followed over the next few weeks. In general the press' poor practice would be carried out for the next five years. "I have here in my hand,..." was a phrase that "became more popular than a famous toothpaste slogan,"(Belfrage, 1973, p.117) which he used on an infinite number of occasions to refer to documents he would pull from his briefcase to support wild accusations. The legitimacy of the documents much like that of the accusations seemed never to have been verified by the reporters on sight. The Byrnes's letter that McCarthy pulled out on February 9, 1950 was one of these unchecked documents. The content of the letter gives us insight into McCarthy's ability to manipulate the facts, and cover his tracks just enough so that an unambitious, negligent reporter would help him spread his word. The letter from which the number 205 is extracted is dated 26 July 1946, from Secretary of State James F.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Media Influence on Violence in Society
The human condition and its thirst for violence have been around for centuries. Dating back to times of war as early as the crusades and even biblical recordings of Cain and Able. Violence in correlation to evolution has grown and taken different forms to affect the populous. As stated before it was something that was used with a purpose in some respect , one that could be deemed noble, than that of a cause used for pleasure. Entertainment and the promotion of violence have been around for ages.During times of he Ancient Roman Era, slaves that were turned Into warriors also know as Gladiator, were brought into arenas filled with tens of thousands of spectators and force to killed and use violence to be deemed victorious. With that victory came spoils such as status lavish gifts or in some cases their freedom. This example is used as a highlight to showcase that the violent acts that occurred was very popular and was by its nature considered to be entertaining to the citizens that att ended the events and the upper class whom put on the show.In those times the elite that put on the show did so as means o satisfy a burdened lower class whom otherwise due to conditions of hardships would tool of public violence, though in present time by a reasonable person standard can be found to be immoral, was something that the ruling class used to its benefit. The Exploitation of violence still remains a functional tool used for the powers that be, in present times it has evolved from a means of distraction to a tool with which one can exploit and benefit monetarily.Which brings to question is the exploitation and marketing of violence and crime by way of violence in media morally irresponsible? To date some of the greatest media shows and films maintain an aspect of violence that is furthered through acts of criminality. Some of the examples include the all time blockbuster of Surface. With the film it depicts a foreign immigrant that rises the top of success through the use of malicious violence and illegal behaviors including the selling of drugs. The film up to date has earned gross income of over a $150 million worldwide. 1) This statistics goes to show how much people prescribed to the viewing of the movie withstanding the profits of secondary promotions of the films brand through researches and other auxiliary outlets. Another great American depiction of crime is that of a famous fictional Mob family the Sopranos. This popular Television show depicts conducted, and how the use and promotion of violence is a necessary means or bi- product in the road to success. This widely loved brand has went on to gross over $160 dollars as per statistic provided through factual evidences shown through TV station A&E actions where committed to paid 2. Million per episode for the brands whole catalog (2). This large amount that a station was willing to pay can be seen as a perfect gaslight to exactly how popular the show was with society at large and what their valuation was really be esteemed to be. Fast forwarding too recent hit with society can highlight the show Breaking Bad. This show finds it overarching plot showcasing classic everyday middle class individual who is force by outside and internal circumstance to go against societal norms and engage in illegal activity and the use violence in the furtherance of such activities.Through out the show the viewer is enticed by the wins the average man can attain if he Just decided to walk the path of using violence and prescribing to illegal activities. This show more so that the others that proceeded this description is more influential to society at large as society is made up of average people going through problems such as the main character of this show. Hardships coming from economic factors, familial factors, and internal struggles all testify to the connections that bring user back and keep them engaged.The leading show is vague as per available information. It is easily held that the show would be able to net numbers vastly over that of other hits like the Sopranos. With popular culture acceptance that these shows maintain it is easy to see that present day powers that be studios†are making a killing and stand to continue to profit of the back of the tenants of the use of violence in entertainment. Though these worlds and stories are fictional in nature, society and certain cultures have adapted these tenants to success into their realities.Statistics show that in 2012 Number of people arrested in the U. S on drug charges were 1. 55 million (4) Number of Americans incarcerated in 2011 in federal, state and local prisons and jails: 2,266,800 or 1 in every 99. 