Saturday, August 31, 2019
A good example of this is when students say they hate school. Not only is school academic, but it is also social. School is where friends associate, and most students enjoy this. Most students have a favorite class, so they certainly don't hate that time. So what part of school do they actually â€Å"hate? †Then when asked if they would want to quit school they say â€Å"Of course! †But when one thinks about it, school is what builds up the rest of our lives to success.One cannot possibly hate something that asses happiness in a well educated life. Other examples include saying â€Å"l hate her,†which causes questions like why and who, and statements like â€Å"l hate my parents†cause judgment, in that bystanders will stereotype one as a rebel. If one said â€Å"l hate her because she betrayed me,†it would be more accurate and powerful; however, society is to lazy to add detail, just as they are too lazy to say â€Å"dislike?' instead of â₠¬Å"hate. †Hate is a powerful word used against a specific person or object. Hate, when used frivolously in common conversation, can be extremely hurtful.Hate is carelessly used to describe people one dislikes. If the disliked person overhears, finds out, or takes the usage in an offensive manner, they can be extremely hurt by the statement This often causes unwanted drama and conflict. If one had avoiding using such harsh language in the first place, that person wouldn't have had to deal with this drama. Hate is used towards friends as a joke, but if the word was being used correctly, there would be no friends. â€Å"Hate†isolates friendships and starts fights that should've never been started.If used in this frivolous, airless, way, the word hate can be extremely offensive in situations where it was not meant to be. One can never be sure how the person he or she is talking to takes the use Of the word â€Å"hate,†so to be safe, it should only be reserved for extreme situations. Hate is an emotion reserved for people that have the right to use it. Only people who have had traumatic or horrible life experiences have the right to hate certain people or items. Hating your parents because they don't let you go out is pathetic, unlike hating your parents because they abandoned you, which is understandable and tragic.Students hating school because of a bad grade is very different from students hating school because they are bullied. What about kids hating cars because they aren't old enough to drive versus hating cars because of a serious accident? There is never black and white in these situations, it all depends on circumstances. Hate can only be used in truly loathly situations. Hate is an intense word that should only be used in the most extreme of situations, and should not be used frivolously. Hate is used too broadly on everyday subjects, and is a very offensive word that destroys relationships when used incorrectly.
Friday, August 30, 2019
What is the essence of the visitor's point? Discuss how this quote could apply to the novel. Option 2: A euphemism is the substitution of a mild, indirect or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt. Never Let Me Go is filled with euphemisms such as â€Å"donations,†â€Å"completing†and â€Å"deferrals. †After explaining what these words literally mean in the context of the novel, discuss why the â€Å"guardians†of Hails use these terms in talking with the students. On a broader level, how does the author's use of these words enhance the effect of the novel as a whole?Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Options : In literature the term foil describes a character that serves to highlight or emphasize opposing traits in another character. How is Bernard a foil to Biff? How is Charley a foil to Wily? In this paper you will need to discuss the differences in these two pairs of characters. Options: Wily Loan is often referred to as a modern tragic hero. One of the traits of the tragic hero is that he is brought down by a combination of his own tragic flaw as well as forces surrounding him over which he has no control. What do you think is Wily Loan's tragic flaw?What are the outside forces (the things that are not his fault) that contribute to his suicide? Option 3: On the surface, Linda Loan appears to be a traditional and subservient wife and mother who Linda demonstrates a clear-eyed intelligence and an almost heroic sense of loyalty. Using specific evidence from the play, discuss the admirable qualities of this character. Your Name Dyspepsia Literature: Section (Be sure to put in section number. ) 17 September, 2014 Title of the Paper Goes Here When typing a paper in MEAL format, remember this simple rule: everything is bubble-spaced.This includes the heading, the space between the date and the title, and the first line of text. There should never be any large gaps of blank paper. There should BEA 1 inch m argin on all sides of the sheet. Use a standard looking font (this is Caliber) with a font size of 11 or 12. Be sure your paper has a title; it should not be underlined or in bold-face. If you mention the name of the novel or play in the title, it should be italicized. In fact, be sure to italicize the name of the book title whenever you use it.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Victim by Oliver Smithfield
In this essay I intend to explore the narrative conventions and values, which Oliver Smithfield presents in the short story Victim. The short story positions the reader to have negative and sympathetic opinion on the issues presented. Such as power, identity and bullying. For example Mickey the young boy is having issues facing his identity. It could be argued that finding your identity may have the individual stuck trying to fit in with upon two groups. The main character Mickey is represented as valuing the outcasts of society.He is at an age where identity is important to find and seeking power to prove he can fit in. The issues facing this character have values and attitudes reflecting his actions. Another essential feature of an example is showing the Mickey is trying to prove he is strong, but not tough enough to harm another person so he uses his anger to think about making an irrational decision. â€Å"I – I – I’m gonna k – k – kill it! He cried. †This example shows how Mickey is unsure of his decision.As a main character presented we as readers feel sympathy toward him because he is forced to act in a certain way that others will accept him. Power is defined as an ability to do or act; it represents strength, control and position of authority. Victim is based on identity and how power can have conflicts in certain groups of people, in more in depth a culture. Benda is another main character that represents physical power. This is shown through the way he looks and acts towards other people. â€Å"Butch, sensing Mickey’s uncertainty snarled, â€Å"You’re such a reject. They began to close in on him pushing and laughing. †Butch is described as â€Å"a muscly, thick-set boy with a shaved head. †Ras is a character who is also an outcast but has the ability to show he is not afraid to say what he thinks or feels. â€Å"Michael†¦Ã¢â‚¬ said Ras softly, â€Å"It is not the way. †Mickey is a character who struggles with power and doesn’t know how to show the ability of self-control. These individual characters show different qualities of power and give the reader the ideas of how power can be shown.Narrative conventions are used through out this short story. The main narrative conventions used are setting, theme, descriptive language and conflict. The setting is based in a school ground, which represents innocents of youth. The theme represents society and power, the power between characters and finding our identity in society. Descriptive language is used through out the short story to help us feel sympathetic towards the outcasts in this instance we feel for Mickey and Ras.The conflict in this short story is about man vs man, man vs society and man vs self. Man vs man is portrayed through the bullies and Mickey, man vs society is struggling with identity and man vs self is the struggle with inner self power. Narrative conventions have been u sed to position the reader to respond sympathetic and have the view on how identity also power are important for one’s self. The issues presented in Victim are shown through Mickey wanting to fit in by killing a creature smaller than himself.I believe Mickey has found his identity by not killing the creature because he shows self control and has qualities which others maybe intimidated by using descriptive language it positions the reader to not only think deeper in the short story but possibly reflect upon themselves. I believe this short story has made me think how others are affected when people do not accept them for whom they are. As a young person it is important to feel wanted and accepted in society. Victim has shown as a light view on how hard it is to fit in society now days because people are still scared of what and who is different.This essay explored the narrative conventions and values, which is represented in Oliver Smithfield’s short story, Victim. We learn the influence of others may find us wanting to have a different identity and can inflict one’s self on how we interoperate the power we have. It can be seen that more than these issues can lead to not only wanting to find identity but the issues of power. I believe reading Victim, it has not only presented certain issues of power and identity but has shown society in a negative light. As I have argued though out this essay I believe identity is an aspect of showing who you are. Victim by Oliver Smithfield In this essay I intend to explore the narrative conventions and values, which Oliver Smithfield presents in the short story Victim. The short story positions the reader to have negative and sympathetic opinion on the issues presented. Such as power, identity and bullying. For example Mickey the young boy is having issues facing his identity. It could be argued that finding your identity may have the individual stuck trying to fit in with upon two groups. The main character Mickey is represented as valuing the outcasts of society.He is at an age where identity is important to find and seeking power to prove he can fit in. The issues facing this character have values and attitudes reflecting his actions. Another essential feature of an example is showing the Mickey is trying to prove he is strong, but not tough enough to harm another person so he uses his anger to think about making an irrational decision. â€Å"I – I – I’m gonna k – k – kill it! He cried. †This example shows how Mickey is unsure of his decision.As a main character presented we as readers feel sympathy toward him because he is forced to act in a certain way that others will accept him. Power is defined as an ability to do or act; it represents strength, control and position of authority. Victim is based on identity and how power can have conflicts in certain groups of people, in more in depth a culture. Benda is another main character that represents physical power. This is shown through the way he looks and acts towards other people. â€Å"Butch, sensing Mickey’s uncertainty snarled, â€Å"You’re such a reject. They began to close in on him pushing and laughing. †Butch is described as â€Å"a muscly, thick-set boy with a shaved head. †Ras is a character who is also an outcast but has the ability to show he is not afraid to say what he thinks or feels. â€Å"Michael†¦Ã¢â‚¬ said Ras softly, â€Å"It is not the way. †Mickey is a character who struggles with power and doesn’t know how to show the ability of