Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Commented on Bibliography Example The change from the use of proportion investigation strategy to different models of anticipating liquidation, following the powerlessness of monetary proportion examination to money related troubles, is progressed by the article, making it conceivable to follow the historical backdrop of insolvency over some undefined time frame. The article tries to propel this examination to incorporate the assessment of multi discriminant investigation (MDA) and Regression examinations, as appropriate systematic methods of assessing the budgetary circumstance of an organization, therefore showing the liquidation dangers included. The article is applicable for this investigation, since it helps in following the development and progression of corporate chapter 11, with an attention on how corporate liquidation has been surveyed after some time. The utilization of liquidation as the plan of action for individual and friends obligations is evaluated under this examination, with an emphasis on seeing how chapter 11 have been utilized to keep people and organizations from paying the obligations. The article investigations the laws material in forestalling the maltreatment of chapter 11 idea, assessing how well they shield organizations from confronting liquidation suits. Remarkably, the article focuses on assessing how well off people and organizations can utilize the chapter 11 idea as an escape clause to assist them with having their obligations released, and simultaneously stay with their advantages flawless. In this manner, the job of pioneering indebted individuals in propelling organization chapter 11 throughout the entire existence of corporate insolvency is assessed. The ideas of automatic chapter 11 and casual insolvency are likewise concentrated under the article, with the expectation of uncovering the provisos introd uced by these ideas, which can quicken the maltreatment of liquidation. This article is important for this examination, since it helps in making mindfulness on different escape clauses that have been applied to mishandle insolvency throughout the entire existence of organization
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Distance Education Essay -- Essays Papers
Separation Education Separation learning is a type of training where the educator and understudy are isolated. As advances in innovation quickly progress, the enthusiasm for separation training has developed too and has in this way gotten progressively normal. Innovation has given this sort of learning various prospects. There are different types of separation instruction utilized alone or in mix. These advancements give numerous chances to instruction, however not with out a couple of limitations. There is a wide scope of mechanical choices for conveying data to the separation student. There are various types of correspondence and media to contain course material and to conquer physical separation of the educator and understudy. These techniques incorporate different sorts of voice, video, information, and print. Instructional sound devices incorporate sound conferencing, tapes, and radio. Guidance is conveyed through talks and conversations. Tapes and radio permit the understudy to tune in to addresses one way, while sound conferencing permits understudies to take an interest and interface with others. Sound instruments permit access to the student from their decision of area; notwithstanding, with sound conferencing there is typically a planned time for conversations. Another type of separation instruction is visual learning. This incorporates communicate TV and packed video frameworks. â€Å"Broadcast TV conveys separation instruction by sending simple or advanced sound an d video flags by microwave hand-off over short separations or by satellite over longer distances†(Ludlow and Duff 13). Transmissions can be utilized for single direction video and sound introductions. This can likewise be utilized related to by sound conferencing in which the stude... ...cators and organizations to inspect the positives and negatives included (Ludlow and Duff 10). Works Cited Clark, Tom and David Else. Separation Education, Electronic Networking, and School Policy. Bloomington, Indiana: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. 1998. Cox, Lois. â€Å"A Descriptive Analysis of the Opinions of College Students and Faculty Toward Distance Learning.†Diss. U of Dayton, 1997. Feyten, Carine M. what's more, Joyce W. Nutta. Vitrual Instruction: Issues and Insights from and Universal Perspective. Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, Inc. 1999. Ludlow, Barbara L. what's more, Michael C. Duff. Separation Education and Tomorrow’s Schools. Bloomington, Indiana: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. 1998. State of mind, Terry Ann. Separation Education. Englewood, Colorado: 1995. 3 Nov. 2001.
Business information system Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business data framework - Case Study Example The pertinence of the case is to show the requirement for a solid inner control framework which will help in extortion recognition. It likewise underlines on the need to have an away from of obligations and duties to ease extortion discovery (IT Governance Institute 19). The elective arrangement is the execute of a preventive and investigator interior control so as to recognize misrepresentation and any abnormalities. Then again, the organization should utilize passwords in various departmental frameworks. Inner control is a piece of business data frameworks and is indistinguishable from innovation and this shows how the ideas gained from the seminar on business data framework incorporate with innovation (IT Governance Institute 19) The case means that obliviousness with respect to the organization. The organization didn't every now and again check the framework to guarantee it is solid. The article on the advantages of a solid inside control framework from legitimizes this perspective. There is have to screen and much of the time check the inward control arrangement of any organization to guarantee no false or crimes happens. With the fast change in innovation, there is the need to take any important measures to improve security of all frameworks in the organization or for individual
Friday, August 21, 2020
Being a Girl
Being Girl: A Sociological Memoir My first memory of kindergarten was this: many little, froze 5-year-olds being dropped off at their first day of school, and many depleted, exhausted moms reassuring their sobbing children and little girls. I recall it distinctively on the grounds that, notwithstanding the fear and turmoil, a solitary idea plagued my psyche, the idea that â€Å"these mothers are not as lovely as my mother. †I wasn’t completely one-sided, either. By North American gauges of magnificence, I was right. Here was my mom, a rail-flimsy, light haired, blue-peered toward graceful shocker, among an ocean of tacky ladies with noticeable wrinkles and tangles of dark hair.And here I was, the girl of this ideal example, the pleased proprietor of a mother who was more â€Å"feminine†, more â€Å"womanly†, and consequently, I gullibly reasoned, â€Å"a better mother†. Truth be told, despite the fact that my jargon was genuinely constrained at tha t point, I trusted her to be the embodiment all things considered. She looked, I disclosed to her that morning, â€Å"like a mother should look. †In talking my mom, she said this was my â€Å"first brush with what it intended to be a young lady. †Throughout kindergarten, I was marked â€Å"weird†. I burrowed for worms, gathered Pokemon cards (which was esteemed a â€Å"boyish†action), and none of my companions were girls.My educator, a young lady who had quite recently as of late moved on from college, was frequently worried for me, and believed that my absence of female companions would be unfavorable to my creating of social abilities, so she would regularly energize the famous young ladies in the class to remember me for their break exercises. They did as they were told, and in spite of my faltering, I bounced rope with them at break, while as yet figuring out how to play with the young men for brief timeframes. At last, at some point, the young lad ies gave me a final offer: â€Å"us†or â€Å"them†.If I needed to be a â€Å"official†individual from their â€Å"club†(This was not kidding business; they had participation cards made out of development paper), I needed to surrender the toy trucks and the unruly young men. With the consolation of my instructor, I disavowed the young men. Despite the fact that I missed them, I immediately discovered that being a young lady was â€Å"better†in any case. Obviously, young ladies were permitted to wear cosmetics and dresses and young men had cooties and never washed up and didn’t I like being spotless? I guess I loved being perfect, however what I truly loved was being acknowledged by this specific gathering of famous girls.I smothered my affection for all things â€Å"dirty†, everything that were named â€Å"boy†, and built up a shallow fondness for all things commonly â€Å"girly†, trying to fit easily into this gather ing. I jumped rope at break, I arranged moves, and I got a ballet dancer outfit from my folks at Christmas that I completely loved. Being a young lady was not hard. It accompanied a rundown of guidelines. Do this, talk this way, wear this, and you are a young lady. It was less of a natural impulse than it was an educated demonstration. I wasn’t brought into the world with an eyelash styler close by, rather, it was passed on to me by a young lady more seasoned than myself.The light of gentility was passed down from age to age until it at long last arrived in my earth recolored lap. In ninth grade, in an attack of disobedience to my mom, who I battled with regularly around this time, I trim my hair short. Not simply â€Å"short†, I trim my hair kid short, a look my mom wasn’t excessively attached to, which, normally, caused me to want and appreciate it more, since nothing is as fulfilling as a mother’s dissatisfaction when you are an insubordinate young per son. At the point when I came back to class the Monday following my hair style, in any case, I didn’t get the positive response I had anticipated.No, the moment I strolled into my first period class, the authority â€Å"bully†of the evaluation, a tall, ugly individual, inquired as to whether I had become a â€Å"dyke†, and demanded calling me â€Å"dykey†for the rest of the day. The abnormal conduct of my cohorts didn’t stop there. Young ladies I just coolly conversed with started maintaining a strategic distance from me, which I took in while meeting a companion from that time was on the grounds that they were â€Å"convinced I was attempting to hit on them†. Young men treated me distinctively too. As indicated by this equivalent companion, it was on the grounds that they trusted I was gay.Not â€Å"lesbian†, in light of the fact that, for them, the word â€Å"lesbian†invoked pictures of alluring young ladies shakily kissin g at a local gathering, however gay. Gay as in gay, gay as in â€Å"fag†. I didn’t comprehend why a basic hair style had definitely changed my classmate’s assessments of me. Of course, I dressed a piece â€Å"boyish†, as I wasn’t enamored with dresses and saw skirts as awkward, however that was each of the a matter of taste, not sexuality. Wasn’t it? Moreover, I wasn’t gay. I had a sweetheart at that point. I immediately discovered that being â€Å"gay†had little to do with who you preferred, and more to do with what you did.The â€Å"last straw†, the occasion that went about as an impetus, the one that provoked me to fit in with what it intended to be a â€Å"girl†, happened the day I went with my sister to our high school’s uniform shop to get her an overcoat. My hair was as yet edited short at that point. I wore long, loose pants, no cosmetics, and a larger than average band shirt. After approaching the sales register, the woman behind the counter went to my sister and exclaimed, guiltlessly, â€Å"Oh, is this your sibling? †I was too humiliated to even think about correcting her, and rather looked at her clumsily until she understood her mistake.After a snapshot of tense quiet, it occurred to her. â€Å"Oh! haha, senseless me, I implied sister,†she gulped apprehensively, humiliated. I genuinely didn’t truly mind being mistaken for a kid, yet this woman was determined to guarding my womanly respect. â€Å"I’m extremely grieved. You know, when I was youthful, I had short hair for while, and huge amounts of individuals thought I was a kid. It