1 adults, the highest incarceration rate in the world. Two thirds is the Fraction of people incarcerated for a drug offense in state prisons hat are majority represented by black or Hispanics (5) Are the statistics enough to assert that the these offenses are reflective of content that viewers are taking in with regard to movies and TV shows.Though hard to say yes as a definitive answer, the supporting and subsequent information that has been obtain is enough to bring validity to the question itself. Articles pulled from the NY Times express that â€Å"A study set for publication in the December issue of Pediatrics confirms what some of Hollywood sharpest critics have suspected: The level of gun violence in the top- ailing PIG-13 movies has been rising, and it now exceeds that in the most popular R- rated films.Violent encounters with guns occur, on average, more than twice an hour in the best sellers in both ratings categories, according to researchers, who worked with support from the Ennobler Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. In all, the researchers examined 945 movies, counting the appearances of overall violence in each five- minute segment of a sampling of films that ranked among the top 30 at the domestic b ox office from 1950 to 2012. Perhaps not surprisingly, the results †reported by Brad J.Bushman of Ohio State University, and Patrick E. Jameson, Lana White and Daniel Roomer of the Ennobler center †showed that violence in American films had more than doubled in that time. But the authors also found that episodes of gun violence in PIG- 13 rated films had been rising since the rating was introduced in the mid-asses, and it now surpasses the violence in R-rated films, which are technically not open to young viewers unless they are accompanied by an adult. Speaking by telephone last week, Mr†¦Roomer, one of the authors, acknowledged that the study, by focusing only on the top- selling movies each year, said as much about audience said. â€Å"We recognize that, and the movie industry realizes it. †Mr†¦ Roomer said he believed that movie studios were â€Å"taking films that have a lot of violence and putting them into the PIG-13 category. †(7) This stands as another highlight to the fact that the powers that be â€Å"studios†exploit the use of violence in their content to rake in revenue. The information provided above sheds specific light on the practices of gearing the violence to a younger audience.Smart tactic from a business standpoint in that it builds legacy and cultures your view to what you would like them to, and in a sense locking in continued sales for a longer period of time. Though a good business tactic to gain profits morally it can be seen by the reasonable man to be irresponsible. Viewer of that age range tend to be more impressionable and violence or depictions of violence should be the last thing that is being fed to them during a movie experience. Supporting information obtained from the Rewets also express the new found statistics on the how violence in PIG-13 movies are at an all time high.The article states Research shows that teens frequently choose to watch extremely violent films. Among the top-grossing films in 2012, rated PIG-13, were such violence- packed dramas as ‘Safely', ‘The Avengers', ‘Taken 2', ‘The Dark Knight Rises' and ‘The Amazing Spider-Man'. According to the study, conducted by the Ennobler Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania and Ohio State University, violence in films has more than doubled since 1950, while gun violence in PIG-13-rated films, especially popular among younger people, has more than tripled since 1985.The article goes on to express that â€Å"Seeing guns in films might also provide youth with scripts for using guns,†the authors of the study ‘Gun Violence Trends in Movies' warn. The article really hammers home the reality that comes with violence in movies when it continues by expressing It's disturbing that PIG-13 movies are filled with so much gun violence, We know that movies teach children how adults behave, and they make gun use appear exciting and attractive,†says study co-author and the director of the Ennobler Center's Adolescent Communication Institute, Dan Roomer. It the goes into the theory of the weapons effect conveying.A number of scientific studies have previously concluded that the mere presence of guns can increase aggression, a phenomenon dubbed the â€Å"weapons effect. †00†³By including guns in violent scenes, film producers may be strengthening the weapons effect and providing youth with scripts for using guns,†the authors of the study, published in the latest issue of the US Pediatrics Journal, emphasize. The article finally wraps up its case by giving prime example of the effect of violence in movie having real world consequences through the recent case of the James Holmes and the Dark Knight movie massacre.The article states They give an example when movies have served as a catalyst for violence. In July 2012, James Holmes bought a ticket to see the new Batman movie in Colorado. About 20 minutes after th e show started, the 25- year-old left the theater and returned dressed in full tactical gear, equipped with several guns and a huge amount of ammunition. Holmes, who later identified himself to the police as ‘The Joker', launched two canisters that emitted tear gas and began firing into the crowd, killing 12 and wounding 70 others. Rewets. Com) Though that example is a horrific and unthinkable reality, movie influence on sack to times before the ox's. The Hollywood reporter highlights a gang fight that broke out on the scene of a drive in theatre to the movie the Warriors. The article states Ata drive-in theater in Palm Springs, members of the Blue Coats, an African- American gang, got into it with members off white gang, The Family. A 19-year-old member of The Family was shot to death. (Wholeheartedly. Mom) As stated before it is very hard to exactly determine if any of these violent acts can be directly and wholly attributed to violence depicted in films, but a reasonable pe rson would be able to infer that the violence showcased maintains an influential ole in effecting its viewers. It now brings to table the debate on whether acting in this manner should be something that maintains protections under the freedom of speech/expression amendment or if it should Just be deemed negligence on the part of the studios who load the films with violence and market it too public who may later act upon the viewed behaviors and events in the picture.Movie studios may contend that they maintain no liability as to the actions that are later committed by a viewer of a movie, they may also contend that having violence in the movie can help n effort to fuel and evoke emotions and feelings off particular scene. Though true with a valid basis it's hard to find in favor of the studios and their art defenses as they as proven above with information blatantly market their violent content to a younger demographic. One that does not by regulation need a parental figure to be pr esent in order for them to view it.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Porters Generic Strategies Essay