self-control. These individual characters show different qualities of power and give the reader the ideas of how power can be shown.Narrative conventions are used through out this short story. The main narrative conventions used are setting, theme, descriptive language and conflict. The setting is based in a school ground, which represents innocents of youth. The theme represents society and power, the power between characters and finding our identity in society. Descriptive language is used through out the short story to help us feel sympathetic towards the outcasts in this instance we feel for Mickey and Ras.The conflict in this short story is about man vs man, man vs society and man vs self. Man vs man is portrayed through the bullies and Mickey, man vs society is struggling with identity and man vs self is the struggle with inner self power. Narrative conventions have been u sed to position the reader to respond sympathetic and have the view on how identity also power are important for one’s self. The issues presented in Victim are shown through Mickey wanting to fit in by killing a creature smaller than himself.I believe Mickey has found his identity by not killing the creature because he shows self control and has qualities which others maybe intimidated by using descriptive language it positions the reader to not only think deeper in the short story but possibly reflect upon themselves. I believe this short story has made me think how others are affected when people do not accept them for whom they are. As a young person it is important to feel wanted and accepted in society. Victim has shown as a light view on how hard it is to fit in society now days because people are still scared of what and who is different.This essay explored the narrative conventions and values, which is represented in Oliver Smithfield’s short story, Victim. We learn the influence of others may find us wanting to have a different identity and can inflict one’s self on how we interoperate the power we have. It can be seen that more than these issues can lead to not only wanting to find identity but the issues of power. I believe reading Victim, it has not only presented certain issues of power and identity but has shown society in a negative light. As I have argued though out this essay I believe identity is an aspect of showing who you are.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Diabetes Fact Sheet For African American Women Essay
Diabetes Fact Sheet For African American Women - Essay Example A number of factors account for this but most outstanding could be sighted as the fact that there is a high level of disparity in the provision of quality healthcare to all areas of the American population. Records also have it that diabetes is a disease that poses so much health threat to affected persons. Consequently, a refusal by stakeholders, especially the government to address the issue would mean that the human resource base of the country will be jeopardized because the greater part of the United States workforce would be an ailing one. Among the African American women population, there are other critical statistics of facts that are worth elaborating as far as diabetes is concerned. This is because it is a fact that other risk factors such as age and family history can hardly be controlled. Subsequently, African American women who are over the age of 50 are more likely to get diabetes than those of other ages. Again, 45% of African American women are from homes with a histo ry of diabetes. What this means is that 45% are at risk as far as risk factors are concerned.In conclusion, it would be said that preventive primary healthcare delivery must be intensified among the African American population. Policy experts can make good of this fact sheet by ensuring that in their primary healthcare campaigns, African American women are admonished to maintain a healthy weight; eat low-fat, well-balanced diet; make physical exercise a habit; and reduce alcohol intake (Women Health, 2012).
Peer Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7
Peer Review - Essay Example The writer also provides a lot of quotes from the writings of both the feminist writers to support the arguments. The paragraphs are organized in a coherent manner with each paragraph building on the previous one. However, it lacks a conclusion and there are few grammatical and punctuation errors e. g. the writer writes â€Å"oppression†instead of â€Å"oppression†. This writer provides a catching introduction by directly addressing the two writers, Anzaldua and Kingston. It is important to highlight the creativity when the writer notes that the two women share more than just their XX chromosomes. After the introduction paragraph, the writer provides a background of how the writers encountered sexist oppression. In the next paragraph, the writer adequately describes how the two writers use their languages as the strongest weapons against sexist oppression and patriarchy. This writer also provides relevant quotes that support these arguments. In conclusion, the writer describes examples of use of language as both shields and methods of attack. The essay is well organized, with each paragraph complementing the other. Though there are extremely few punctuation errors, the writer uses a few paragraphs. These errors can be fixed by proofreading through the essay again, while the paragraphs can be divided up to cover different points that are in a si ngle paragraph. This writer does not adequately capture the needs of the question. While the question demands that the writer develop a detailed argument that compares how Anzaldua and Kingston use language as a weapon against patriarchy with detail, this writer only provides summaries of the two writings. The writer just details the events that took place in the book including instances of sexist oppression and patriarchy. However, the writer fails to derive the differences and similarities of how the two writers tackle these issues. At the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Advance process Engineering Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Advance process Engineering - Assignment Example (I) Any value in a pump system can be taken as an outlet. Therefore, taking point j to be an outlet, it the head loss of the point can be calculated from the point j as; †¦(II) Therefore the flow velocities in the pumps will be given as; †¦. (III) †¦ (IV) †¦ (V) The friction factors in the respective pipes can be calculated using Colebrook equation as below †¦ (VI) †¦ (VII) †¦. (VIII) Question 3 a) i.) Such high pressure is needed to provide the propelling force of the gas and to reduce the volume of the gas being transported. ... This is achieved by putting a given quantity of a solid into appropriate conditions that result in solid/fluid mixture to have properties of a fluid. The relationship developed to predict the minimum fluidizing velocity is mainly based on experimental work, despite the fact that many of its important applications is in high temperature locations. According to the tests to show the relationship between fluidization over a range of given temperature, there is a marked discrepancy between prediction and the value of the measured velocity when physical properties values are used appropriating the operating conditions. There is a relationship between the pressure drop across the fluidized bed and buoyant weight per unit area in that the pressure drops is approximately equal to buoyant weight per unit area. There are two approaches in describing these two phenomena in which one considers the process of sedimentation occurring due to dense packing and the other considers the general velocit y of the particles. For either consideration, bed voidage is necessary at minimum fluidization. Voidage refers to the function to the particle distribution, particle size and particle shape. The voidage reduces with an increasing size distribution. Also, the operating temperature relates to the voidage in that as the bed voidage increases, there is a significant increase in operating temperature. During the experiment, the hot fluidized bed is contained in a 188 mm diameter stainless steel cylinder. The fluidization gas is then introduced into the bed through stainless steel distributor plates having a diameter of 0.5 and 1.0 mm drilled holes on a 6 mm 6 mm square pitch
Monday, August 26, 2019
Political science final exam and 3 quizes Case Study - 1
Political science final exam and 3 quizes - Case Study Example His efforts were based on the concept of improving the overall outlook of public administration. The entire effort was based on double decades contributions which came to forth in true spirit only in 1940s. 2.According to the Woodrow Wilson case examined in your textbook on pages 26-27, what idea of a one-time obscure professor Woodrow Wilson would eventually become the dogma of academic public administration? Woodrow Wilson was associated with teaching profession for earlier part of his career, and till the early days of his 30s, he had not achieved anything substantial and for this matter he at one time said that even at age of 31, I have achieved nothing, however he had the insight and vision to become one of the best in the field of public administration and he devoted his efforts and energies towards this field and profession that would become corner stone of public administration principles all over the world. 3.Based on the Woodrow Wilson case on pages 26-27, what similarity exists between former President Woodrow Wilson and current President Barack Obama as it relates to both men’s early writings and their stature in the field of academia? Were their writings prominently received? Both the leaders, the present President Barack Obama and the then president Woodrow Wilson were associated with the academic profession, made their way through continuous struggle and hard work rose up to the rank of being the guiders of the nation in longer run. Both had a similarity amongst them in the context of aiming to bring about change, while Woodrow Wilson resolved to bring about change via public administration and governance model, President Barack Obama followed the same pursuit without clearly naming the domain of public administration. Their affiliation to the field of academia enabled them advocating a point towards improvement in the present setup of governmental activities. Both the leaders
Sunday, August 25, 2019
U.S. HEALTH CARE SYSTEM EVOLUTION - Research Paper Example Health insurance association define health insurances the coverage that provides payments benefits as a result of sickness or injury in summary they include accidental death and dismemberment, medical expense, disability expense and losses from accident (David, 1999). U.S is among the world industrialized countries it is however, a country without a national healthcare. The U.S citizens are still strangling to have a national healthcare. This call for the private sector, individual and the government to find a lasting solution to healthcare reform. During the genesis of 20th century, the medical care was relatively inexpensive; there were progressive attempts by reformers to protect workers against both wage loss and medical costs which was formulated at around 1915. Despite a general mood of complacency during the 1920’s, started to emphasize the illness cost instead of lost wages and advantage for sickness insurance, this was mainly done to the middle class due to the inadequacy of rural facilities (Edwin, 1998). Multiple changes were brought in by the great depression that ended in 20’s, the main historical changes that occurred was the enactment of the social security act in 1935. A Roosevelt administrations push to include health insurance was however, defeated by internal government conflict over priorities. After the depression, more severe cash flow was created for medical personal. This resulted to hospitals creating the first structured pooled financing mechanism for health insurance, which was against the advance of insurance professionals. Blue cross shield insurance company offered private coverage for hospital care in dozens of states. The cover was mainly originally limited to surgical procedures performed in the hospital however, later expanded to office visits lastly evolved into major medical coverage (Edwin, 1998). Simultaneously to the events, employers started to