was so humiliating. †Surprisingly, her short account didn't cause me to feel better. As indicated by her, being mistaken for a kid was this awfully humiliating difficulty that she conveyed with her all her life.She apologized bountifully for the misunderstanding, and kept on doing as such all through the sc hool year, at whatever point I happened to stop by the uniform shop. Through her, I discovered that not holding fast to severe sexual orientation controls on how one should dress caused shame and mortification, and I in this way should’ve been significantly embarrassed when the mistake happened. At the point when future episodes like this one happened (I was mistaken for a kid a second time in a café a couple of months after the fact), I realized that I ought to be embarrassed about myself. I had absolutely fizzled at being ladylike, to such an extent that I should have been a boy.Oh the awfulness. The dread of â€Å"not being girly enough†developed increasingly serious with each inconsiderate comment and homophobic slur, and I before long wound up remaining at home on ends of the week, withdrawing to my room, my stronghold, playing computer games while my friends brought down overflowing measures of liquor and celebrated, for the couple of months it took my hair, th e image of my womanliness, the main thing that separated me from a kid, to develop back. When it did, I was rapidly re-acknowledged into my gathering of companions. I was a young lady, I resembled a young lady, and I acted like a young lady, and this appeared to satisfy them. I â€Å"knew my place†, so to speak.Gender Roles and Sexuality While sex has both organic and neurological parts, my own encounters with sex have permitted me to consider sex to be to a greater degree a social build. As far as sexual orientation, I’m an adherent to behaviorism, the brain research that underscores socialization over science in making sex character. In my encounters, generally, sexual orientation was not a normally happening marvel, it was educated. My encounters for the most part identify with women's activist postmodernism, which, out of the considerable number of classes of woman's rights corresponding to sex, underlines the impact of social develops the most.Queer Theory, an app roach inside postmodernism that was presented by Professor Judith Butler in a difficult situation, additionally identifies with my encounters. The hypothesis expresses that sexual orientation personality isn't made by science, yet by â€Å"gender execution. †She contends that people are not particularly â€Å"male†or â€Å"female†. Male and female were contrary energies on a range, and the vast majority fell some place in the range, yet â€Å"acted†increasingly male or female relying upon the circumstance. Growing up, I showed various qualities that were explicit to the two guys and females.I hushed up, a trademark normally ascribed to young ladies, and I was â€Å"tough†: I once in a while started ruckuses, a trademark for the most part credited to young men. Butler’s hypothesis that individuals demonstration solely male or female to fit in with sexual orientation desire is totally relatable. So as to be a â€Å"girl†, I needed to surrender my â€Å"other half†. In my above account, I referenced that, to be a piece of the famous girl’s force, I needed to disavow the young men. In this circumstance, I was either a â€Å"girl†or a â€Å"boy†, and I needed to pick which one I needed to be.I eventually picked young lady, despite the fact that I would have a lot of liked on the off chance that I could keep up both my male and female attributes and characteristics. Eccentric Theory additionally expresses that sexual orientation â€Å"performances†are confined by sanctions (Steckley, Letts 360). We abstain from carrying on (or acting) in manners that contention with sexual orientation standards since we need to maintain a strategic distance from negative approvals. In my encounters, negative assents forced by my companions (counting obvious types of harassing, being marked a â€Å"dyke†, and being reje
The Halls are Alive
The Halls are Alive After briefly lamenting the longer lunch lines upon the students return to campus, I reveled in the laughter and greetings heard down the Infinite alongside falling juggling balls, skateboards and scooters that signal the start of the fall term. But, even more than their sounds, I love to see and hear about all the cool things offered to students or started by students that decorate the walls. This year, because Ive been traveling, my eyes were attracted to posts that related to questions Id been asked by prospective students. What kinds of clubs do we have? Usually, we like to talk about MIT Beef and the Lab for Chocolate Science. I also like to share about the Assassins Guild Patrol Saturdays, but it was nice to see posters advertising blackjacks return to Cambridge. How supportive are MIT faculty in encouraging students ideas? What research opportunities are available? In preparation for a visit program, I made my first real visit to the Edgerton Center. The atmosphere is lively and a bit chaotic, but several things were happening at once: my meeting with Ed, one of the instructors, a transfer student was getting advice on the best classes for studying Course 2 or Course 6, and the afternoon seminar was arriving. They were encouraged to play with the models in the room and come up with hypotheses for why they worked/were built that way/etc. It also turned out that the transfer student had worked in the lab on a project to make motorized hamster wheels and a few other projects as a high school student. Two things were clear: no one would just be given answers, just more questions, and the lab is the epitome of taking an idea, running with it into several walls, and finally coming up with a product solving an academic inquiry or for your personal satisfaction. Speaking of research, the SENSEable City lab is doing really awesome things. Like, flying robots. Ocean Engineering is getting ready for a robotics competition. Theyre preparing this craft to recognize changing light signals and report the locations of the signals. How often do entreprenurial contests happen on campus? The students Id spoken to were familiar with 100K and were looking for other options. I couldnt readily think of others, but as soon as I got back, I saw opportunities like this: and evidence of other kinds of challenges which could lead to job opportunities like the Crypto-Challenge sponsored by the NSA, who want you to try to crack their code and submit your resume. It was great to see Doge was still relevant and learning Aikido, to boot. Happy Fall term, everyone!
Friday, June 26, 2020
The Significance of Violence in No Country for Old Men - Literature Essay Samples
The Significance of Violence in No Country for Old Men As is true with most of Cormac McCarthy’s novels, No Country for Old Men is replete with scenes of violence. This novel, which is set in the chaotic and lawless borderland between Texas and Mexico, opens with the murder of a police officer by a psychopath criminal named Anton Chigurh. A bloody and failed drug deal immediately follows. Although McCarthy’s descriptions of violence are numerous, the violence is not gratuitous. Rather, the scenes of violence serve literary purposes. Violence is used to create the menacing mood and dark setting of the novel, portray conflict between the novel’s characters, and represent a changing world where evil threatens to destroy mankind’s virtue and goodness. Cormac McCarthy creates the novel’s ominous mood and setting through his frequent use of violence. Texas, where the novel takes place, is historically known as the Wild West. Before Texas became a state, justice was administered by cowboys rather than courts. Similarly, the contemporary setting in which the novel takes place is also one of lawlessness but in a more modern sense. Drug dealers roam and the violence that often comes with illegal drug trading is always threatening. There is a hopeless, primitive feeling of a vast, barren land where men hunt each other. Early in the novel, the character of Llewellyn Moss is hunting deer when he stumbles upon a horrific scene of carnage where a drug deal had clearly been thwarted. Men and dogs are shot dead, cars are bullet ridden and there is blood everywhere. Moss finds a suitcase of money which he takes. The next day, drug dealers hunt him down. After a fiery gun battle and chase scene, Moss escapes. McCarthy’s early descr iptions of the empty landscape contribute to a sinister mood and foreshadow violence: â€Å"Where he crested out the country lay dead flat, stretching away to the south and to the east. Red dirt and creosote. Mountains in the far and middle distance. Nothing out there. Heatshimmer.†(pg. 26-27) This vast and ominously barren landscape provides the perfect stage upon which violence will erupt. There are no boundaries and there are no rules. Other acts of violence are described early on by Sherriff Ed Tom Bell, which contribute to a mood and setting of a violent community. Sheriff Bell’s first person narration, which precedes each chapter, reflects on the increase and nature of violent crime and describes acts directed at him. Just one example of Bell’s concern about escalating violence is demonstrated in his statement that â€Å" the old boy opened up on me twice more and shot all the glass out of one side of the cruiser†¦point being you don’t know what all you’re stopping when you do stop somebody†¦ you don’t know what you’re liable to find.†(pg.39) This is a country where the rules are not clearly defined and violence, as well as the threat of violence, are ever present. Violence propels the story forward and brings the main characters into conflict with each other. The novel is essentially a terrifying series of violent acts in which Anton Chigurh hunts and k ills, at times for no clear purpose. The pivotal hunt of the novel is for Chigurh to retrieve the money Moss took and to also exact revenge â€Å"just for having inconvenienced him.†(pg.150) Chigurh would never be satisfied with only the money’s return. Sheriff Ed Tom Bell foreshadows Chigurh’s capacity for violence when he states early on, â€Å"somewhere out there is a true and living prophet of destruction and I don’t want to confront him.†(pg.4) This description of Chigurh makes clear that his violence towards others will be unrelenting. Sheriff Ed Tom Bell escapes that dangerous and deadly confrontation with Chigurh but sadly, Moss does not. Another character whose murder advances the final showdown between Chigurh and Moss is Carson Wells. Knowing that Chigurh is about to kill him, Wells states â€Å"just do it. You goddamned psychopath. Do it and goddam you to hell†¦ Everything that Wells had ever known or thought or loved drained sl owly down the wall behind him.†(pg.178) Because Chigurh has killed Wells, he is now one step closer to his primary objective of killing Moss. This violent showdown to come between the two main characters, Moss and Chigurh, represents the novel’s exploration of good versus evil. McCarthy intends conflict between characters to mirror the struggle of good versus evil in mankind and the changing world. The older traditional world and the goodness of mankind are represented in Sheriff Bell. In fact, Sheriff Bell is arguably one of the â€Å"Old Men†referred to in the novel’s title. He is also the narrator for ongoing reflections about the evil nature of man and how both man’s nature and morality are changing for the worse. Sheriff Bell is preoccupied with acts of violence that he feels are corrupting society. His concern is evident in his statement that â€Å"because a lot of the time ever when I say anything about how the world is goin to hell in a handbasket people will just sort of smile and tell me I’m getting old†¦Nobody that can’t tell the difference between rapin and murderin people and chewin gum has got a whole lot bigger of a problem than what I’ve got.†(pg. 196) The sheriff uses an act of violenc e such as rape and murder and compares it to something as harmless as chewing gum. He does not do this to imply that he believes they are equally as bad, but to convey that crimes such as rape and murder are becoming in a sense accepted or normal. The sheriff also reflects back on articles he has read in the newspaper to express his thoughts on how society has changed: â€Å" It keeps getting harder†¦ here the other day they was a woman put her baby in a trash compactor†¦ my wife won’t read the papers no more.†(pg. 40) It is clear that Sheriff Bell is disturbed and unable to process these changing times. McCarthy’s reliance on violence in No Country for Old Men creates an unforgettable morality tale. Although the horrific violence appears excessive and unnecessary at times, its frequent use advances the novel’s plot and is central to its themes of good versus evil and the rapidly changing world. Man’s progression towards evil and the changing world and values which seem confusing and inevitable to the old guard are underscored by the many violent events throughout the novel.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Creative Writings About Aspects Of Social Class