Strategy concerns two factors, deciding where you want a business to go, and deciding how to get there. According to Grant (2010) â€Å"A firm can achieve a higher rate of profit (or potential profit) over a rival in one of two ways: either it can supply an identical product or service at a lower cost, or it can supply a product or service that is differentiated in such a way that the customer is willing to pay a price premium that exceeds the additional cost of differentiation.†This provides the company with a different type of competitive advantage, either cost or differentiation. To attain cost advantage, a firm must aim to be a cost leader, and minimise expenses and outlays at every stage within the value chain. Porter (1985) wrote that to achieve differentiation advantage, a firm must â€Å"provide something unique that is valuable to buyers beyond simply offering a low price†These two strategies form half of Porter’s (1985) generic strategies model, which are contained within the ‘broad’ dimension. Cost leadership requires key strategy elements such as scale-efficient plants, outsourcing abroad (such as HP computers) and a design process that is heavily focused on the manufacturing of the products. Resources and capabilities should include access to capital, tight cost control and specialisation of jobs and functions, with incentives linked to quantitative targets. Alternatively differentiation requires emphasis on branding, advertising, quality, service and new product development. To accomplish this a firm needs superior marketing abilities, creativity, and strong research and development resources. The second, ‘narrow scope’, dimension presents the other generic strategies; cost focus and differentiation focus. Companies using focus strategies will target niche markets and, by understanding the dynamics of that market and the unique needs of the customers within it, develop uniquely low cost or well specified products within that market. Tailoring their products for customers tends to lead to a strong brand image, and companies can rely significantly upon their reputation to maintain sales. This can detract new entrants to niche markets with established suppliers. The key to succeed within the focus dimension of Porter’s (1985) box diagram is to make sure the company is adding something of value as a result of serving only a niche market. Porter’s generic strategies do have various criticisms. Firstly, it is possible for a company to perform to two strategies and succeed, whilst avoiding becoming ‘stuck in the middle’. Nissan in China, for example, try to cater for the low cost and market whilst also offering automobiles for more elite customers. This has proved hugely successful, with high performance cars such as the GT-R (retailing for as much as  £120,000) selling just as consistently as the Micra ( £10,000). This directly contradicts Porter’s claim that â€Å"the firm stuck in the middle is almost guaranteed low profitability. In addition, many companies enter the market focusing on a particular niche, but then their initial success enables them to expand and utilise other generic strategies. A great example of this is McDonalds, who initially targeted children, with the Happy Meal and the character of Ronald McDonald. They realised they were missing out on a huge segment of the ma rket – adults, so each new advertising campaign became more sophisticated until it catered for all ages. Interestingly, the food that is sold has not changed significantly, just the marketing behind it. Another problem with Porter’s model is that the strategy alone does not guarantee success. For example, a firm cannot generate consistently high profits simply by offering the lowest price due to cost leadership. Low price does not sell products without any other strategy, people may believe that if a product is significantly cheaper, it is therefore of lower quality and not worth buying. The company needs a reputable brand to ensure customers know they are getting value for money and not just being ripped off. Strong marketing is needed to portray the image that the product is at least as good a standard as its competitors while stressing the difference in price. An additional factor is that of imitability. The knowledge provided in Porter’s texts is freely available, so no differential advantage can be gained from them, unless they are interpreted in idiosyncratic ways. Treacy & Wiersema (1995) put forward an alternative approach to attaining market value advantage. The 3 basic routes were operational excellence, product leadership and customer intimacy. Alternatively Bowmans strategy clock looks at different combinations of price against perceived value of the product. This provides a powerful way of looking how to establish and sustain a competitive position in a market driven economy. However, in a more recent paper, Bowman (2008) argues that whilst Porters generic strategies are useful, they cannot provide all the answers. He claims that at best they are â€Å"food for thought†, and at worst they are â€Å"a substitute for thinking†.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The lex
The lex Cohen 1Alejandro CohenMrs. WuHistory 8April 18 2013How my character would react to sections 18-2/8After the Civil War many changes had to be applied to the south, and the north. What would the south do with their plantations if they had no slaves? How could they make cotton? Also what problems are occurring in the north and how would they make their clothing without cotton?The North one the Civil war but still had some economic problems. Around 800,000 soldiers needed jobs, and they lost more soldiers in the Civil war than the south did. This would affect my character because he was a commander in the war so it would be hard for him to find a job now. Although the war was mainly fought in the south the north still faced economic problems.Now that slaves were freemen, how would the south make their money.Dred Scott, whose famous case to gain his freedom ...Two thirds of southern railroads were destroyed in the war, the cities of Columbia, Richmond, and Atlanta had been leveled. Almost all southern banks were closed, and people didn't get their money back that they lend the confederacy. This would'n affect my character because he lives in the north.When president Lincoln outlined the Ten Percent Plan my character was somewhat happy. My character did not like the south at all but he did want the union to be together once again. The plan was to reconstruct the south. This included amnesty or government pardon, to Confederates who swore loyalty to the union. This was a good decision by lincoln because it got the Union closer together.When lincoln was assassinated April 14, 1865, my character was very sad and couldn't get this tragedy out of his head. How could someone do such a thing. My character thought...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Telephone Vocabulary in Mandarin Chinese