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Plasmodium Falciparum - Causative Agent of Severe Malaria Research Paper
Plasmodium Falciparum - Causative Agent of Severe Malaria - Research Paper Example Even in today’s medically advanced world, malaria remains one of the primary concerns of researchers and health practitioners in areas where the disease is endemic. Despite immense research and availability of advanced healthcare facilities, malaria has a high mortality rate causing a million deaths each year and infecting a total of 300 million people around the world. The purpose of this research paper is to provide information on structure, aetiology and other aspects of malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Plasmodium Falciparum Mode of transmission The female Anopheles mosquito serves as a vector and a definitive host for Plasmodium falciparum. The two phases of the lifecycle of plasmodia are the sexual cycle and asexual cycle. The sexual phase occurs in female mosquito and asexual phase is completed in Humans. Due to the production of sporozoites, the sexual cycle is known as sporogony while on the other hand, the asexual cycle is known as schizogony because of the pr oduction of schizonts. Plasmodium sporozoites are introduced into intermediate host i.e. humans, through the saliva of the infected mosquito when it bites an individual. Within 30 minutes, the sporozoites enter the hepatocytes where multiplication and differentiation are initiated resulting in the conversion sporozoites into merozoites (Levinson et al 1999). Physiology and lifecycle The merozoites produced in the liver are released into the peripheral circulation. Once released, the merozoites enter the red blood cells in order to mediate the erythrocytic phase of the disease. In erythrocytic phase, merozoites transform into a ring shaped trophozoite. Later, the trophozoite develops into an amoeboid form which further grows into a schizont. Each schizont is filled with several merozoites. The red blood cells burst and release the merozoites into general circulation where they infect other red blood cells in a similar manner. The release of merozoites into the blood is the cause of r ecurrent typical symptoms seen in malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum. The development of male and female gametocytes leads to the initiation of a sexual cycle of P. falciparum in the human red blood cells. When a female Anopheles mosquito takes a blood meal the gametocytes are sucked up and lead to the production of female macrogamete and eight male microgametes which have an appearance similar to that of sperm cells. The male and female gametes undergo fertilization to form a diploid zygote. The process of differentiation occurs and converts the diploid zygote into a motile ookinete. The ookinete forms a hole in the gut wall and converts into many haploid sporozoites. The sporozoites leave the gut wall and enter the salivary glands of the Anopheles mosquito. Once, the sporozoites enter the salivary glands their sexual cycle is completed and they are now ready to cause malaria when the mosquito bites a human (Levinson et al 1999). Diagnosis Thick and thin Giemsa stain smears ar e observed under the microscope in order to determine the presence of the parasite in the blood. To determine the presence of the parasite, thick Giemsa smear is used while on the other hand thin smears are used for the identification of parasite species. The blood sample from an individual suffering from malaria show characteristic ring shaped trophozoites residing within the erythrocytes. Â
Friday, August 23, 2019
Comparison between Management Information System (MIS) and Executive Essay
Comparison between Management Information System (MIS) and Executive Information System (EIS) - Essay Example In the banking industry, such systems find tremendous use as they are employed for various activities like financial reporting, analysis, capital investment decisions, investment risk analysis and cash flow analysis. All these activities require executive overview as well as managerial decisions at different levels, which require the use of either EIS or MIS as deemed necessary. Specifically speaking, the project will analyze the utilities of these systems for senior and middle management in the target industry, who use the services of these mediums for business planning, forecasting, monitoring and control. Further, the significance of these systems amongst various departments within companies as well as their specific uses by employees for realizing various tasks will be studied thoroughly. As mentioned above, the primary purpose of the project is to provide a critical comparison between the use of Management Information Systems (MIS) and Executive Information Systems (EIS) in the investment banking and financial sector. For this purpose, an elaborate study will be undertaken to analyze such systems used in prominent investment banks in the United States like Bank of America, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. In this study, a number of objectives have been outlined which will be evaluated to provide an extensive comparison amongst the two chosen categories. These objectives are listed below. As the name implies, Information systems serve the primary purpose of information gathering, processing and appropriate display. In doing so, the worthiness of both MIS and EIS will be evaluated for their efficiency in processing information without much processing and user involvement. This is especially essential for users in specific departments as relieving them from additional processing provides them the much needed time for elaborate decision making using the information provided by these systems. Two
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Why Do I Need This Scholarship Essay Example for Free
Why Do I Need This Scholarship Essay My name is , and currently I am a senior at . After high school I plan to go to college and major in Nursing and minor in Physical Therapy. Throughout my life there have been a number of people giving me advice, but the one person that stuck on me the most is Minister George M. Howard Jr. my youth minister. This man has been like a father to me knowing that he will always be there when I need lifts my spirit. Minister George M. Howard Jr. told me that â€Å"It’s not about who you know, it’s about who knows you because there will always be someone watching you†. See more: how to write a winning scholarship essay My dreams and aspirations are to be so successful so that I’m not dependent on anyone else. Ever since I was little I have wanted to be in charge of everyone and everything. To in charge, I first have to obtain the knowledge and in order to do that I have to go to college. I have seen so many people become dependent on others as well as the emptiness in the lives of people who can only do one thing well and I don’t want that happening to me. I plan to work and study hard, make good grades and become the head nurse in the biggest hospital. However, with my new-goal oriented mind, I realize that I am working towards my Nursing degree and my successful future. I finally understand that my least favorite subject will greatly contribute to my ultimate goal of living a rewarding life and fulfilling my career goals. I know that the courses will be challenging, but I am willing to do what it takes to achieve my ultimate goal. Now my appreciation of those classes is stronger than ever because those classes are what will prepare me for my college education. The colleges that I have chosen will not only provide me with hands-on training, but it will also teach me real life skills and communication.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Censoring Student Publications Persuasive Essay Essay Example for Free
Censoring Student Publications Persuasive Essay Essay Imagine that you are a high school student and have just received the newest edition of your school’s newspaper. As you are flipping through the pages, you discover a terrible article written about you. How would you feel? Recently, there has been much debate on whether high schools should be able to regulate the content of student publications, such as newspapers and magazines. Censoring student publications would be beneficial because they may contain inappropriate things. Also, it would be favorable because the material in student publications may be offensive to its readers and the text may bepoorly written. Because of this, high school officials should have the right to control the content of student publications. First of all, student publications should be censored because they may be filled with inappropriate content. Some high school students are not mature enough to determine whether certain subjects and language are usable. Without censoring student publications, students may publish something with an inappropriate subject. Since it is used throughout today’s entertainment, they may also use vulgar language. It is not appropriate for school, so high school officials should be able to censor student publications in case it is used. As a result of inappropriate subjects and vulgar language, the content of student publications may be offensive to its readers. If a student publisher does not like a fellow student, he or she may publish an article about that student. Of course, it will be something terribly offensive. Since student newspapers are given to the entire student body, practically everyone will see it. This will lead to a higher chance of bullying. Bullying is already widespread, so it does not need to be increased by angry, careless teenagers. Lastly, most high school students are not good enough writers to publish a newspaper or magazine. Students’ articles will not always be grammatically correct and presentable. Their research will be insufficient because they do not do enough research about most topics and write mostly off the top of his or her head. The articles will also be bursting with bias. Most students are not able to write an article without including bias because they are not mature writers at his or her age. Because of this, student publications should be censored. In conclusion, high school officials across the nation should have the right to control what goes into his or her school’s newspaper or magazines. Because of immaturity and carelessness, students may publish an article about an inappropriate subject and include crude language. Content of student publications may be offensive and increase the risk of bullying. Also, the newspapers and magazines may be poorly written due to the lack of writing maturity. It is essential to students’ wellbeing that a law be passed that allows high schools to control their student publications for every school in the United States not just Hazelwood School.