Abstract Perhaps, most people in the world believe that United States is the place to access greener pastures. Therefore there are many immigrants to america.The immigrants get into United States through illegal and legal means so as to access the opportunities believed to exist, (The Great Migration, 2002). In most cases the concept of social class is linked to social identity, ecomomic role and political affiliation, (Devine, 1997). Status consistency puts into consideration the plurality of status in society. Each member of the society is ranked in different hierarchies. Individuals are claimed to have consistent status if the status he has are in equal levels. Poverty is deficiency of basic needs such as clothing, food, education and health care, (Kendell, 2007).Arguably Social mobility refers to a way in which individual undergo changes in their social status. It is observed by many to be a measure of equality of opportunities in human life. In America too social mobility of most of Afri can Americans are influenced and determined by parents, own talent, luck and motivation. The paper will focuses on social class, poverty and social mobility especially the African Americans society. Poverty Debatably, poverty is one of the greatest problems in the world, especially the third world countries. The big issue is to clearly understand who a poor person is? Furthermore it is important to understand its causes so as to find a valid solution. Poverty is deficiency of basic needs such as clothing, food, education and health care, (Brady, 2003). Additionally in the contemporary world it is viewed as a lifestyle and state of mind of an individual. In most cases it determines the worthiness of life. There is variance in the levels of poverty in different countries. In America 12% of its population are blacks, approximately a quarter of this are poor. Despite the mentality that people have in America, poverty has been there. However natural occurrence such has hurricane Katrina has made Americans to discuss about the issue of poverty, (Brady, 2003). In United States the rate of death of African Americans is alarming in addition some of the factors that affect the economy and welfare of the blacks include unemployment, incarceration and low number of college graduates, (Kendell,2007). Poverty arises due to violation of rights of individuals as well as social injustices. Poverty puts one into a state of not able to claim his rights. In America the black Americans faced injustices long ago; these factors have led to the continuity of poverty. This includes slavery and discrimination. The youth and energetic men who could be productive die in the streets most of its cause is homicide. Hence most of the productive generation die early leaving no impact in the economy .Additionally, HIV has caused lots of deaths among the young men in America and other parts of the world especially the African Americans. Drugs in the streets have increased tremendously. Therefore most of the youth either sell the drugs or are the big consumers of the drugs. At this point it becomes clear how it is difficult for the youth to bring changes at all. They become addicts hence theirs is only to look for means of getting it. Most smokers die of lung cancer due to smoking.Gangster control the streets and ghettos hence most of them end up in prison. In most poor regions, people spend more of their money on food; therefore the demand increases and prices too increase. This will reduce the purchasing power. Hence the cost of living will automatically rise, making the poor less able to access basic needs, (Brady, 2003). The vicious cycle of poverty is another cause of poverty. Most of the African Americans have a history on poverty from the past. Therefore it makes it difficult for the young generation to change their class .Poverty will form a continuous chain.Discrimination in the past made it hard for African Americans to get opportunities in the government. Illiteracy, high cost of education and high competitions leads to reduction of opportunities to gain wealth. Social class Social class entails the cultural and economic arrangements of different individuals in society. The class system is an important tool used by political scientists, social historians, sociologists and anthropologists in analyzing human beings way of life, (Devine, 1997). In sociology the issue of social class is discussed by use of social stratification. In most cases it is in tree levels: lower class, middle class and upper class. As an African American I believed I belonged to the middle class in the American society. The upper class are individual who are powerful in the society they are viewed by many to be the elite group. In the world there are some societies with no class concepts at all. In this communities all people are equal, hence no competition to achieving a higher level of social class. In the theory of Marxist, class is divided in to two groups. The owners of production and those who only use labor services for survival. The concept of class has led to distinctive features of lifestyle in society. For example the so called the powerful class use grooming, costumes, language codes and manners that are so unique to others,(Kendell, 2007 ).In the contemporary society the concept of class is well established. Social class can be determined when one is born or through struggle in lifetime. It can be achieved or ascribed. Most of African Americans have achieved status. They acquire it through skill, merit, actions and abilities. In America there are many consequences of social class. The inequalities in all sectors of life are widely spread. The consumption of goods and services is most consequences that are visible. The issue of variation in consumption is caused by inequalities in income. The people in the lower class can’t access expensive and luxurious lifestyle. The individuals in the middle class too can afford some but not has much as those in the upper class. Despite the fact that income is not a general factor when it comes to issue of class, research shows that that in upper class have high income as compared to individuals in lower classes, (Devine, 1997). The only thing that people enjoy being members of the middle class in America is the freedom in they get from their occupations. Mostly they ate respected, exhibit authority and enjoy diverse aspects of life. The lower classes are mostly alienated. The conditions at work place vary greatly between different classes. Being in the middle class it is all about job routine .Working is not free from injuries, death and other health hazard issues, (Kendell, 2007). In addition class system has clear impacts on the lifestyles of people. The lifestyle of individuals includes preference general lifestyle of living and taste. The lifestyle has great impact in the attainment of education which in later life has an impact of the class attainment. Children from different classes are raised differently.People in the upper class will probably raised their kids to attain the upper class. It is easy for one to move downward in the social class and stratification but not from moving up the class. Status consistency puts into consideration the plurality of status in society. All members have ranking different hierarchies. Individual are claimed to have consistent status if the status he has are in equal level, (Lareau,.et al,. 2008). Conversely, when status of an individual is different level of horizon they are experiencing inconsistency of status.Indivudual have [powers to determine the consistency of their status. In the U.S there are different models used by sociologist to describe class. Weberian and Marxian approaches have been used to develop the models. According to Weber there are some elements which affect class structure, this include occupation of the head of the family, education and the income of the family, (Euchar, 1989). Marxian put many emphases on ownership and production .The classes included the capitalists, they owned property and power. The second is the managerial class who has control on the workers and means of production. Small-business individuals are the craftsmen and owners of small-businesses which have very low return. In most cases they do their own activities. Finally the working class, in this category there are skilled and unskilled workers. Social mobility Arguably, Social mobility refers to a way in which individual undergo changes in their social status. It is observed by many to be a measure of equality of opportunities in human life. In America too social mobility of most of African Americans are influenced and determined by parents, own talent, luck and motivation. These factors determine if an individual gets a chance to move upwards or move downwards, (Kendell, 2007). The changes expected are mostly related to the position in society that concern social hierarchy. In the United States mobility policy is affected by education, public transport and other welfare factors. In order to understand upward mobility of African American we should use inter-sectionalist concept. The context of education is what most of the African American has put their efforts when hoping for an upward mobility. Education too is a tool used by African American to assimilate with the whites and the American society, (Tischler, 2007). Most of the blacks in America have invested in education but at the end of the day there is still a wide gap in the income between them and the whites. According to me upward mobility among the blacks in American is an individual efforts and potential. But for many years lots of interest in the social mobilized is focused on whether America is still a good place to secure an opportunity. In America the children of the black Americans always struggle to move upwards to a better position in the social structure, mostly higher than the position of their parents. Research shows that there has been an upward mobility if African American men due to their hard work, (Kendell, 2007).What is not clear is whether the trend will continue for a long time. Many blacks in the ghettoes have invested in education; this can be a speculative factor of the future of the blacks in America when it comes to social mobility. In most cases sociologists put much emphasis on intergenerational mobility. This is because it is much easier to recognize changes that occur across generations. In America where people are divided in color it makes it difficult to ch ange from one social class to another. This implies that social mobilit5y is at its minimal. The factors that cause changes in such society include skills, abilities, education, wealth and use of merits. In the United States there is high level discrimination of blacks by the whites. This discrimination occurs in different sectors of American economy, (Tischler,.et al,. 2007). Market segmentations and discriminations makes difficult for African Americans to experience upward mobility. Despite the efforts ion education the returns of labor that the educated were to receive is reduced. Therefore in America the African Americans face lots of challenges in the struggle for upward mobility. References Beeghley, L. (2004).The Structure of Social Stratification in the United States .New York: Pearson. Kendell, D. (2007).Sociology in our Times: The Essential. New York: Wiley. Tischler, L., Henry,. (2007). Introduction to Sociology.Califonia: Wadsworth. Devine, C. (1997).Social Class in America and Britain.Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. â€Å"The Great Migration†.Rican American World. (2002).Retrieved on October 12, 2007. Lareau, A., Conley, D,. (2008). Social Class: How does it Work?.New York: Russell. Brady, D.(2003) Rethinking the Sociological Measurement of Poverty Social sources Vol. 81     No.3,Retrieved on March 2003. Euchar, M. (1989). Occupation and Class Consciousness in America .Boston: Greenwood Press.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Women s Proper Sphere, And The Godey s Lady Book...