Telephone Vocabulary in Mandarin Chinese The conventions for making and answering phone calls in Mandarin Chinese are similar to English. The main difference is that calls are usually answered with ââ€" ºwà ¨i, which is a way of saying â€Å"hello†used only on the phone. Knowledge of Mandarin numbers from zero to 9 is needed to give and understand phone numbers, so we will begin with a Mandarin number review. Mandarin Number Review Audio files are marked with ââ€" º 0 ââ€" ºlà ng1 ââ€" ºyÄ «2 ââ€" ºÃƒ ¨r3 ââ€" ºsÄ n4 ââ€" ºsà ¬5 ââ€" ºwÇâ€6 ââ€" ºlià ¹7 ââ€" ºqÄ «8 ââ€" ºbÄ 9 ââ€" ºjidžTelephone Vocabulary é› »Ã¨ © ±mobile phoneââ€" ºxà ng dà ²ng din hu / ââ€" ºshÇ’u jÄ «Ã¨ ¡Å'å‹•é› »Ã¨ © ± / 手æ ©Å¸faxââ€" ºchun zhÄ“nå‚ ³Ã§Å"Ÿhello (for telephone only)ââ€" ºwà ¨iÃ¥â€"‚what telephone number?ââ€" ºjÇ hoÃ¥ ¹ ¾Ã¨â„¢Å¸call the wrong numberââ€" ºdÄÆ' cuà ² le打éÅ' ¯Ã¤ ºâ€ busy lineââ€" ºjiÇŽng hu zhÃ… ngè ¬â€ºÃ¨ © ±Ã¤ ¸ answer the phoneââ€" ºjiÄ“ din huæŽ ¥Ã©â€º »Ã¨ © ±please wait a momentââ€" ºqÇ ng dÄ›ng yÄ « xiè «â€¹Ã§ ‰ä ¸â‚¬Ã¤ ¸â€¹please leave a message (verbal)ââ€" ºqÇ ng lià º ynè «â€¹Ã§â€¢â„¢Ã¨ ¨â‚¬leave a message (written)ââ€" ºlià º zà ¬ tioç•™å â€"æ ¢ area codeââ€" ºqÃ… « yà ¹ mÇŽå €åŸŸç ¢ ¼internationalââ€" ºguà ³ jà ¬Ã¥Å"‹éš›long distanceââ€" ºchng tà ºÃ©â€¢ ·Ã©â‚¬â€direct dialââ€" ºzhà bÃ… ç› ´Ã¦â€™ ¥telephone companyââ€" ºdin xà ¬n jà ºÃ¢â‚¬â€¹Ã©â€º »Ã¤ ¿ ¡Ã¥ ±â‚¬ Telephone Dialogue One A: Hello.B: Hello. Is Mr. Wang there?A: I’m sorry, you have the wrong numberB: Is this 234-5677?A: No, this is 234-9877.B: Sorry!A: No problem.A: ââ€" ºWà ¨i.B: ââ€" ºWà ¨i. QÇ ng wà ¨n Wng xiÄ n sheng zi ma?A: ââ€" ºDuà ¬ bu qÇ , nÇ dÇŽ cuà ² le.B: ââ€" ºZhà ¨ lÇ shà ¬ 234-5677 ma?A: ââ€" ºBà º shà ¬, zhà ¨ lÇ shà ¬ 234-9877.B: ââ€" ºDuà ¬ bu qÇ .A: ââ€" ºMà ©i guÄ n xi.A: Ã¥â€"‚B: Ã¥â€"‚. è «â€¹Ã¥â€¢ 王先çâ€Å¸Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¥â€"Ž?A: Ã¥ ° ä ¸ è µ · ä ½ 打éÅ' ¯Ã¤ ºâ€ B: 這è £ ¡Ã¦Ëœ ¯234-5677Ã¥â€"Ž?A: ä ¸ æ˜ ¯ 這è £ ¡Ã¦Ëœ ¯234-9877B: Ã¥ ° ä ¸ è µ ·A: æ ²â€™Ã©â€"Å"ä ¿â€š Telephone Dialogue Two A: Hello.B: Hello, is Mr. Wang there?A: Please wait a moment.A: Hello.B: Hello Mr. Wang, this is Li from Da Xing Company. Did you receive our company information that I sent you?A: Hello Mr. Li. Yes, I received it, and I will call you back later to talk about it.B: OK – very good.A: Goodbye.B: Goodbye.A: ââ€" ºWà ¨i.B: ââ€" ºWà ¨i. QÇ ng wà ¨n Wng xiÄ n sheng zi ma?A: ââ€" ºQÇ ng dÄ›ng yÄ « xi.A: ââ€" ºWà ¨i.B: ââ€" ºWng xiÄ n sheng nÇ hÇŽo. WÇ’ shà ¬ D XÄ «ng gÃ… ng sÄ « de Là n d mà ng. NÇ shÃ… u do wÇ’ jà ¬ gÄ›i nÇ de zÄ « lio le ma?A: ââ€" ºLà n xiÄ n sheng nÇ hÇŽo. YÇ’u wÇ’ shÃ… u do le. WÇŽn yÄ « diÇŽn wÇ’ zi dÇŽ din hu gÄ“n nÇ tÇŽo là ¹n.​B: ââ€" ºHÇŽo de.A: ââ€" ºZi jin.B: ââ€" ºZi jin.A: Ã¥â€"‚B: Ã¥â€"‚ è «â€¹Ã¥â€¢ 王先çâ€Å¸Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¥â€"Ž?A: è «â€¹Ã§ ‰ä ¸â‚¬Ã¤ ¸â€¹A: Ã¥â€"‚B: 王先çâ€Å¸Ã¤ ½ Ã¥ ¥ ½ 我æ˜ ¯Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¨Ë†Ë†Ã¥â€¦ ¬Ã¥ ¸Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¦Å¾â€"Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¦ËœÅ½ ä ½ 憶åˆ °Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥ ¯â€žÃ§ µ ¦Ã¤ ½ çš„è ³â€¡Ã¦â€"™ä ºâ€ Ã¥â€"ŽA: æžâ€"å…ˆçâ€Å¸Ã¤ ½ Ã¥ ¥ ½ æÅ"‰ 我憶åˆ °Ã¤ ºâ€ 晚ä ¸â‚¬Ã© »Å¾Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥â€ 打é› »Ã¨ © ±Ã¨ ·Å¸Ã¤ ½ è ¨Å½Ã¨ «â€"B: Ã¥ ¥ ½Ã§Å¡â€žA: å†è ¦â€¹B: å†è ¦â€¹
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Immigration in America Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Immigration in America - Research Paper Example This stark increase in immigration quantities poses a variety of problems in the United States, including economic issues, concerns associated with law enforcement, wages provided to native citizens, and even problems with drugs and criminal behavior. VOLUME OF IMMIGRANTS IN THE COUNTRY According to a 2006 report, there were over 10 million illegal immigrants living in the United States (Kane and Johnson 2). By March of 2011, this number was estimated to be at 11.1 million (Passel and Cohn 1). The volume of immigrants currently residing in the country is representative of approximately 3.1 percent of the total American population, including native citizens. PROBLEMS WITH MEDICAID PAYMENTS Having established volume of immigrants entering and currently living in the U.S., it is important to identify the plethora of problems associated with illegal entry into the country. One of the main problems is the burden placed on state-level and federal-level governance related to economics. An a dministrator of the National Policy Institute identifies that illegal immigrants put a significant burden on the Medicaid system, a government-funded health care program designed to ensure that native citizens living below the poverty level maintain access to affordable health care. In 2005, it was estimated that state budgets would be burdened with a 12.1 percent increase in total Medicaid costs, with an expectation that costs would double every six years. This has significant ramifications for state-level budgets, in today’s society, many of which are already fraught with large-scale budgetary problems. It is estimated that 21.8 percent of all immigrant households are receiving Medicaid assistance (Rubenstein 9). This is a substantial problem as many illegal immigrants have children while living within the borders of the United States, therefore automatically making their children legitimate U.S. citizens. This makes the child, and the household caregivers, eligible for Med icaid when their incomes fall below poverty level. Currently, the federal government is concerned about long-term sustainability of Medicaid reimbursements during a period of economic decline stemming from a variety of different factors including decreased taxation revenues and over-spending at the Federal level. CONCERNS OVER WAGES FOR NATIVE CITIZENS In the United States, there is a very large segment of the native population that maintains low-level job skills and do not have the benefits of holding a college degree to improve their standard of living that is dictated with higher wage provision. Because of this, they are forced to take low paying jobs in a variety of sectors, with a majority in the service sector. When illegal immigrants enter the United States, employers have significant incentives to hire these aliens since they can provide them with very low-paying jobs without having to provide legally-mandated supplementary benefits such as business-sponsored insurance. It b ecomes more advantageous for businesses to choose illegal immigrants over low-skilled native citizens since native workers are entitled to certain benefit packages. A whopping 20 percent of all workers in service, construction and manufacturing production are immigrants (Gans 2). The demographic that is most significantly impacted by increases in immigration is the low-skilled black worker in the United State