The Meaning Of Catholic Church Architecture Theology Religion Essay
The Meaning Of Catholic Church Architecture Theology Religion Essay Theology in Stone: The Meaning of Catholic Church Architecture. If a tour of the Catholic churches were to be formed, you would be in need of a guide. The reason for this is simple. Catholic churches have assigned symbolic meaning to the various parts of the church building. This symbolism is shown not only on the exterior of the building, but also through-out the interior and the Holy items within. There are several misconceptions surrounding Catholic churches and its architecture. One myth about the church states that the Vatican Council requires the rejection of traditional church architecture and the promotion of more modern architecture. This myth is supported by what Roman Catholics have built during the last three decades rather than what the Church has taught. Even by vocational reports, the church architecture of the past decade has been a complete calamity. Nevertheless, actions frequently speak louder than words, and the faithful have been led to accept that the Church necessitates its structures to be functional abstractions. There has also been controversy surrounding the Catholic church praising saints or items and symbols, it is easy to see why someone may say that it is not possible or welcomed to build a beautiful church. This happens to be completely wrong. We live in an age where men have been flown to the moon and insanely ample sums of money are exhausted on sporting arenas. Of course we should also be able to construct these structures of the same quality as the previous Christian basilicas or Gothic cathedrals. In recent layman architecture we are observing a great resurgence of traditional architecture and craftsmanship. Following the book Ugly as Sin, there are three natural laws of Catholic church architecture. The church must have verticality [1]. It is said that a good, successful, and vertical church will stick out above the other smaller buildings in the area. This is so the heavenly Jerusalem (which I interpret as Heaven) is passed through the church. Verticality, itself creates this condition of existence. Its this beingness that makes divine architecture at all possible. Windows, columns, supports, and sacred art should fortify this heavenward ambition. The ceilings pronunciation should create a sense of transcendence toward the Heaven through the mosaics and murals as well as the use of natural light used on the body of the church. (Ugly as Sin, 24) The second of the three natural laws of church architecture is permanence [2]. The building itself symbolizes Christs presence in the world. (Christs presence in the world is the same yesterday and today and forever.) The same thing goes for the church. It must be lasting and surpass space and time. Typically, stone or brick will be used as the material to form the exterior of the church in order to satisfy permanence. This permanence is yet another way of creating transcendence. An authentic Catholic church construction is a work of art that communicates the preceding importance of the Churchs architectural heritage. It refers to the past, serves the present, and informs the future. (Ugly as Sin, 26) The last natural law, Iconography [3]. The Catholic church must have Iconography, this will distinguish the building as a church. A creditable church will also use iconography to capture something bigger. meditation; painting, sculpture, and architecture are meant to work together to produce a unified effect. (St. Ignatius Loyola) This is said to emphasize the importance of beautiful creations in the world. A churchs architectural appearance should reverberate Gods creation. In specifically, man, who was made in the image of God. Art has been, is, and will be forever, the greatest agency for spiritual impression that the Church may claim. writes architect Ralph Adams Cram. He writes in addition; because of art, Christians have defined the creative symbolism that lift us to God. The iconography may also display the life of Jesus through-out the Church in a story of pictures, symbols, items, or furniture. (Ugly as Sin, 27) Our journey will lead us to the front, or facade of the church which may be the most artistic and memorable piece of the church. There could be elaborate stained glass, sculptures or memorials in the facade. The stained glass is most commonly above the large wooden doors that create a gate-way that guards the interior of the church. Often the facade shows a story formed around the detailed artwork. When discussing the shape of the church, other than height, you will find the building to be in the shape of a cross. Also, the church transepts will be pointing to the North and South. A transept is the transverse arm of a cruciform church. The left transept is the North transept and the right transept is the South transept. A dome is usually formed at the center of the transepts. The liturgy is supposed to be conducted facing East under this dome where Gods people have gathered. Upon entering the church, you come to the Narthax, which means entry. The transition from the outside world to the inside. This can also be a covered porch-like structure outside of the building. A certain attitude should be attributed to the scents and sounds when entering the Narthax. As you progress through the church, you will find the Nave, which means ship in Latin. This is where followers sit or stand when receiving the liturgy. Churches in the Gothic era typically had screens covering the sanctuary. This area was treated as the Holy of Holies. The sanctuary is where the Tabernacle is kept and where there should be a burning tabernacle light. When the Tabernacle is presented, followers genuflect. When the Sacrament is exposed, Catholics kneel on both knees. The alter is the next significant item found in the Church. The Altar should be set and made of stone and contain a relic of a Saint (usually a hair or other small body part). This is also where the Tabernacle is usually kept. (Jeremiah) The Church performs many functions. Of the most important, there is, worship, hymns or songs, and discipline. Worship facilitates our relationship with God and makes it possible for us to communicate with him in both private and public. Worship more commonly is a public function, done in the mass and amongst other believers. Hymns are another pertinent aspect or function of the church. These allow us to express feelings and emotions we have for God and and the relationship weve formed with him. We also see discipline in the church, this is spiritual discipline. This faithfulness regards our hearts, psyche, and spirit. Prayer should be something we Christians enjoy doing and desire being a part of. It may sound like discipline is referring to punishment, when the real meaning of discipline is something that disciples, or enables (learning). Discipleship refers to the continuous teaching and mentorship. Passing the word through the generations. It has been said, no man is good left alo ne. Nor is it good for a Christian to be left alone. We must encourage ministry by giving permission, training, tools, and removing any impedance. (Six Functions of the Church) Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). Fellowship can serve as a mutual relationship among Christians. Fellowship means sharing life experiences, emotions and burdens. This encourages Christians to help not only one another but also those who do not believe in Christ. All of these functions are served by the Catholic Church and serve a distinct, pious, purpose for members of the church. (Six Functions of the Church) The architecture that forms the church is invariably important to the teachings of the bible and Jesus life. The shapes, scents, and designs assist the learning and provide certain sensations that parallel the traditional mass and liturgy. Architecture plays an important part as symbolism for the church. Much of the artistic features about the church represent something greater or tell a story. The church must also seek to perform a few major functions; worship, hymns, and spiritual disciplines. All of these functions are to bring us closer to God and his heavenly Jerusalem and every aspect of the church is to transcend the spirit through-out us, Gods people. Cites: Ugly As Sin ECN Article Jeremiah, David. Signs of Life. Thomas Nelson, Publishers, 10/02/2007. Print. Six Functions of the Church. GCI. N.p.. Web. 11 Mar 2013. .
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Technology Essay -- essays research papers
Executive Overview There is a definite desire for better traffic data to give drivers more choice and control for avoiding traffic congestion. And what’s more, today there is no viable solution to alleviate the unnecessary aggravation and minimize the loss of valuable time & money. Interviewing a sample of commuter, taxi, and package delivery drivers identified a demand for timely and readily available traffic related congestion information. Package delivery, taxi/shuttle, rental car, and commuter drivers will benefit from a real-time system that provides accurate updated traffic condition information and offers alternative routing recommendations integrated with an existing in–vehicle navigation device. TAS © (Traffic Avoidance System) involves software that will integrate seamlessly with multiple hardware systems. It will be introduced to the time-sensitive package delivery companies that operate in the most traffic congested cities in the U.S. This device will benefit customers by saving them time and money. TAS will help these companies achieve competitive advantage by improving their services, reducing penalties, and improving customer retention. Business success and gaining competitive advantage are thus the compelling reason to buy, making TAS a highly desirable solution. II.     Problem Statement Most, if not all would agree that traffic congestion is a common problem in and around large, highly populated cities in the US today. Everyday in the US millions of people get into their vehicles and drive – some to get to and from work or school, others running errands, or traveling to close and far-away vacation destinations. Many are on the road all day and/or night because their jobs consist primarily of, or require extensive driving. People from different walks of life (who we have interviewed to-date ) share a common outrage from poor traffic conditions and a â€Å"helplessness†in their inability to avoid â€Å"being stuck†– most say they â€Å"hate traffic,†â€Å"wish they didn’t have to ever get on the road during rush hour,†â€Å"can’t wait until I start working from home to avoid the hours in traffic hell†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Rush hour / peak travel times, accidents, road construction, and detours are among the most common reasons for traffic problems, but regardless of the cause and impact, traffic jams always lead to frustra... ...traffic advisory system that provides accurate updated traffic conditions information and offers alternative routing recommendations at one’s vehicle, at every driver’s fingerprints in a proactive way. This system will be integrated with an existing in–vehicle navigation & information device. TAS is such a solution. To develop such a solution, our company has conducted a number of customer interviews as a crucial starting point for our (initial) market research and this paper will further explore the findings and study the market opportunity to launch TAS for success and alleviate many people’s traffic related frustrations, lost time & money. IV.     Market Analysis In analyzing the market opportunity we have focused on the classic model of estimating market size, deriving macro & micro segmentation and settling on selection criteria that would best match with trends suggested from customer feedback. XIII.     Conclusion Market research has demonstrated a need for TAS. The product will be piloted with a small package delivery/courier company to ensure feasibility and customer satisfaction.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Francois Viete :: essays research papers