Within the 19th century American atmosphere, is a realm of cultural tropes that distinguishes themselves among the common literature that people read. Among these people, are different demographics as each publication caters to a specific audience on the basis of race, gender, and residing region. While the readers of these publications come from varying backgrounds and belief systems, there are unique similarities that provide insight as to how people were reading in the 19th century. These similarities contextualize what these readers were looking for in these publications as well as their interests and habits in respect to the demographics represented in the periodical archive. The two publications that best contextualize gender are the Lowell Offering and the Godey’s Lady Book periodicals as the articles found in both magazines depict traditional gender roles for males and females. For the Lowell Offering, this is best seen in the article entitled, â€Å"Woman’s Proper Sphere†, which focuses on the thoughts associated with oppression like, â€Å"Is it ambitious wish to shine as man’s equal, in the same scenes in which he mingles†or â€Å"Does she wish for a more extensive influence, than that which emanates from a woman’s home?†Yet these progressive questions are met with answers like â€Å"How necessary, then, that she should understand these pursuits (of men), that she may truly sympathize with and encourage those, with whom she may be associated. In this way†¦her influence must and
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Musical Essay Online For Free - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2391 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Music Essay Type Essay any type Did you like this example? The nature of musical communication and the framework of thought, feeling and behaviour within which this communication takes place. Musical communication is commonly associated with place or location; for instance a piece of music will often bring about a flood of memories recalling the place the piece was heard, perhaps the people in whose company the time listening to the piece was spent and certainly the mood of the piece. A piano recital is the cultural event we will focus on, using specific examples of piano recitals held around the world, drawing on reports about those recitals from performers and audience alike. The framework of thought, feeling and behaviour which takes place at a piano recital is different from any other cultural environment, primarily because it the most special and intimate of instruments, one which connects the player with the listener in intimate and unmediated communication, in a pure communicative act. The piano is an instrument which evokes extraordinary passion, requires considerable dedication and patience, together with skill and flair to bring about a perfect percussiv e performance. There are a number of key players in a piano recital, not least the composer who communicates his art to the pianist and onwards, through the instrument, to an audience. The composer is the translator of musical ideas into a symbolic form, usually the twelve semi-tone scale on a musical stave. The standard Western musical notation is a treble clef and a bass clef. Each note can be between lines or on a line and the piece is given a time signature denoting the rhythm of the music. Other symbols signify changes in tone, pace, volume and feeling. The behaviour of the player is also communicated from the composer to the pianist using symbols, including Italianate adjectives, although with more modern piano pieces the Italianate is often replaced with words from the composers usual vocabulary. Examples include piano, meaning quiet and forte, meaning loud. The nature of this communication is symbolic, or in the words of Roland Barthes, the literary critic, semiot ic Barthes (Barthes 1977) views semiology as underlying all communication, an empire of the signs that extends over film and photography, music criticism and reading and writing as historically situated activities. He identifies two natures of music: There are two musics (at least so I have always thought): the music one listens to, the music one plays. These two musics are totally different arts, each with its own history, its own sociology, its own aesthetics, its own erotic; the same composer can be minor if you listen to him, tremendous if you play him (even badly) such as Schumann. (Barthes 1977, p. 149) We will employ this distinction between passive and active to our discussion of the piano recital, where passive music is the music we listen to and active music is the music we play. Schumann is the composer we will focus on when discussing the cultural event that is the piano recital. Robert Schumann was a significant figure in German musical romanticism. (Jensen 2001) Schumann specialised in writing lyrical piano music and songs, but also composed notable orchestral choral and chamber works. He literary output was motivated by his love of literature which informed his musical criticism and composition. He was forced to abandon his career as a pianist after critically damaging, with a strengthening device, a finger on his right hand. Schumann wrote piano works that were a linking of short sections, such as Kreisleriana and Carnaval. Linked together, these sections paid extreme attention to detail, forming an interlocking composition. A talented music journalist, he was editor on one of the most significant journals of his day, Die Neue Zeitschrift fà ¼r Musik. In 1840 he wrote over a hundred songs, a year that became known as his year of song, including the song cycles Dichterliebe and Liederkreise. Schumann suffered from depression and mental instability as a result of syphilis and died in an asylum. Schumann believed tha t musical communication was under attack from virtuoso players who had little thought or feeling for music. His mission statement was given in his journal Die Neue Zeitschrift fà ¼r Musik, which, perhaps in spite of its name suggesting new music, promoted music proven by history music which had withstood the test of time. His era saw the rise of piano virtuosity from players who wanted to become celebrities in their own right without recognition of whose music it was they played, going so far as to compose pieces without thought about the framework of the musical communication, preferring technical complexities over clearly communicated music. Their ignorance of the thought, feeling and behaviour of composers, said Schumann, was philistine. He thus founded the Davids bà ¼ndler, or League of David, named after the biblical King David, who composed music, wrote poetry and slew the Philistines. Barthes speaks of piano recitals as an active form of music that has declined in practice to almost extinction where the piano has been forsaken for the guitar recital: The music one plays has disappeared; initially the province of the idle (aristocratic) class, it lapsed into an insipid social rite with the coming of the democracy of the bourgeoisie (the piano, the young lady, the drawing room, the nocturne) and then faded out altogether (who plays the piano today?). To find practical music in the West, one has now to look to another public, another repertoire, another instrument (the young generation, vocal music, the guitar). (Barthes1977, p. 149) Barthes interest in the piano recital as a cultural event for a particular social grouping, the bourgeoisie, is part of his semiotic history, analysable through the distinction between active and passive: Two roles appeared in succession, first that of the performer, the interpreter to whom the bourgeois public (though still able itself to play a little the whole history of the piano) delegat ed its playing, then that of the (passive) amateur, who listens to music without being able to play (the gramophone takes the place of the piano). (Barthes 1977, p. 163) We muster cognise that Barthes is writing from a French point of view and that his critique of the piano recital as bourgeois is not necessarily relevant to our discussion of the piano recital as an event instructive for an analysis of the nature of musical communication, although it does give some behavioural insights of the social roles of the performer and the audience at a cultural event, despite its over-politicisation of the framework within communication occurs. There is something more peculiar about Barthes role in the study of culture, namely that whenever a term is difficult to define, translators forget their native English tongue, as in this example, again discussing the piano: The melody succumbed to its salon image, this being a little the ridiculous form of its class origin. Mass go od music (records, radio) has left it behind, preferring either the more pathetic orchestra (success of Mahler) or less bourgeois instruments than the piano (harpsichord, trumpet). (Barthes 1977, p. 187) This is not biased criticism: the death of the French language is acknowledged by Barthes himself, therefore it seems right for us to acknowledge his language together with his semiotics as being nothing more than an exercise in textual ambiguity and irony. (Barthes 1977, pp. 187 188) The melody is not significant for the history of the piano recital and is perhaps more relevant to another form of musical communication, such as the voice, however. From Barthes we do have one definable framework within which musical communication takes place: the political. What Barthes shows is that the nature of music is to some degree governed by the environment in which it takes place, namely the background and political situations of the participants, who in the case of the piano rec ital are, according to Barthes, middle class. As a descriptive fact, the piano player and the passive audience will behave according to certain middle class conventions or thought or feeling, though what such middle class behaviour might be is not discussed by Barthes, who confines himself to semiological vagueness. How is culture to be evaluated ? According to its origin? Bourgeois. Its finality? Bourgeois again. According to dialectics? Although bourgeois, this does contain progressive elements; every one of them bourgeoisified. There are some who finally prefer to give up the problem, to dismiss all culture. (Barthes1977, p. 211). If piano recitals are to be dismissed as culture, then we would be obliged to reject Barthesian discourse as overly polemicized, concerned overly with the political and insufficiently with the communicative, because the music of the piano is not bourgeois. Far from it, as Schumann argued, the piano is an instrument through which thoug ht, feeling and behaviour can be transmitted; and although Schumann was not completely apolitical, his compositions must be musical first and foremost. Musical events such as a piano recital have a specific format. Firstly the audience is seated in front of stage upon which there is a piano. The stage marks the boundary between the active musician and the listeners, who with their programmes know the pieces that will be played, before the recital starts. Secondly, the pieces (whether they are by Schumann or another composer) are performed. Finally, the passive element joins the active element during applause, concluding the event. Musical communication can take the form of quoting ideas from previous musical compositions in new ones. Schumann borrowed from Beethoven, Clara Wieck, and other composers. For the cultural event that