Friday, November 1, 2019
HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY - Essay Example Since then, blood fractionation has led to a more focused form of delivering blood components which helps to refine treatment and improve outcomes (Fuh). Although some patients may need units of whole blood (in such applications as splenectomy, where a lot of blood loss can be expected), many patients need to have a supplement to some function which blood supplies. Those who are chronic bleeders, or suffering from shock-induced bleeding due to loss of platelets, may be helped by an infusion of packed platelets. The same is true for patients suffering from thrombocytopenia due to disease, such as a major infection (like septicemia) or leukemia. Those patients who are anemic (again due to trauma, but also due to certain forms of anemia or leukemia) may benefit from the addition of packed red blood cells. In the field, soldiers who have bled a lot due to trauma may receive packed red blood cells plus Ringer’s solution as a substitute for whole blood transfusions. This is mainly due to the fact that packed red blood cells are easier to store and deliver than whole blood, particularly in a battlefield situation. Another factor which has made blood transfusion continue to be well-used is the growing list of infectious organisms which are tested in donated blood, and safe donor practices. This began in the 1970’s with screening for type-B hepatitis, and was extended in the 1980’s to hepatitis A, hepatitis C, AIDS virus (HTLV or HIV), and a series of additional viruses, both antigens (viral coats or cores) and antibodies to those viruses. While antibody and antigen tests have eliminated most of the danger of transmitting viral or bacterial infection, there is a gap between infection with some diseases, and their recognition through tests. AIDS tests, for example, do not detect antibodies for several weeks after initial infection (as they can hide out in the T-cells). For this
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Why is Panhu such a political entity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Why is Panhu such a political entity - Essay Example Having been with a the company of an invading political figure in the character of Di Ku, he appears to embody a subject whose success implies either acquisition of rank or political reward of choice. The Yao people have become highly associated with such merits when the ‘Yaoren’ who lived in the mountains (Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hunan) were privileged to take no part in paying taxes and have no administrative responsibilities. In profound reference to the exemplary deeds of the Yao/Moyao ancestral lines that trace back to the time of Panhu, eventually, generous provisions extended to the descendants who were known to possess strong relations with the culture of the dragon-dog. Through the continuous honor and respect for Panhu, people of the mountains further took advantage of the socio-political fortunes including exemption from all taxes, autonomy, especially freedom from the control of the influential communities and powerful Chinese officials (Eli
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A Comparison Of Liberalism Socialism And Nationalism Politics Essay
A Comparison Of Liberalism Socialism And Nationalism Politics Essay The three most powerful ideologies that emerged in the beginning of the nineteenth century were Liberalism, socialism and nationalism. These ideologies came together to destroy older order that existed in Western Europe. However, there is very little that is actually known about the real origin of these three ideologies. Most of the research only talks about the recognized authorizes that exercises these ideologies but do not talk about the real issue. This essay seeks to compare and contrast these ideologies and trace their origin, development and revolution. Liberalism This was a product of some kind of enlightenment by human thinking. It held that the progress of human beings was inevitable. This is the reason it believed that all human beings should be viewed to be equal before the law and no one was above the law. Moreover, it believed that every person was born free and is good in some aspect let alone owning the chance to improve in skills and general thinking. Liberalization therefore expected that all governments were representative of its citizens and not part of the citizens. According to Hansen, Curt Curtis (2008) this could only be achieved through the freedoms of speech, press, assembly and protection from arbitrary arrest. The nineteenth century liberalism which is also referred to as classical liberalism was against the involvement of the government in the economic and social affairs of the nation. This is therefore very different from what we currently know liberalism to stand for where active government intervention is highly supported and represented through democratic parties. Classical liberalism was first developed by Adam Smith as expressed in his book Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Wealth of Nations. (Hansen, Curtis Curtis, 2008). He proposed the fact that there was a need for a free enterprise where prices would be regulated by market forces. This he believed would offer a free and equal chance to all citizens to participate in what they do best. In this way both the rich and the poor will benefit rather than a situation where the rich are the only ones who benefit. This was very much different from the earlier situation of mercantilism where the government was very deeply involved in regulation of markets. While the British were experiencing gradual expansion of freedoms and rights of ordinary citizens, the French were denied of such rights until the 1989 when there was the Revolution. Unlike in France, there was no central instrument with which the British used to be oppressed with like the army ready to do what the monarch said. The British