"Francois Viete" Francois Viete went to many places and did a lot of things. He lived for 63 years. In his life he got to do more or at least as much he wanted to do. He got to work for Kings, and also been married twice. Francois Viete was a very interesting. He also went to a few different countries. Francois Viete was born in 1540 in Frontenay-le-Comte, France. It is now the province of Vendee. His father was Etenne Viete, who was a lawyer, and his mother was Marguerite Dupont. They both came from well-to-do families. He enjoyed all the available educational opportunities. He did preliminary studies in Frontenay, before moving to study law at the University of Poitiers. He earned his degree in 1560. He practiced it for four years, then abandoned it for a legal profession in 1564. He wanted to enter the employment of Antionette d'Aubeterre, as private tutor to her daughter, Catherine of Parthenay. He became a friend and was confidant of Catherine during the years he spent as her tutor. He remained her loyal and trusted adviser for the rest of his life (Parshall 1). He took his teaching duties very seriously, while he was preparing lectures for his charge on variety an of topics about science. The first scientific work dates were all from this period. It involves topics, which would continue to occupy him throughout his life. In 1571, he began publication of his track. It was intended to form a preliminary mathematical part of a major study on the Ptolemaic astronomical model. He continued to embrace the Ptolemaic (Parshall 1). The service to Catherine's noble family took him to La Rochelle, ultimately then to Paris. In 1573, he came under the eye of King Charles IX. He appointed him as counselor to the parliament of Brittany at Rennes. Then he remained in this post untill 1580 when he returned to Paris to take up offices of the Maitre de Requetes, also as a royal privy counselor. Form 1584 to 1589, political intrigue resulted both in free time, and then for the continuation of his mathematical studies, especially when they were evolving ideas on algebra (Parshall 1). His education was at the University of Poitiers, where he took practice of law in his hometown. Soon he rose to prominence by the astute legal services to prominent people (Parshall 1). Henry III called him back in 1589 to serve as a counselor to parliament.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Personal relationships :: essays research papers
I don’t think that anything brings people together more than mutual hatred, except mutual hatred for each other. I suppose that is why my ex-boyfriends and I still talk to each other, or, I should say, one of my ex-boyfriends, Rob. The other one, Andrew, and I don’t talk at all. I suppose that means we must really hate each other. But the reason we don’t talk is that it still hurts, and that wound runs very deep, I doubt if it will ever heal. The â€Å"blues†is losing someone you love and not having enough money to immerse yourself in drink. And so when I had lost Andrew, Cupid sent Rob along, and he paid for the tab. In short, I am convinced that Andrew is heartless and devoid of having any conviction or remorse for his wickedness. And as for Rob, I am honored to be able to say that, yes, he is my friend, and one of the most amazing people I have ever met.      Rob was a Marine. Andrew was in the Army. Their temperaments were just as opposite as the branches of the military they served. Rob was an introverted kind of guy, completely content to sit and read a novel or sit quietly in a theatre. He wasn’t the kind of guy that liked to be the center of attention or draw the spotlight to himself. Andrew, on the other hand, was the most extraverted person I have ever seen. He was the life of the party, always out and about socializing, and loved all the attention than anyone would be willing to give him. Andrew was aggressive, Rob was passive. Even though they were different, they were a lot alike. Which is why, I suppose, I was attracted to both of them. They both had strong leadership skills and the ability to always make me smile when I was sad, console me when I cried, and amuse me with their humor when I needed to be 03 cheered. On my nineteenth birthday, Andrew called at 12:00AM to sing â€Å"happy birthday†to me in a Frank Sinatra style, and Rob telephoned to leave The Beatles â€Å"so they say it’s your birthday†at 2:07AM on my voice mail. They each had their differences, but even their similarities had their own flavor.      Physically, I would have to say that both Rob and Andrew were enough to put Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp out of business.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Macbeth by Shakespeare Essay
Shakespeare’s play Macbeth follows the tragic downfall of a great man. Macbeth was once thought of as noble and valiant but by the end of the play, a dead butcher. The murder of King Duncan marks the beginning of Macbeth’s downfall. This is more a result of Macbeth’s vaulting ambition than his belief in the supernatural. However, it is Macbeth’s belief in the supernatural that makes him continue on the path to downfall and ultimately lose all his honourable qualities. In Macbeth the witches symbolise the supernatural. The weird sisters evoke Macbeth’s ambition; they know how Macbeth will react to their prophecies so they toy with him and deceive him by saying one thing but meaning another. The witches have no conscience; they cause mischief on purpose and enjoy it. The witches provide the foundation for Macbeth’s downfall by telling him that he shalt be king hereafter. When Macbeth hears the witches’ prophecies, horrible imaginings are opened in his mind. Unlike Banquo who dismisses the witches’ prophecies, Macbeth contemplates regicide. The witches plant the seed to Macbeth’s downfall. He wants the witches to stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more. This shows that Macbeth believes in the idea that he can be king, and that he perhaps has thought about regicide before. Lady Macbeth is also a large contributing factor to the regicide. If Lady Macbeth was not behind Macbeth plotting the death of King Duncan and manipulating Macbeth into doing The deed, none of the deaths would have occurred, therefore there would be no downfall for Macbeth. Macbeth believes that if chance will have me king, why chance may crown me without my stir, whereas after Lady Macbeth reads the letter Macbeth sends to her, without hesitation, she thinks of regicide. Lady Macbeth knows that Macbeth is too full o’th’milk of human kindness and that she will have to persuade him. Despite Macbeth wanting to proceed no further of this business, Lady Macbeth convinces him by questioning his pride, but screw your courage to the sticking-places, and saying that only when you durst do it, then you were a man. Lady Macbeth sees her femininity as an obstacle towards achieving her ambition, so she calls upon you spirits that tend of mortal thoughts to stop up the access and passage to remorse.After Macbeth is settled and bend up about the murder of King Duncan, he develops a guilt complex which causes him to see hallucinations. Just before Macbeth carries out the regicide, he sees an illusion of a dagger, he questions is this a dagger which I see before me, or a dagger of the mind, a false creation. Macbeth slowly becomes more and more paranoid. Immediately after the regicide he thinks he hears voices crying sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep. The more paranoid Macbeth becomes the more people he murders, and the more people he murders the more paranoid he becomes, this is one of the reasons for Macbeth’s downfall. Macbeth also murders Banquo, because he suspects Banquo of knowing the truth. However, afterwards at the banquet, Macbeth sees apparitions again, this time the ghost of Banquo. Macbeth develops paranoia, which leads Macbeth to go find the witches again to seek guidance. The loss of Macbeth’s honourable qualities and the reason Macbeth continues on the road to downfall is ultimately caused by his belief in the supernatural. Macbeth’s belief in the supernatural uncovers his fatal flaws. Because of Macbeth’s belief in the supernatural, he goes to find the witches again, and after seeing the apparitions he feels indestructible. Macbeth becomes overly ignorant, arrogant and exceedingly paranoid, he lets his belief in the supernatural get the better of him. Macbeth relies too much upon the witches’ apparitions; he has no doubts and believes I bear a charmed life which most not yield to one of woman born. Macbeth feels that no one can harm him and take his throne, so he tells the servants to bring me no more reports, let them fly all. Macbeth does not care about anything any longer; he truly and completely believes he is invincible. Despite the witches telling Macbeth the prophecies and Lady Macbeth pushing him to murder the King, it was Macbeth that commits the regicide and continues on to the murder of Banquo. Macbeth’s downfall is a result of his belief in the supernatural. His weakness is relying too much upon the witches’ apparitions, which subsequently unveiled all his personality flaws and ultimately caused his downfall.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Summary and Personal Response
Jessica shares that in her early years growing up on a farm made her feel efferent from the other kids especially during recess as she felt â€Å"not being able to participate in school activities like my friends makes me feel left out and depressed†(Hammerer 2011). These contrast to the other kids who she feels have no chores, wake up just before school begins and have lots Of time after school for social activities and sports. She describes the relationship between her mother and father who â€Å"rarely made time for each other†‘ (Hammerer 201 1).Jessica shares that this, â€Å"left a lasting impression on her as an adult as she was always more focused on the job at hand rather than forming relationships†. A pivotal moment happens in high school when her father decides to expand his farming operations and makes an important decision that he wants his â€Å"children to focus on school and go to college†(Hammerer 201 1 Jessica could focus on her ba sketball as well as get involved in other school and social activities.Her friends comment that they are amazed by how she â€Å"managed my time so well and how don't get stressed out†(Hammerer 2011). Jessica purpose in writing this personal essay is to share her experience grow. Eng up, 3 having to balance farm and school life and, how being â€Å"different†made her feel. Jessica attitude is formed by this, giving her the tools, and experience to be responsible for herself as an adult. Jessica essay appeals to a wide audience who are interested in reading and seeing how the experiences of a child, can shape their attitude for their entire life.Her tone is mixed. She expresses joy at the simplest chores like when she is feeding the calves. She experiences a fulfillment that she is â€Å"finally the one in charge†(Hammerer 201 1). According to Jessica, she is, â€Å"depressed at times, as she cannot participate in the social discussions at recess like her fri ends can†. Finally, she expresses a great sense of accomplishment as she realizes her childhood has provided her the following tools to be successful as an adult namely; responsibility, time management, focus and resolve.My emotional response to Jessica story was one of reflection and awe. At a young age, she was able to discern that she was different from her friends. She wanted to be able to fit in but that these differences did not make her bitter or sad. Then, when she had an opportunity to join in and participate, she excelled. She reflected later in life that this was all due to her being soused on doing the little things in life well.