is the piano recital, this is the nature of musical communication, because it is history and allows us to place Schumann, or other composers of p iano music, in historical context. Continuing with the example of Robert Schumann, we can say that Schumann borrowed from Beethoven because he came afterwards. Schumann built upon the musical framework left behind by Beethoven in the piano recitals Schumann attended, so much so that he could incorporate Beethovenian thoughts, feelings and behaviour into his own compositions. Amore prosaic framework of musical communication is the biographical context of Robert Schumanns life. Schumann was born in 1810 and died at the age of 46, in1856. He was a major figure in German musical romanticism, amongst the leading composers of his day, whose communications are highly regarded. The descriptive term of the time was Neu-Romantisch, or Neo-Romantic, the earlier Romanticism being associated with composers of Beethovens period. We should not try to define the meanings of feeling, thought or behaviour within a discussion of German Romanticism. The movement is its own framework, with Schum ann at its editorial front, writing for the Davids bà ¼ndler. Piano music is its own form of musical communication. The music played at a recital is not only a communication from the composer to the audience; it is also a communication of the ideas behind the music, such as in Schumanns case from Beethoven, to the audience. An educated audience will be able to hear these audible messages. The programme notes may even identify an idea to the audience explicitly, for instance in a performance of Carnaval, where the final section is March of the Davids bà ¼ndler against the Philistines. Similarly there is a quotation of a musical theme, also in Carnaval, called Papillons. (Jensen 2001, p. 83) The mood of the piece Carnaval is quixotic, a description that may also be used of Schumanns nature, because he loved to incorporate cryptic communication within his compositions. For instance, Schumann received the idea for the musical mottos that serve as the basis of Carnaval from the name of the home town, Asch, of a female correspondent. (Jensen 2001, p. 119) There are three combinations of Asch possible, in musical notation: S, C, H, A; AS,C, H; A, S, C, H. All but two of the twenty-one compositions that make up Carnaval use the latter two, which from the German musical system transcribe to the notes A flat, C, B, or A, E flat, C, B. Schumann decided to call the mottos Sphinxes. (Jensen 2001, p. 150) Each of the pieces comprises a musical representation of a masked ball during carnival season. Jensen describes Schumanns behaviour laconically and contradictorily: It says much about Schumanns naivete that he was convinced the sphinxes in themselves would create something of a sensation and sales of the work as if there were widespread interest in such musical games. But for much of his life Schumann was fascinated by puzzles and ciphers, particularly if they could be applied to music. His interest in ciphers was one that was common to not a fe w writers andarti1sts associated with German Romanticism; Friedrich Schlegel, for example, described art as inner hieroglyphic writing. (Jensen 2001, p. 151, citing Dieckmann 1955, p. 311) We should recognise this relationship between codified musical communication and German Romanticism. It was shared by other writers: Schumanns interest in cipher, number symbolism, and musical/word puzzles is frequently encountered in his writings. [] Such an approach permitted him to add both mystery and extra musical significance to his works. [] An entire section of Aesthetics is devoted to the creation of secrets and hidden identities, all for the delight of the unravelling of little knots for the reader. (Jensen 2001,pp. 152 153, citing Richter 1973, p. 195) In conclusion, a framework of communication, we have shown, can be semiological, cryptic and political. Barthes semiological analysis of a piano recital tends towards the political, with his disdain for the bourgeoi s influencing his dislike of the politics of those attending piano recitals. If Schumann is played at a piano recital, there are semiological frameworks of musical communication derived from Schumanns interest in musical code. What is certain is that the historical context for each, the composer and the cultural analyst equally, is of paramount importance Without musical communication with Beethoven, Schubert would not have composed vastly different piano pieces, not to mention the pieces he composed for other instruments; and without a French social milieu Barthes might have had more tolerance for the piano recital as an excellent cultural event through which to investigate the nature of musical communication. As an event, the piano recital will generate a flood of memories for the active player and the passive audience, whose mood will be affected by the communication of thought, feeling and behaviour of the composer and by the music. Therefore historical is probably the bes t discussion of the specific type of cultural event that is the piano recital, because the music is historical, as is the event, and the environment. Don’t waste time! 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Waste Pollution And Its Effects On The Environment
The rapid growth of the people in the earth along with many owning homes, driving cars and owning business has created much waste. There have been many steps to reduce the amount of waste by gathering it all in landfills, recycling, burying hazardous waste underground and burning what can be burnt but there is always some waste not collected. Also our means to get rid of waste are not totally efficient. All the waste building up is causing many problems to the environment; contaminating the land, water and air, which affects every living thing on the earth, waste is building up in such large amounts we are running out of adequate ways to dispose of it and our means to dispose of all the waste is not adequately efficient. To understand the effects waste is having on the land let’s view the definition of land pollution given by Conserve Energy Future, â€Å"the degradation or destruction of earth’s surface and soil, directly or indirectly as a result of human activitie s†(Conserve Energy Future-Cause, Effects and Solution of Land Pollution, 2014). Now some effects waste is having on land include soil pollution, environmental impact, effects on wildlife and distraction for tourist (Conserve Energy Future-Cause, Effects and Solution of Land Pollution, 2014). Soil pollution is when the upper layer of soil is damaged which in turn leads to loss of fertile land for agriculture, forest cover and fodder patches for grazing. Environmental impact occurs because more waste contaminatingShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Air Pollution On The Environment Essay1198 Words  | 5 PagesEnvironmental pollution will cause direct damage to the ecosystem and impact, such as desertification, forest destruction, water eutrophication, will also give ecological systems and human society caused by indirect harm, and sometimes this indirect environmental effects than the harm caused Of the direct harm is greater, more difficult to eliminate. For example, the green house effect, acid rain, and ozone depletion are the environmental effects of air pollution. This environmental effect derived fromRead MorePollution Of The Environment And The Home1208 Words  | 5 PagesPollution of the Environment There is a strong connection between the environment and the home; this implication refers, in one aspect, to a human’s inclination and love towards home. 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Esr Class Presentation †Week V Free Essays
ESR Class Presentation – Week V ( September 12 13 2011) 1. Cases for Discussion (David J. Fritzsche): * It’s Your Turn (page 109) * Kader Industrial (Thailand) Company- Case 10 (page 182) * Muebles Fino Buenos- Case 11 (page 184) 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Esr Class Presentation – Week V or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"It’s Your Turn†– Please answer the question in the last line using the following ethical frameworks: (a) Categorical Imperative; (b) Rule Utilitarian; (c) Veil of Ignorance; and (d) Act Utilitarianism. * Categorical Imperative: If you have a contract with another party, fulfill this contract. No matter what. Especially if the other party is counting on you, because they should go bankrupt. Humanity: Fulfill your contract, moral duty. * Rule Utilitarianism: Follow through with your contract. Don’t abandon people/companies with who you have agreed to help/work with. * Veil of Ignorance: You have limited amount of resources, so you have to make the choice for one of the 2 clients. Keep producing for the old client, but use the rest of your capacity to start producing for the new big one. What if The domestic customer only signs the contract if you can produce everything in the first month. hose for domestic one, 2 happy vs. 1 bad * Act Utilitarianism: More positives vs. best negatives. Ok you make one party really unhappy, but still this is the most good for the most peoples. 3. Case 10: Only Questions 4, 5, 7 8. * 4: Lock the doors, no safety regulations or fire escapes. Cloth close to electrical transformer. No alarms. If you lock doors, make sure that you can open them really fas t at all times. Building disintegrated quickly (poor construction, steel beams) * 7: Business aimed, only profit matters†¦. Don’t look at the people as humans, but use them as machines. They even asked their workers to keep working while there was a small fire. Maybe even hostile, locking doors etc. * 5: Legal: Board, managers†¦ should have safety regulations. Government, Safety and health organization in Thailand (from government). Moral: * 8: Only sign contract if you know that the working conditions are ok, that there are safety regulations etc. company should at least follow the country regulations for safety codes, building rules etc. , if you ask more of the company, they won’t be able to give you the cheap labor. ut point in the middle Class†¦ where would you put the line, what are the moral/social obligations for the customers before signing any contracts? 4. Case 11: Only Questions 3, 4, 6, and 7. * 3: They didn’t follow all the environmental rules of the state. Unhealthy for the employees to work there. Just switching countries because they didn’t want to invest in the machines/other processing methods and to evade the fines. So fire a lot of people to get new employees at 1/8 of the costs. Is this even outsourcing? Or really moving your whole company somewhere else. * 4: Pollution vs. working conditions. A lot of pollution vs. good paid jobs. As long as there are good safety regulations and compensations for health. * 6: Egoism view: YES 😉 because you make more profits and you don’t care about the pollution. But†¦ you pay your employees less than in California, so you can invest a bit more in environmental issues. Deontology (don’t do to anybody else what you don’t want them to do to you): Stay in America and fix your pollution problems, because you don’t want to get fined and you don’t want your employees to get ill. * 7: Make sure they follow the standards and make sure that you have quit high environmental standards. But a lot of corruption in Mexico so make sure the companies follow your standards by controlling them yourself. Because a lot of American companies will go to Mexico (because of rising environmental standards in US) build some parks and green zones to help the people who live there to be able to live healthy, outside all the pollution. 5. Assume that stung by charges re the happenings of Foxcon in China, Apple Inc. has asked you to draft a memo on the subject of an ISO standard to be applied to high-tech contract manufacturers of high-end electronic items. Restrict yourself to 6 standards and explain your choice. 6. The Medical Council of Singapore has asked you to draft 3 ethics principles relating to the outsourcing of medical work to India. Please identify what, in your opinion, are the three most important principles and explain the purpose behind your choice and the specific content of such principles. Firms Find a Haven From U. S. Environmental Rules : Commerce: Hundreds of companies set up shop in Mexico, where regulation is less strict and wages are low. THE FREE-TRADE DILEMMA: The environmental costs of a U. S. Mexico pact. Third in a four-part series. Next: How will free trade affect El Paso’s smoggy skies? November 19, 1991|JUDY PASTERNAK | TIMES STAFF WRITER â€Å"We are rewriting history here. It was only recently that anyone here started to care about the environment. It will take time. †The backlog troubles EPA officials who deal regularly with SEDUE. Said one, who spoke on the condition of anonymity : â€Å"This is a situation where the economic activity has gotten way ahead of the regulatory activity. †* http://articles. latimes. com/1991-11-19/news/mn-70_1_environmental-rules/4 How to cite Esr Class Presentation – Week V, Essay examples