liberalization was never aimed at overthrowing the Monarchy. On the contrary it was aimed at reigning its power through the expansion of representation of the people. Because of common political, ethical, cultural and geographical factors liberalization in the United States took so much from the British kind of liberalism than it took from the French. However, during early stages of Beiner (2003) argues that American Revolution, there was much borrowed from the political thoughts of the British. Subsequent developments then later own changed and took more from the French. Some common factors with liberalism during the French Revolution and its development in the European revolution were that they both had one fundamental aspect which was to prevent and stop the oppression of the citizens. Even though the sources of oppression and the methods liberalism might different depending on time or location, liberalization still remained to be the sole purpose of liberal political movement and liberal political thinking. Liberalism was therefore much appealing to the lower social class because it get them equal chance as the rich to make use of their skills and take part in national development. Even though it received much opposition from the rich or those of high social status, it later came to succeed and thats the reason why we even have democratic societies in the Europe and the entire world ( Hansen, Curtis Curtis, 2008). In the time of Industrial revolution, liberalism was very much common in Britain especially with the Factory owners since there was a high demand for works more than they could be supply. The factory owners used this ideology to again support against the labor unions sine they were considered to be interfering with the right to work. In the political field, liberals mainly supported representative government. However, they also believed that it was the male who had the right to own the franchise. Liberals were for the idea of universal education for all. Socialism This was a radical doctrine that originated from France. In fact almost all socialists came from France. They regarded the French revolution that occurred during 1789 together with the Industrial Revolution that took place in England as the beginning of change in the society. However, they were troubled by what they considered to be the end result of the issue of transformation of the society. Some of these issues that troubled them included things to do with political competition and capitalism (Hansen, Curtis Curtis, 2008). According to the socialist, such development were the cause of selfish individualism that ended up dividing the society in the lines of competing factors. During the French Revolution, socialists pushed for economic planning. They were mainly inspired by the occurrences in France during the end of the eighteenth century. It is for this reason that they proposed that governments were to organize their economy rather than hoping that competition would do so. They considered competition to be a very destructive element in the society. In addition, they also had the desire to protect the poor and avoid cases of exploitation they could face from the rich. One common factor therefore between liberalism and socialism is that these two ideologies advocate for the rights of the poor in the society. Each of them wants the society to provide equal ground for the existence of every one in the society regardless of their social status. It is the reason why they advocated for economic equality for both the poor and the rich. Socialisms also argued that the government was supposed to regulate private property or even abolish it and let property be owned by the community. This is one difference between liberalism and socialism (Hansen, Curtis Curtis, 2008). Liberalism advocated for the people owning property. To be specific it was the male who were supposed to own franchise. Socialism on the other hand was for the idea that either the government was to own property or the community. Socialism pushed for the idea that the society was supposed to take charge of most of the things that were going on in the surrounding. They were also to ensure that they do everything possible to develop their economy by the equal utilization of community resources. On the other hand, liberalism was all about the government taking full control of the resources of the country but awarding equal chances for both the rich and the poor to make benefit from them. Socialism was as a result of the stresses that had been caused on the French economy by the revolutionary movement. Workers missed the old good days when there were radical changes in life and the economy used to be regulated. The skilled craftsmen were very against the idea of wage control and thats the reason why they opposed capitalism. According to them, it denied the workers capacity to promote destructive competition(Hansen, Curtis Curtis, 2008). The introduction of Marxist socialism provided a foundation to the modern day socialism and even paved way to the development of socialism into communism. Between 1818 and 1883, Karl Marx came up with his own idea of socialism where he pushed for the idea that labor was the main source of all kinds of value in the society. This meant that human labor was the main reason as to why the economy of any country would grow. In a way, this was similar to the what liberalism had pushed for where factory owners pushed for the rights to work. Socialism was more appealing to the lower social class because socialists like Saint Simon argues that the parasites of the society such as lawyers and churchmen were to give a chance to the doers like scientist and engineers to help improve the status of the society(Hansen, Curtis Curtis, 2008). The main idea was therefore the improvement of the living standards of the poor and later on the improvement of the economy of the entire society. The main oppo nents to this ideology were the rich in the society but they did not succeed. Nationalism This was as radical as the liberalism ideology after Napoleon was finally defeated. This ideology came from an imagined or real cultural identity where the main features were common history, common language and common territory. In other words, the main idea behind nationalism was to turn the cultural identity of citizens into some kind of political identity where people from the same origin would push forward similar agenda to help improve the economic standards of their society. According to Beiner (2003), this led to a situation