What is most valued in modern day society?
What does an American civilian think is more important; being their own person or fitting in with everyone else? It seems as if the modern day American residents want to fit into a criteria that â€Å"everybody else is doing it†you can tell based on the products they purchase, or the actions they take. We can tell Americans care about conformity more than being their own person because of the present day products. 7% percent f teenagers already have an ‘phone while 62% percent of teenagers say they are going to purchase an Apple ‘phone for their next phone. 51% said they already owned an apple product such as an pod, pad, or Mac. (philanderer. Com) If 47% of teens own an ‘phone that only leaves 53% to the other smartness. More people have an ‘phone than any other smartened. This is a perfect example of conformity in America, everyone wants the latest and greatest. Products do not stop at electronics, brand name clothing and accessories.Many of these pr oducts are Just as ell made as other non-brand name products but because of the label on the merchandise not only does the demand go up, but so does the price because there is knowledge that the brand name will bring in more customers. Products are not the only thing that proves that modern day Americans care more about conformity more than being an individual based on their actions. People in this country will change almost anything about themselves to â€Å"fit in†from their hair, their make up, their clothing to what they put into their bodies. Tobacco usage, for instance.Young people are more likely to smoke tobacco if their peers smoke or if they see tobacco usage as a social normality. â€Å"Each day in the United States, more than 3,200 people younger than 18 years of age smoke their first cigarette, and an estimated 2,100 youth and young adults who have been occasional smokers become daily cigarette smokers†(Youth and Tobacco Use) If there was no social influ ence on tobacco then why would people start smoking it? With all the knowledge we know today about how armful tobacco is to a person's body, why would someone go out of their way to spend money on cigarettes?Tobacco is a perfect example of conformity being valued more than individuality. All in all the products purchased and the actions taken by present day Americans clearly show that Americans value conformity more than individuality. Conformity is not always a bad thing, sometimes a person might enjoy fitting in' somewhere or feeling like they belong. It can be difficult sometimes to be an individual when it feels like the whole world has another idea of how things should be.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Soil Mechanics by Jerry Vandevelde
SOIL MECHANICS (version Fall 2008) Presented by: Jerry Vandevelde, P. E. Chief Engineer GEM Engineering, Inc. 1762 Watterson Trail Louisville, Kentucky (502) 493-7100 1 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying http://www. ncees. org/ 2 STUDY REFERENCES †¢ Foundation Engineering; Peck Hanson & Thornburn †¢Introductory Soil Mechanics and Foundations; Sowers †¢NAVFAC Design Manuals DM-7. 1 & 7. 2 †¢Foundation Analysis and Design; Bowles †¢Practical Foundation Engineering Handbook; Brown 3 Soil Classification Systems * Unified Soil Classification System * AASHTO Need: Particle Sizes and Atterberg Limits 4Particle Sizes (Sieve Analysis) (Well Graded) (Poorly Graded) 0. 1 5 Atterberg Limits Liquid, Plastic & Shrinkage Limits Plasticity Index (PI) PI = Liquid Limit – Plastic Limit (range of moisture content over which soil is plastic or malleable) 6 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ASTM D-2487 7 8 Ref: Peck Hanson & Thornburn 2nd Ed. Effe ctive Size = D10 10 percent of the sample is finer than this size D60 = 1. 6mm D30 = 0. 2mm D10 = 0. 03mm 0. 1 0. 1 9 Uniformity Coefficient (Cu) = D60/D10 Coefficient of Curvature (Cz) = (D30)2/(D10xD60) D60 = 1. 6mm D30 = 0. 2mm D10 = 0. 03mm 0. 1 10 Well Graded – Requirements 50% coarser than No. 00 sieve Uniformity Coefficient (Cu) D60/D10 >4 for Gravel > 6 for Sand Coefficient of Curvature (Cz) = (D30)2/(D10xD60) = 1 to 3 11 Is the better graded material a gravel? 81% Passing No. 4 18% Finer No. 200 0. 1 0. 1 12 Gravel if > 50 Percent Coarse Fraction retained on No. 4 sieve % Retained on No. 200 = 82% 1/2 = 41% 19% (100-81) retained on No. 4 sieve (gravel) 19< 41 half of coarse fraction 81% Passing No. 4 18% Finer No. 200 ? sand 0. 1 (â€Å"S†) 13 Well Graded Sand? Uniformity Coefficient (Cu) > 6 = D60/D10 Coefficient of Curvature (Cz) = 1 to 3 = (D30)2/(D10xD60) 14 D60 = 1. 6mm D30 = 0. 2mm D10 = 0. 3mm 0. 1 Well Graded Sand? Uniformity Coefficient (Cu) D60/D10 = 1. 6/. 03 = 53 > 6 D60 = 1. 6mm D30 = 0. 2mm D10 = 0. 03mm Coefficient of Curvature (Cz) = (D30)2/(D10xD60) = 0. 22/(. 03Ãâ€"1. 6) = 0. 83 12% Passing No. 200 sieve: GM, GC, SM, SC 0. 1 >12% passing No. 200 sieve Since = â€Å"S†? SC or SM 16 What Unified Classification if LL= 45 & PI = 25? From sieve data SC or SM 0. 1 A) â€Å"SC†B) â€Å"SM†C) â€Å"CL†or D) â€Å"SC & SM†17 Unified Classification Answer is â€Å"A†? SC 18 AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) 19 What is the AASHTO Classification? 65% Passing No. 10 40% Passing No. 0 18% Finer No. 200 1) 18 % passing No. 200 sieve 2) 65% passing No. 10 sieve 3) 40% passing No. 40 sieve 4) assume LL = 45 & PI = 25 20 18 percent passing No. 200 sieve; 65 percent passing No. 10 sieve 40 percent passing No. 40 sieve; assume LL = 45 & PI = 25 21 AASHTO Classification 1 2 3 4 4 1) 18 % passing No. 200 sieve 2) 65% passing No. 10 sieve 3) 40% passing No. 40 sieve 4) assume LL = 45 & PI = 25 22 AASHTO Group Index 23 Mass-Volume (Phase Diagram) †¢ Unit volume of soil contains: Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil – Air (gases) – Water (fluid) – Solid Particles 24 Moisture Content = ? eight of water/ weight of dry soil ? = Ww/Wd water loss/(moist soil weight – water loss) ? = Ww/(Wm-Ww) and ? =(Wm-Wd)/Wd 25 Mass – Volume Relationships Density or Unit Weight = Moist Unit Weight = ? m ? ?m = Wm/Vt = ? d + ? ?d ? = (? m – ? d )/ ? d ? ?d + ? d = ? m ? m= (1+ ? ) ? d ? d = ?m/(1+ ? ) b 26 Total Volume = ? Volume (solid + water + air) = Vs+Vw+Va ? Va = Vt – Vs- Vw Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil 27 Relationship Between Mass & Volume Volume = Mass/(Specific Gravity x Unit Weight of Water) = Ws/(SGxWw) Va Total Volume Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil 28Specific Gravity = weight of material/ weight of same vol ume of water Soil Specific Gravity Typical Range 2. 65 to 2. 70 Specific Gravity of Water = 1 29 Saturation = S expressed as percent S = volume of water/ volume of voids x 100 Total Volume Va Air Total S = Vw/Vv x 100 Ww Ws Weight Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Wt Soil Always ? 100 30 Porosity n = volume of voids/ total volume n = Vv/Vt Void Ratio e = volume of voids/ volume of solids e = Vv/Vs Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil 31 What is the degree of saturation for a soil with: SG = 2. 68, ? m = 127. 2 pcf & ? = 18. 6 percent A) 88. 4 Total Volume VaAir Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight B) 100. 0 Wt Soil C) 89. 1 32 What are the porosity and degree of saturation for a soil with: SG = 2. 68, ? m = 127. 2 pcf & ? = 18. 6 percent = 107. 3pcf ?d = ? m/(1+ ? ) = 127. 2/(1. 186) Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Soil Ww Weight Wt Ws Ww = ? m- ? d = 19. 9 pcf Vw = Ww/62. 