Emotional Stability free essay sample
Decades of research on personality has uncovered five broad dimensions of personality. These so-called Big Five dimensions are called: (Magnavita, 2012) Extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and intellect. Extraversion is characterized by social ability, talkativeness, assertiveness and excitability. People who are high in extraversion seem to seek out social stimulation and love to talk to others. When people describe extraversion people they say they are full of life, energy and very positive. They are very assertive. When we talk about agreeableness we use the words pleasant, accommodating, empathetic, considerate, friendly, generous, helpful, trusting and honest to name a few adjectives. Agreeableness distinguish between people who enjoy working with others and are trusting, from people who are more competitive and prefer to work by themselves. Depending on your degree of agreeableness determines your likeliness to lead a team or to be led. Conscientiousness is the personality model that influences whether a person sets and keeps their long-range goals, deliberate over choices or behave impulsively, and take seriously obligations to others. Conscientiousness is a key in being successful. The personality model of intellect is the ability to identify, analyze, memorize, and categorize. Intellect (Fact) and Intelligence (Feeling) determine the existential course of one’s journey through life. Here is a relatively mundane illustration of how they work together. (Antonakis, 2009) The last personality model we are going to talk about is mental stability and the importance of it on the job. I have been told numerous times that I seem so calm even with children calling my name constantly, parents are wanting to talk to me and school politics are driving me a little crazy in my mind. I try to keep my outside calm, so I would like to know how I do this and how to keep it this way. Emotional stability refers to one’s proneness to negative emotions and anxiety. More resilient persons (high on emotional stability) are less prone to experiencing negative reactions. Emotional stability distinguishes individuals who are laid back and relaxed from those who are easily stressed and in touch with their emotions. People who are too stressed become impossible to market to because they filter out unimportant messages, but people who are too relaxed are also impossible to market to because they are not motivated to act on your message. Marketing therefore must follow a careful balancing act between a call to action that is too urgent versus one that is not urgent enough, and there is no single answer for everyone-it depends on an individual’s emotional stability. (Wang, 2011) Emotional stability is having a calm behavior, even if things go wrong or major pressure is on. It is the skill to control his or her emotional expression while still keeping the right mind to make rational and professional decisions. This is not an act but true calm. I have worked with people that you think are true calm and the smallest thing will send them over the edge. Teng, Chang Hsu (2009: 2088) states that a person having good emotional stability is less likely to display strong emotional reactions to stressful situations. Teng also adds that these people lean more towards being pro-active and successful in problem-solving. Neuroticism would be the other end of the scale where one will have the buoyancy to experience negative emotions. Neuroticism includes characteristics of excessive worry, pessimistic and low confidence (Bozionelos 2004: 70) When you look at workers who are narcotic they have a difficult time coping with stress or are on a bad mood most of the time under normal circumstances. Employers favor employees who are emotionally stable because they are dependable and can handle success and failure. Emotional stable employees will continue on with the work assigned, it’s important to help learning and understanding a task. When employees that are neurotic make an error or have a project that doesn’t work out their personality of emotionally positive or negative affects the outcome of their behavior. Emotionally stable individuals will learn from their mistakes, neurotic employees will develop a fear when they make a mistake. Neurotic employees choose alternative activities, often unchallenging work to take their minds off any errors that could relieve fear. This lets us know that emotionally stable employees learn from their own mistakes. One other part of having an emotional stable employee is they can make competent judgment calls even under the most stressful situations. It has been stated emotionally unstable employees will make decisions based on personal emotions rather than facts and logic. In the article by Teng et al, â€Å"Emotional stability of nurses: impact on patient safety. Emotionally stable nurses can be expected to achieve better nursing outcomes than emotionally unstable nurses. †(Teng, 2009) This article is about nurses, who have a very stressful job, so it can be used in more corporate jobs with stress. Even though emotional stability is one of the big five personality factors, there is some evidence that suggest external factors play a part in this behavior. Being unhappy or over worked in your job can lead to unemotional stability. It can cause work burnout and lead to negative emotions than we have neuroticism. In the article Ten et al. (2009) research has shown that emotional stability can be taught. And that there is almost no correlation between emotional stability across the years for the same individual (Hampson Goldberg cited in Teng et al. 2009). Knowing that external factors can cause instability, employers can find ways to increase job satisfaction. It is critical for managers to create an organizational environment that promotes the emotional stability of employees. There are many different kinds of leadership. Being smarter than anyone else is not what makes a good leader, more important is emotional intelligence. A good leader makes good and rational decisions for the teams they leave. Having control over your emotions is important for being assertive, gregarious, energetic, calm and progressive in a leadership role. Neuroticism in leadership will steer towards hostile and panicky attitudes which do not contribute in leading a successful team today. It is always important that the team leader remains calm and collected in order to keep the team composed; followers will be seeking for a stable point in the team and times of distress and the leader often times must assume this role. (Antonakis, 2009) Leaders who can manage their own emotions are able to direct their attention to prioritize events and handle issues in the order of importance. Dr. Wasilewski stated that leaders who are emotionally intelligent are able to successfully implement changes in an organizations. They understand their responsibilities as a leader and will take steps necessary to improve the team and will also make better judgments on the viability of a follower in the team. With the points presented, it is easy to conclude that a leader with emotional stability will make a better leader than one with emotional instability. (George, 2000) Eysenck was one of the first psychologists to relate biology to personality and has developed an extensive range of theories on many topics and published over 40 book. Eysenck believed that an individual’s personality traits are caused directly by a person’s genetic make-up. There have been many studies that support biological explanations of Eysenck’s trait personality theory: these include, twin studies and brain imaging. Eysenck made traits more mathematical, he gave a long lists of adjectives to hundreds of thousands of people and used a special statistics called factor analysis to figure out what factors carry the most weight. He took the results of this work and created a test called the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. A low score meant you were introverted, a high score extraverted. Of course, this meant you could be halfway in-between as in fact most people are. The article I found interesting was from the Professional Psychology, Eysenck Personality Inventory. It explains the system Eysenck used to develop his Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI). The total number of subjects employed in the series of investigations that culminated with the development of EPI exceeded 30,000. In addition to university students, use was made of various English middle class and working class groups who varied in age and sex composition, as well as of samples purported to be representative of the whole population of England. One of the main problems facing schools is finding the emotionally stable teachers. Ryan Carson states, â€Å"No plans for better teacher preparation can omit consideration of the selection of candidates for training. Though there is general agreement as to the need of more satisfactory selection of those young people who are to be encouraged to go on for the work of teaching, little has been done about it. †He also states, â€Å"Not only has there been little effort to select for teacher training candidates who are good prospects from the point of view of mental health, but there is some competent opinion to the effect that, is anything, present methods of selection tend to favor a type of candidate whose influence upon children in school is unfortunate. †(Carson, 2010) Everyone wants emotionally stable teachers, but finding ways to hire them is difficult, pay is low, work is difficult. The few schools that have programs of selection in operation have felt more confident of their ability to select for good teachers. I am having some issues at work hiring a new assistant in my classroom. I need one with emotional stability that I can count on and be positive because that is a big part of a teacher’s job is to be positive to the students, parents, and coworkers. To work with students it can be very stressful and you have to be able to handle issues in the importance of them. You have to be able to shift gears and always be ready to keep your students safe. You have to put your personal issues aside. I have worked with other teachers that are so involved in their own problems they forget to work for their students. Being a teacher is difficult and I have seen several teachers burnout. Our office staff is putting in place different outlets for the teachers to relieve stress and give us back our emotional stability. My paper is explaining the benefits of emotional stability on the job. Emotional stability is a benefit in the process of learning things on the job. Emotional people learn from their errors and errors of coworkers in the work place. Emotional stability helps the employees and management make decisions for the welfare of the company. I discussed the details about the emotional stability and neuroticism and how they work together in the work place. References