where political boundaries were based on cultural unity. For instance, during the French revolution, you could find that people from different ethnic groups would find themselves being led by the same leader. The intermingling of groups led to every group finding for some way to create their own identity. The Napoleonic wars together with the French Revolution gave birth to the idea of nationalism. In the time of the Reign of Terror, the Frenchmen as the Republicans used to refer to the people were asked to repel any form of foreign armies which thought of overthrowing the republic. In the time of invasion by Napoleon, the sentiments of nationalists in the entire Europe joined forces to oppose his military campaigns. One renown nationalist is Johann Herder, a German phiplosopher who was of the idea that each and every individual had his own individual spirit and some kind of genius which he could use to survive. This he say was expressed in language and culture (Beiner, 2003). One conspicuous difference between socialism, liberalism and nationalism is that, national advocates for the idea of different groups in the same society. There is the idea of opponents or us and them. This kind of division might hinder social development because every group would want to do things their own way. On the same note there is the creation of boundaries between different groups which means that resources are owned by individual group (Beiner, 2003). This is against the idea of socialism which calls for abolition of individual ownership and proposes for the property to be owned by the government or the community. However, in some way the idea of we created a sense of nationalism where one group was to behave like they were all brothers (Beiner, 2003). This creates some similarity with the sentiments of liberalism which advocated for togetherness and provision of equal opportunities to the members of one country so that they could have a chance to develop and prosper together. The main reason that made nationalism appealing was the idea of people feeling that they are one because of the fact that they shared the same language or cultures. The good thing with nationalism is that people act like they are brothers of one mothers. One good example of nationalism was that demonstrated by the Nazis where they fought as one. However, this could be termed as nationalism gone awry because of the suffering it caused to the Jew.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Changes in Catherine throughout the Play :: A View from the Bridge Arthur Miller Essays
Changes in Catherine throughout the Play "A View From A Bridge" is a play by Arthur Miller. It is set in 1950s New York. The play concentrates on a poor family and what happens when some Italian relatives come to stay, illegally. I have chosen to concentrate on Catherine because I fell she undertakes the most emotional changes throughout the play. Catherine is a 17 year old girl who is still studying at school. She lives with her Auntie and Uncle, Beatrice and Eddie. I went to see a production of the play at the Belgrade theatre in Coventry. Overall the play was good. The first act was a little slow and tedious but the second act was excellent. They did rush the end part in which Eddie dies. Catherine was a little over the top and looked like she was trying to seduce Eddie at one point. I liked how they ensured that they were all in the correct attire. Eddie wore a shirt and trousers with a large belt. Both Catherine and Beatrice were in dresses with their hair tied up. Rodolfo had a big quiff and dresses like an old fashioned "teddy Boy". I thought the way the stage revolved to give the idea of a journey with superb. The play starts and Catherine comes in. She is very cheerful and talkative with Eddie. She has a new skirt on and asks Eddie if he "like[s] it". She tells him that "it's the style now." We can see from the start that she is very reliant on Eddie and she wants him to approve of everything she does. This idea is establish when she has news for him. She has been offered a job but she has to check it is alright with Eddie. This gives the impression that Eddie has kept her away from the world and has protected her. They then talk about the job and Eddie agrees to let her take it. Catherine's mood changes when she hears that Beatrice's cousins are arriving. She is excited because she hasn't met many people and has no social life. She wants to meet new people. When they arrive Catherine is in awe of them. She hasn't much experience with new people and she is quite hyperactive. She asks many questions and we get the impression that she is attracted to Rodolfo. She asks him if he is "married?" She likes the fact that he is blonde because there are not many blonde men about. "He's practically Blonde!" We can tell Catherine is trying to make a good impression when Eddie says "What's
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Homosexuality in the Christian Church Essay
Homosexuality is defined as consistent fantasy, interest and arousal toward a person of the same sex. Disagreement exists about the explanation of homosexuality. On the other hand, evidence supports the fact that homosexuality has existed throughout the history of humankind and is not just a development of the 20th century. Early psychoanalytic theory concluded that homosexuality developed from conflicts derived from early developmental disturbances. Investigators more in recent times have explored neuroendocrine explanations as a cause of homosexual development. The results of these studies have been controversial. On the other hand, a lot of experts believe that sexual orientation, whether heterosexual or homosexual, is the consequence of a multifaceted interface flanked by anatomic and hormonal influences during fetal growth. As investigators attempt to reply the question of etiology, others have worked to further define the incidence of homosexuality. Cognitive and communal expansion throughout adolescence is an intricate progression characterized by the acquisition of a sense of self-separate from family, a sexual independence, the capacity for intimacy and the ability to be autonomous. (The Christian Science Monitor) For those young people who grow a homosexual orientation in a society based on heterosexuality, the changeover all the way through adolescence is expanded and expressed to some extent in a different way throughout the stage of acquiring a sexual uniqueness. Interviews with gay and lesbian youth specify a general pattern in which