4 = 0. 319 cf Vs = ? d /(SGx62. 4) = 0. 642 cf Va = Vt – Vw – Vs = 1- 0. 319 – 0. 642 = 0. 039 cf Vv = Vw + Va = 0. 358 cf 33 What are the porosity and degree of saturation for a soil with: SG = 2. 68, ? m = 127. 2 pcf & ? = 18. 6 percent Vw = 0. 319 cf, Vs = 0. 642 cf, Vv = 0. 358 cf Total VolumeVa Air Total Degree of Saturation = Vw/Vv x 100 Ww Weight Wt Ws Vt Vv Vw Vs Water = 0. 319/0. 358 x 100 = 89. 1% Soil Answer is â€Å"C†34 Ref: NAVFAC DM-7 35 Borrow Fill Adjustments Borrow Material Properties: ?m = 110 pcf & ? = 10% Placed Fill Properties: ? d = 105 pcf & ? = 20% How much borrow is needed to produce 30,000 cy of fill? How much water must be added or removed from each cf of fill? Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil 36 Borrow Fill Adjustments Borrow Material Properties: ?m = 110 pcf & ? = 10% ?d = ? m /(1+? ) = 110/(1. 10) =100 pcf; Ww = 110-100=10 lbs Placed Fill Properties: ? = 105 pcf & ? = 20% Ww = ? x ? d = 0. 2x 105 = 21 lbs Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil 37 Borro w Fill Adjustments Borrow Properties: ? m = 110 pcf, ? d =100 & ? = 10% Placed Fill Properties: ? d = 105 pcf & ? = 20% Since borrow ? d =100pcf & fill ? d =105pcf, 105/100 =1. 05 It takes 1. 05 cf of borrow to make 1. 0 cf of fill For 30,000 cy, 30,000 x 1. 05 = 31,500 cy of borrow Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil 38 Borrow Fill Adjustments Borrow Material Properties: Ww = 10 lbs Placed Fill Properties: Ww = 21 lbs Water supplied from borrow in each cf of fill = 10 x 1. 5 = 10. 5 lbs; 21 lbs – 10. 5 = 10. 5 lbs short/1. 05 cf 10. 5lbs/1. 05 cy = 10 lbs of water to be added per cf borrow Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil 39 Proctor: Moisture Density Relationships Establishes the unique relationship of moisture to dry density for each specific soil at a specified compaction energy MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 108. 0 106. 0 104. 0 D ry D ensity (pcf) 102. 0 100. 0 98. 0 96. 0 94. 0 92. 0 90. 0 88. 0 8. 0 10. 0 12. 0 14. 0 16. 0 18. 0 20. 0 22. 0 24. 0 26. 0 28. 0 Moisture Content (%) 40 Proctor: Moisture Density Relationships †¢ 4†mold 25 blows †¢ 6†mold 56 blows Standard – 5. 5 lb hammer – dropped 12 in – 3 layers Standard: ASTM D-698 AASHTO T-99 Modified: ASTM D-1557 AASHTO T-150 †¢ Modified – 10 lb hammer – dropped 18 in – 5 layers 41 PROCTOR COMPACTION TEST Maximum Dry Density – Highest density for that degree of compactive effort Optimum Moisture Content – Moisture content at which maximum dry density is achieved for 42 that compactive effort Proctor: Moisture Density Relationships MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 108. 0 106. 0 104. 0 Dry Density (pcf) 102. 0 100. 0 98. 0 96. 0 94. 0 92. 0 90. 0 88. 0 8. 0 10. 0 12. 0 14. 0 16. 0 18. 0 20. 0 22. 0 24. 0 26. 0 28. 0 Moisture Content (%)What density is required for 95% Compaction? What range of moisture would facilitate achieving 95% compaction? 43 Proctor: M oisture Density Relationships MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 108. 0 106. 0 104. 0 Dry Density (pcf) 102. 0 100. 0 98. 0 96. 0 94. 0 92. 0 90. 0 88. 0 8. 0 10. 0 12. 0 14. 0 16. 0 18. 0 20. 0 22. 0 24. 0 26. 0 28. 0 Moisture Content (%) 104 x . 95 = 98. 8 pcf A 95% B Range of moisture is within the curve A to B (14 to 24 %) 44 Proctor: Zero Air Voids Line Relationship of density to moisture at saturation for constant specific gravity (SG) Can’t achieve fill in zone right of zero air voids line ZMOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 108. 0 106. 0 104. 0 Dry Density (pcf) 102. 0 100. 0 98. 0 96. 0 94. 0 92. 0 90. 0 88. 0 8. 0 10. 0 12. 0 14. 0 16. 0 18. 0 20. 0 22. 0 24. 0 26. 0 28. 0 Moisture Content (%) 45 Proctor: Moisture Density Relationships MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 108. 0 106. 0 104. 0 Dry Density (pcf) 102. 0 100. 0 98. 0 96. 0 94. 0 92. 0 90. 0 88. 0 8. 0 10. 0 12. 0 14. 0 16. 0 18. 0 20. 0 22. 0 24. 0 26. 0 28. 0 Moisture Content (%) If SG = 2. 65 & moisture content is 24% What dry density achieves 100% saturation? A) 100. 0 pcf B) 101. 1 pcf 46 Proctor: Moisture Density RelationshipsMOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 108. 0 106. 0 104. 0 Dry Density (pcf) 102. 0 100. 0 98. 0 96. 0 94. 0 92. 0 90. 0 88. 0 8. 0 10. 0 12. 0 14. 0 16. 0 18. 0 20. 0 22. 0 24. 0 26. 0 28. 0 Moisture Content (%) X ?d=SG62. 4/(1+? SG/100) ? d=2. 65Ãâ€"62. 4/(1+24Ãâ€"2. 65/100) ? d=101. 1 pcf Answer is â€Å"B†47 Ref: Peck Hanson & Thornburn Static Head 48 Calculate effective stress at point x Ref: Peck Hanson & Thornburn Saturated Unit Weight ? sat 5’ ? sat = 125 pcf Moist Unit Weight ? M Dry Unit Weight ? Dry 7’ Submerged (buoyant) Unit Weight = ? sat – 62. 4 x 49 Calculate effective stress at point x Ref: Peck Hanson & ThornburnTotal Stress at X 5’ ? sat = 125 pcf = 5 x 62. 4+ 7x 125= 1187psf Pore Pressure at X 7’ = 12 x 62. 4 = 749 psf Effective Stress at X = 1187-749= 438 psf x or (125-62. 4) x 7=438 psf 50 Ref: Peck Hanson & Thor nburn Downward Flow Gradient 51 Downward Flow Gradient 3’ Total Stress at X = 5 x 62. 4+ 7x 125= 1187psf Pore Pressure at X ? sat = 125 pcf 7’ = (12-3) x 62. 4 = 562 psf Effective Stress at X = 1187-562 = 625 psf 5’ x or 438 + 3 x 62. 4 = 625psf see previous problem 52 Upward Flow Gradient Ref: Peck Hanson & Thornburn 53 One Dimensional Consolidation ?e/pn 54 Primary Phase Settlement (e log p) ? H = (H x ? )/(1+eo) eo ? H H 55 Consolidation Test Pre-consolidation Pressure Cc = slope of e log p virgin curve est. Cc = 0. 009(LL-10%) Skempton Rebound or recompression curves 56 56 e- l o g p Calculate Compression Index; Cc 1. 50 1. 40 1. 30 Void Ratio (e) 1. 20 1. 10 ksf 0. 1 1 4 8 16 32 (e) 1. 404 1. 404 1. 375 1. 227 1. 08 0. 932 1. 00 0. 90 A) 0. 21 B) 0. 49 57 0. 80 0. 1 1 10 100 Pr essur e ( ksf ) Cc is the slope of the virgin e-log p e- l o g p Cc = -(e1-e2)/log (p1/p2) 1. 50 Cc=-(1. 375-1. 227)/log(4/8) Cc = 0. 49 Answer is â€Å"B†ksf 0. 1 1 4 8 16 3 2 (e) 1. 404 1. 404 1. 375 1. 227 1. 08 0. 932 1. 40 Cc Void Ratio (e) . 30 1. 20 1. 10 1. 00 0. 90 0. 80 0. 1 1 10 100 Pr essur e ( ksf ) 58 Permeability Constant Head Conditions †¢ Q=kiAt †¢ Q= k (h/L)At †¢ k=QL/(Ath) 59 If Q =15cc & t = 30 sec what is the permeability k=QL/(Ath) 10cm 5cm A) 0. 01 cm/sec B) 0. 01Ãâ€"10-2 cm/sec 25cm2 C) 0. 1 cm/sec 60 Constant Head Permeability Calculate k Q =15cc & t = 30 sec †¢ k=QL/(Ath) †¢ k= 15(5)/(25(30)10) †¢ k= 0. 01 cm/sec Answer is â€Å"A†10cm 5cm 25cm2 61 Falling Head Permeability †¢ k=QL/(Ath) (but h varies) †¢ k=2. 3aL/(At) log (h1/h2) †¢ where a = pipette area †¢ h1 = initial head †¢ h2 = final head 62 If t = 30 sec; h1= 30 cm; h2 = 15 cm L= 5 cm; a= 0. cm2; A= 30 cm2; calculate k A) 2. 3Ãâ€"10-3 cm/sec B) 8. 1Ãâ€"10-6 cm/sec C) 7. 7Ãâ€"10-4 cm/sec 63 Falling Head Permeability k=2. 3aL/(At) log (h1/h2) k= 2. 3 (0. 2) 5 /(30Ãâ€"30) log (30/15) k= 7. 7Ãâ€"10-4 cm/sec Answer is â€Å"C†64 †¢Flow lines & head drop lines must intersect at right angles †¢All areas must be square †¢Draw minimum number of lines †¢Results depend on ratio of Nf/Nd Flow Nets 6ft 2ft 65 Q=kia=kHNf /Nd wt (units = volume/time) w= unit width of section t=time Flow Nets 6ft 66 What flow/day? assume k= 1Ãâ€"10-5 cm/sec =0. 0283 ft/day Q= kH (Nf /Nd) wt Q= 0. 0283x8x(4. 4/8)x1x1 Q= 0. 12 cf/day 2ft Flow Nets ft 67 Check for â€Å"quick conditions†pc =2(120)= 240 psf (total stress) Flow Nets Below water level use saturated unit weight for total stress ?= 2(62. 4) = 124. 8 (static pressure) = 1/8(8)(62. 4)= 62. 4 (flow gradient) = 240-(124. 8+62. 4) 2ft 2ft 6ft p’c = pc -(? + ) p’c = 52. 8 psf >0, soil is not quick ?sat=120 pcf 68 Stress Change Influence (1H:2V) For square footing z=Q/(B+z)2 69 If Q= 20 kips, Calculate the vertical stress increase at 7 feet below the footing bottom 5’ 8’ 7’ 70 If Q= 20 k ips, Calculate the vertical stress increase at 7 feet below the footing bottom 5’ 8’ z = 0000 (8+7)(5+7) 7’ z = 111 psf 71 Westergaard (layered elastic & inelastic material) If B= 6. 3’ in a square footing with 20 kips load, what is the vertical stress increase at 7’ below the footing bottom? 72 Westergaard Q = 20 kips B = 6. 3’ Z = 7’ z = ? 73 Westergaard 7’/6. 3’ = 1. 1B z = 0. 18 x 20000/6. 32 = 90. 7 psf 74 Boussinesq (homogeneous elastic) Q = 20 kips B = 6. 3’ Z = 7’ z = ? 75 Boussinesq Z/B = 1. 1 z = 0. 3 x 20000/6. 32 = 151 psf 76 Thanks for participating in the PE review course on Soil Mechanics! More questions or comments? You can email me at: [email protected] com 77