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Maybe the Hills are White Elephants Essay Example For Students
Maybe the Hills are White Elephants? Essay In Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants,†we find two people outside of a pub/tavern waiting for a train drinking a few beers and enjoying their times. As the story goes on we see that the man is somewhat of a protagonist of the story because we see him start multiple unnecessary arguments with her throughout the story. When she says that the hills resemble white elephants and the man seems uninterested and argues with her whether or not he has seen a white elephant. Noticing that Hills Like White Elephants was written in the 1920s, the topic of the story continues to be a controversial subject because not once does neither say what they’re actually talking about. The word abortion is never used throughout the story, but it is clear to the reader that the man is persuading the woman he calls â€Å"Jig†to undergo the procedure. First off she does not want to do this because she feels if she does her reputation as a lady will perish away. He pretends to be concerned with her thoughts and tries to diminish the difficult operation she is about to undergo, but he is actually more concerned with his own happiness (as it seems). As the story goes one Jig seems to have a low self-esteem and that the American as he is called uses her emotional weakness to his advantage. He knew that she was in love with him and that she would do anything to satisfy him. He promises her love and happiness while talking about the abortion but when Jig has no part of it and tries to needlessly switch topics, the man becomes very angry with her and begins to start immediately argue with her. We see this happen over and over again because she doesn’t want it and he does. Now looking at the other aspect of the situation is if they are even a couple or not? The man is called the American throughout the story and nothing else. While the name Jig is given to the lady. Now a jig I know from today’s culture is some sort of dance if I remember. I’m not totally sure why the name Jig is so significant. It hit me along the way, I began to think the man had a wife and that Jig did not know he was married. Since Jig’s ethnicity was really never shown, we won’t really know if she is the spouse of this man. It is almost as if the man traveled a lot and that he had impregnated a lady when he was away from home. I came to my own conclusion that this wasn’t the Americans first rodeo ride, Meaning, I feel he’s done this one more than one occasion because as we approach the end of the story, it’s as if all the conflict and worry dies down because Jig finally says â€Å"And if I do it you’ll be happy and things wi ll be like they were and you’ll love me?†And â€Å"I know. But if I do it, then It will be nice again if I say things are like white elephants, and you’ll like it?†(130) We notice that she has great love for this man but towards the end the American doesn’t show much sympathy for her and says how about a couple more beers. He begins to ease off of her rejecting all of what she saying about loving him forever and that they can have everything taking me back to the conclusion of how this isn’t the Americans first ride. To conclude, noticing how short the story was says so much of how much detail and context Hemingway puts into his words and lines. He did not once say the word abortion at all and knowing that it has been such a huge topic since those days and in today’s new culture. It’s tough to put that into a paper and describe the deep feeling of two people just simply talking about it. He did a masterful job of explaining it very thoroughly but yet leaving readers as myself on a ledge wondering if she went through with it or not. The American was the bad guy in the story id say. This is a good read for everyone and I recommend it to everyone man or women.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Ap Lang Synthesis Essay Samples - Effective Essay Tips
Ap Lang Synthesis Essay Samples - Effective Essay TipsYou may be wondering what is Ap Lang Synthesis Essay Samples. In a nutshell, this is a single-sheet formula for making effective essay essays. It's effective because it emphasizes the power of making your own essay. It gives you the ability to use your own creativity and imagination to craft the very best essay that you can make.Essay writing is quite subjective, and no one can be sure of how they'll think or feel when they finish a document. You can easily alter how you view the writing process by using Ap Lang Synthesis Essay Samples. These formula essays help you generate a better set of thoughts when you finish the document.You want to be specific in your topic. If you're looking for a way to 'mess up' your topic so that it makes a better essay, then consider using Ap Lang Synthesis Essay Samples. For example, instead of writing about 'creative individuals', use 'creative people'. Using this formula, you're able to include you rself in the 'creative group'.When you're writing essays, accuracy is key. If you're going to use a different method that will automatically change how you view the same subject, you might as well just put out an old article. Using Ap Lang Synthesis Essay Samples is not going to help you create a masterpiece; however, this technique is going to make it easier for you to create a subject that you like.Another advantage of this formula is that it includes a pre-written essay. This means that you don't have to try to find ideas that will fit into your essay. Instead, this pre-written essay is going to help you hone your ideas. With this formula, you are able to focus on finding ideas that will help you express the type of person that you are.Finally, remember that all good essay subjects are open to interpretation. Just because the essay is called 'Articles by Ilario Catalano', doesn't mean that it has to be a 'picture essay'. By making it easy for you to use your own creativity, this article allows you to interpret the essay in the best possible way.Overall, you'll be glad to know that Ap Lang Synthesis Essay Samples is effective. Now that you have the capability to use your own creative skills, you'll be able to write essays that are different and more impressive than ever before.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Animal Welfare to Animal Rights Spectrum
Animal Welfare to Animal Rights Spectrum Although animal rights and animal welfare frequently fall on the same side of an issue, there is a fundamental difference between the two ideologies: the right of humans to use animals. The Right to Use Animals One of the basic tenets of animal rights is that humans do not have a right to use non-human animals for our own purposes, which include food, clothing, entertainment, and vivisection. This is based on a rejection of speciesism and the knowledge that animals are sentient beings. There are many who believe that humans do have a right to use animals for some purposes, but believe that animals should be treated better. This position is the animal welfare position. Example of Farmed Animals While the animal rights position seeks the elimination of the use of animals, the animal welfare position seeks more humane conditions for the animals. The difference between these two positions can be seen as applied to an issue like farmed animals. While the animal rights position would hold that humans do not have the right to slaughter and eat animals, the animal welfare position would be that the animals should be treated humanely before and during slaughter. The animal welfare position would not object to the consumption of animals but would seek the elimination of cruel factory farming practices such as confining calves in veal crates, confining pregnant sows in gestational stalls, and debeaking chickens. Animal rights advocates also oppose these cruel practices but seek to eliminate the consumption of animals and animal products. Unacceptable Uses To most supporters of the animal welfare position, some uses of animals are unacceptable because the human benefit is minimal compared to the amount of animal suffering involved. These usually include uses like fur, cosmetics testing, canned hunting, and dogfighting. On these issues, both the animal rights position and animal welfare position would call for the elimination of these uses of animals. Animal Issues Spectrum Like many other issues, there is a wide variety of positions on animal issues. One can imagine a spectrum with animal rights at one end, animal welfare in the middle, and the belief that animals do not deserve any moral consideration on the other end. Many people may find that their views do not fit completely in one box or the other or may find that their positions change depending on the issue. Other Terminology A variety of terms is used to describe positions on animal issues. These include animal protection, animal advocacy, and animal liberation. â€Å"Animal protection†and â€Å"animal advocacy†are usually understood to include both animal rights and animal welfare. Both terms embody the belief that animals should be protected and deserve some moral consideration. â€Å"Animal liberation†is usually used to describe an animal rights position, which would oppose any uses of animals for human purposes.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
A People’s Army Essay Example