an adolescent accepts his or her own homosexuality. It is the sexual orientation toward people of the same sex. Homosexuality contrasts with heterosexuality, sexual orientation toward people of the opposite sex. People with a sexual orientation toward members of both sexes are called bisexuals. Female homosexuals are often called lesbians. In modern years, the word gay has been applied to both homosexual men and women. Homosexuality appears in almost all societal contexts within unlike community settings, socioeconomic levels, and cultural and dutiful groups. The number of homosexuals in the inhabitants is not easy to find out, and dependable data do not subsist. Nevertheless, current estimates propose that the term homosexual may relate to 2 to 4 percent of men. Estimates for lesbians are lesser. Not all people who slot in homosexual commotion essentially classify themselves as homosexual. (Zgourides, G. ) The move toward greater unity among Protestant denominations has continued in the 21st century; however, within denominations there is still conflict between conservatives and moderates or liberals. One for the most part divisive issue is homosexuality. Denominations debate whether to ordain practicing homosexuals and whether to bar clergy from performing same-sex marriage ceremonies. Some churches condemn all homosexual activity, while others refuse to do so. Consequently, according to the same religious law that many of them use when religiously citing the gay and lesbian community, countless, reputable Christian leaders today, especially within African America, are in a word adulterers. However, you will not readily read of religious leaders publicly denouncing the social and spiritual validity of their fellow divorced clergy who have married more than once, like you will their `cry loud and spare not’ public cries relating to gay and lesbians desiring the equal choice and right to marry only once. There exists no evidence that suggests Jesus ever discussed same-sex anything, publicly or privately, during his ministry. However, Christ, the bedrock of modern-day Christianity, did publicly condemn religious leaders of his age for granting bills of divorcement. However, wading through all the hype in the media these days one might just conclude the opposite. (Knutson, D. C. ) It is considered an act of unconditional grace to say that the immeasurable, unmerited grace available from God stops only at the sin of adultery. Does God’s amazing grace cover only those sins of Old Testament law that are socially comfortable by today’s standards? Let me put it another way: Is divorce (absent of unfaithfulness) a sin? Many Christians might respond, and there is plenty of scripture to back that up. Then will God consider the bed of that remarried person defiled? Most would probably respond, No, absolutely not, because of the New Testament law of grace, and there is plenty of scripture to support this. Christian churches historically have discriminated, excluded, and persecuted homosexuals on the basis of their sexuality. The emergence of new social attitudes and modernization has contributed to the easing of such taboos. However, the role of the church to defend minorities has led to serious conflicts between the gay community and the church’s prohibition of homosexuality. Within the Christian churches, homosexually oriented people have been excluded, marginalized and persecuted in the great majority of cases. The relatively few exceptions, which are known, are seldom taken into account. John Boswell, from whom the most important studies in this area have come, has found examples of liturgical forms for the union of same-sex partners from the churches of Asia Minor. Nevertheless, it must be said in general that in societies, which have morally proscribed homosexual relations, treated them as taboo or legally forbidden them, the sexual ethic upheld by the churches has not represented a divergent position. (Bauserman, R. ) New reflection by the churches in this area began only under the influence of a shift in social attitudes towards sexuality. The processes of modernization and secularization were accompanied by a removal of sexuality from the realm of taboo and a new respect for the private sphere. Furthermore, since the end of the 19th century modern sexual research has brought new insights into how the sexual identity of persons is formed. In addition, constitutional provisions guaranteeing the rule of law have made it possible for the first time for homosexual people to organize and struggle publicly for the abolition of discriminatory laws and regulations. For the most part the churches have supported the decriminalization of homosexuality only hesitantly. Nor was this new orientation primarily the consequence of new biblical insights or spiritual experiences; rather, the reconsideration was touched off by other factors. In the first place, personal encounter with gay or lesbian people, once they no longer had to conceal themselves but could begin to speak for themselves, was certainly important. As a rule, living alongside homosexual persons on the job, in the neighborhood, within the circle of friends or relatives leads to a reconsideration of traditional social or individual prejudices. A second factor was the exposure of individuals or groups in a good number of churches and congregations to the investigations and findings of modern empirical research on sexuality. However, this research is academically institutionalized (usually in connection with faculties of medicine) in only a few countries; and church declarations on sexual ethics draw explicitly on scientific sexological research only rarely and usually in passing. Finally, it should be noted that quite a few churches have accepted the decriminalization of homosexuality and the principle of non-discrimination against people because of sexual orientation through decisions by their competent governing bodies without however immediately reconsidering their own moral convictions and reservations on the issue. Churches time and again have a great deal of freedom for autonomous structuring of their ordinances and especially their offices. They should work at abolishing any remaining discrimination because of individual sexual orientation in the right to hold office and accept homosexual persons as office-bearers of course, as in the case of all office-bearers, according to the measure of their suitability for the growth of the community. (Boswell, J)
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