A People’s Army Essay Example A People’s Army Essay A People’s Army Essay The book â€Å"A People’s Army: Massachusetts Soldiers and Society in the Seven Years’ War†by Fred Anderson tries to discuss traditional insight into the Seven Year’s War. The author provides new historical interpretations and analysis of the war in America’ moreover, all his ideas and suggestions are based on archeological findings. The author’s main thesis is that historians placed too much emphasis on the stories of military soldiers and people who survived in war, though it was necessary to back up on historical and archeological findings as soldier’s stories may fail to be proved. Therefore, the book is devoted to analyzing the wartime experiences of the common and provincial soldiers, rather than to describing military campaign.The author managed to change the views on conduct of war. Anderson argues that the topic of Seven Year’s War is ignored and even neglected. Thus, he takes deeper insight in life of soldiers ben efiting from the voice of amateur soldiers. In order to make people see the reality, he shows the true life, service and complex relations of soldiers. He writes that â€Å"although military service took place in the midst of a wilderness, camp life was paradoxically more like an intense urban experience than anything most provincials had ever known†. Apparent strength of the book is author’s emphasis on â€Å"providentialism†as the author asserts that only God is ale to guide everything in the world. That is the primary conclusion. Anderson also concludes that provincial soldiers after returning home aren’t willing to sever ties to the British Empire. Instead, they realized the importance of cultural identity and cultural diligence.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Accounting report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Accounting report - Assignment Example Therefore, this additional information such as the macro environment effects, business performance in comparison to its competitors, etc. generally guide the investor in making the right choice. The statements provided by Chairman and CEO are more or less same with both them talking about the performance of British Airways during the year in comparison with last year and the difficulties being faced due to economic downturn, loss of consumer confidence, increasing oil prices and other environmental factors. Furthermore, both the heads highlighted the fact that next year is going to be much tougher in terms of performance due to economic conditions prevailing, yet they are confident that the company will manage to survive and achieve their long term future goals of being a premium airline. However, the main difference among both the statements was the measures highlighted by CEO to survive currently and tackle the future business appropriately with a brief detail about their future development and ways to achieve those (British Airways 2009). The report provided by CFO highlight some of the problems that company is facing and which will be important for investor like Paul. Firstly, the CFO talks about the decline revenue caused by a decrease in passenger traffic especially premium passenger leading to reduction on amount of flying. Furthermore, the report highlights the company’s susceptibility towards fluctuating oil prices and showing an increase in operating expenditure due to this. Moreover the company faced a net unrealized loss on fuel derivatives due to volatile prices. Lastly, company posted a negative EPS which will have an adverse impact on its investors as no dividend was announced (British Airways 2009). The environment in which airline industry operates involves lot of risks and uncertainties which are out of their control and can have severe impacts on their business. Some of the risks involved in their industry are act of terrorism, any
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Power and social movements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Power and social movements - Essay Example Furthermore, crowd mechanisms cannot be used to achieve communication and coordination of activity over a wide area, such as a nation or continent (Social Movement, 2006). In this regard, Sidney Tarrow defines a social movement as collective challenges by people with common purposes and solidarity in sustained interactions with elites, opponents and authorities. He specifically distinguishes social movements from political parties and interest groups (Tarrow, 1994). From whatever perspective one views social movement, it is apparent that all definitions of social movement reflect the notion that they are intrinsically related to social change; an attempt by the perceived powerless and voiceless in the society to exert their voice and power with an eye towards achieving such change. They do not, however, encompass the activities of people as members of stable social groups with established, unquestioned structures, norms, and values (Social Movement, 2006). Over the past few decades, several factors such as education, which have encouraged wider dissemination of literature, the increased mobility of labour due to the industrialisation and urbanisation of 19th century societies, the freedom of expression, and relative economic independence prevalent in the modern western society have precipitated an explosion of social movements in countries across the globe (Schock, 2005; Giddens et al, 2003). The New Social Movement (NSM); a new term that has come to describe the several social movements that sprung up over time, ranges from the civil rights and feminist movements of the 1960s and 1970s to the antinuclear and ecological movements of the 1980s and the gay rights campaign of the 1990s. Increasingly, traditional political institutions are becoming unable to cope with these challenges facing them. Taking a look at the origin of social movements, Tilly (2004) argues that social movement was not in existence before the late eighteenth century. Although he concedes that several elements like campaigns, social movement repertoire and WUNC displays have a long history, he opined that they were only recently combined together into what could be seen properly as a social movement. Social movement first came into existence in England and North America during the first decades of the nineteenth century and has since then spread across the globe (Tilly, 2004) From several indications it is apparent that the early growth of social movements was connected to broad economic and political changes including parliamentarisation, capitalisation, etc. Political movements that evolved in late 18th century, like those connected to the French Revolution and Polish Constitution of May 3, 1791 are among the first documented social movements, although Tilly notes that the British abolitionist movement has "some claims" to being the first social movement (becoming one between the sugar boycott of 1791 and the second great petition drive of 1806). The labour movement and socialist movement of the late 19th century are seen as the prototypical social movements, leading to the formation of communist and social democratic parties and organisations. From 1815, Britain after victory in the Napoleonic Wars
Monday, January 27, 2020
Body Of Evolution Of Musical Film Genres Film Essay
Body Of Evolution Of Musical Film Genres Film Essay On the primitive period, musical generates as an hybrid from European operetta and American vaudeville and music hall. A director that represents this period is Busby Berkeley. His films pay not attention to the plot, are vehicle for song and dance. It is pure spectacle and sensuality. Sex is offered through the gaze (Hayward, 2000). On the mature period, from the 30s to the 50s, songs and dance move with the narrative and are introduced on a natural way. Fred Astaire develops an elegant, stylised style and Gene Kelly develops a more energetic one (Hayward, 2000). From the 50s to the 70s, musicals are more realistic, subjects as racism, delinquency are treated. Examples are West side story, whose narrative is based on Romeo and Juliet, Saturday Night Fever and Grease. Some other films go back to the traditional narrative structure, as Barbra Streisand and The sound of Music(1965) (Hayward, 2000). Cabaret(1972) Bob Fosse has influences of art cinema and the camera work is different than usual, it goes from fluid to vertiginous (Hayward, 2000). Formal conventions, stereotypes and narrative (Hayward, 2000) (Cohan, 2010) For Altman (1989) musicals on the mature period are an ode to marriage. The narrative is based on the principle of pairing and mirroring. Male and female are paired, maturity is paired to immaturity. The main characters are mirrored in other couples, settings are mirrored in others (Hayward, 2000). Camera work, editing compared to dominant codes of continuity. Use of diegesis. The genre can not be as used to be on the past, these times are far too cynical for it, it would not be taken seriously. The way to do it would be making singing an dancing naturalised within a fictive world or being represented as fantasies occurring within a characters mind (Cohan, 2010). Conventions in HSM follow the traditional ones . It follows the principle of duality (the two main characters). What it adds is a contrast between authenticity, represented by the main couple, and manipulated artistry, represented by another couple formed by Sharpay and Ryan. (Cohan, 2010). theories of spectatorship and scopophilia (Richardson, 2008), (Hayward, 2000) and (Sturken Cartwright, 2009) It is interesting to analyse what appeals the viewer. We can go from psychoanalytical theories, to cognitive theories, to theories that distinguish the spectator for gender, to later theories that consider that the spectator the pleasure that the spectator feel at looking at others. Some musical genre detractors consider that the character breaking suddenly out into singing and dancing creates a sense of alienation as spectator(Cohan, 2010). Reasons that can help to revive the genre. Cohan mentions David Rooney and Jonathan Bing describing which can be the factors to bring back musicals. They mention the development of new technology to help with the task of shooting and editing and to reduce costs. Also the after-market of the fans of musical can be financially interesting, as they are repeat viewers, so DVDs and soundtracks would sell, as well as merchandising would do. Another interesting factor is that youth audience has been raised on music videos. This could help to explain the success of High School Musical or Glee (Cohan, 2010).There are also negative factors, as that cinema industry is offering young male audience other products that get their attention (Cohan, 2010). Intertextuality. Viewers have a wider visual knowledge that make them able to understand messages transmitted on ambiguous ways. This mechanism is known as intertextuality. Chandler (2003) quotes Leiss (1990): The growing preponderance of visuals in ads has enhanced the ambiguity of meaning embedded in message structures. Earlier advertising usually states its message quite explicitly through the medium of written text, but starting in the mid-1920s visual representation became more common, and the relationship between text and visual image became complementary that is, the text explained the visual. In the postwar period, and especially since the early 1960s, the function of text moved away from explaining the visual and towards a more cryptic form, in which text appeared as a kind of key to the visual. In all, the effect was to make the commercial message more ambiguous; a reading of it depended on relating elements in the ads internal structure to each other, as well as drawing in references from the external world. HSM and authorship. HSM in schools. Postmodernism in last musicals productions for TV Cohan (2010) quotes Edwards: The charm and artistic merit of the original HSM movie lies in its ability to consider a sophisticated theatrical and musical heritage and consequently revise it for a modern audience à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ it simultaneously conforms to genre expectations and pays homage to its textual influences while taking a postmodern delight in exposing its own limitations and playing with some gentle pastiche of literary and cinematic predecessors.
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