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Urban Planning Essay Proposal
PLANNING INITIATIVES’ GOALS AND DETROIT URBAN AGRICULTURE OUTCOMES: A COMPARISON Assignment #5: Reviewed Proposal Zoe Pearce, 6777341 To: Zahra Azizi Urbs 240 1 PLANNING INITIATIVES’ GOALS AND DETROIT URBAN AGRICULTURE OUTCOMES: A COMPARISON 2 This paper will examine the urban agriculture movement currently taking place in Detroit, Michigan and how it is having an effect on the city that the goals and motivations of historical planning initiatives strived to achieve.This paper will aim to shed light on why urban agriculture is an important and relevant new area to be studied and taken into consideration by governments and city planners for the betterment of future cities and the plans that will shape them. I will be utilizing the components of two styles of essay writing: compare and contrast; and categorize and explain.I will be comparing the desired outcomes and motivations that drove historical planning initiatives (of which I will explain in more detail to follow) t o the actual outcomes and effects that citizen-initiated urban agriculture is having on the communities and individual citizens in Detroit. I will ‘categorize’ by assigning each body paragraph a historical movement and explain each ones’ goals, then compare these to the outcomes witnessed in Detroit.This comparison reveals that the goals of famous and major historical planning initiatives are being fulfilled by the means of the movement of UA in Detroit, planners should use the findings of Detroit as a tool to understand how they can replicate it in other plans to stimulate similar results. I will begin by developing the contextual reasons for the movement in Detroit and stating facts gathered through research. This will include the population and job losses that occurred due to the decline of the car industry and how the led to the state the city is now in.I will then introduce what exactly is happening in Detroit in terms of urban agriculture (UA). This will le ad PLANNING INITIATIVES’ GOALS AND DETROIT URBAN AGRICULTURE OUTCOMES: A COMPARISON 3 to the description of positive effects it is having on the citizens and communities. These include: health benefits, educational benefits, raising morale, job creation, self empowerment, safety, efficient use of space (Thibert, 2012).Many of these interrelate with each other, so I will be creating broader categories into which they will fit. Each category will be discussed individually in each body paragraph, but the later paragraphs will also draw conclusions that incorporate effects from earlier paragraphs – because many of the effects are interrelated. I have not decided exactly the order in which I will introduce the ideas, but knowing my own writing method, it will come together in the writing process. Cutting and pasting will surely be necessary.The historical planning initiatives I will be examining are as follows: City Beautiful, motivated by citizens at the individual level t o create healthy neighborhoods and happy citizens; Parks and Playground, motivated by getting children off the streets and into safer areas; Garden City, one of the various goals being earning revenue by efficiently placing agricultural work ‘close to the front doors’ of the workers; Henri Saint-Simon, who wanted to improve morale to create better societies (Booth, 1871; Howard, 1902; McArthur, 1975; Peterson, 2003).I will emphasize that the key points to be taken from my paper are not the means of how the initiatives were (intended to be) implemented, but the goals of why the initiative was created. I will conclude my paper by recapping my main arguments, and also stating the relevance of my findings. UA in Detroit is creating healthy, happier and safer communities and neighborhoods. This should be analyzed by city policy makers and urban planners to learn how this is happening and why so these positive effects can be replicated elsewhere in future plans.Lastly, I will mention the implications of this paper by mentioning the new attitude towards food PLANNING INITIATIVES’ GOALS AND DETROIT URBAN AGRICULTURE OUTCOMES: A COMPARISON 4 and food culture that is being developed in Detroit, and that if it could be replicated elsewhere in the United States, it could have larger scale positive effects on the crisis of obesity. I began my research by exploring the Concordia Clues dada base, the e-journals Urban History, Planning Perspectives and the database Jstor. Initially I was only looking for information on urban agriculture in Detroit.It was difficult to find articles on this topic, so I watched the documentary ‘Urban Roots'. This gave me an understanding of the effects average citizens involved in UA felt. The academic quality of this source is not as important, because the information I will be taking from this source is not objective, rather it is subjective, qualitative opinions. I then spoke to the professor, Catherine Vandermeulen about my issues finding academic sources; she advised me about an excellent paper written by a PhD student and professional Urban Planner, Joel Thibert.His paper explained that the discipline of UA in North America is new and there is little literature on it. His paper is also based on interviews he personally conducted with citizens involved with UA and their opinions, so between the academic source and the documentary, I had found enough information for which to base my UA portion of the paper. Next I had to find the historical references. I already knew which concepts I wanted to discuss because of learning about them within the previous 2 months in the class this paper is to be submitted for.I used the same means of internet searching as I did for the initial Detroit search. I read through multiple articles on each movement until I found ones that thoroughly discussed the motivations and goals of the movements, and had the potential to be quoted. I made sure they came of reputab le sources. I knew already I would be using the actual text written by Ebenezer Howard, so I simply had to find that, which I did via Google Scholar. I PLANNING INITIATIVES’ GOALS AND DETROIT URBAN AGRICULTURE OUTCOMES: A COMPARISON ound a biography on Henri Saint-Simon which is extremely in depth about his entire life, published by a reputable publisher. The specific sources chosen can be found in the reference section below. More detail on all of my sources can be found in my annotated bibliography. 5 PLANNING INITIATIVES’ GOALS AND DETROIT URBAN AGRICULTURE OUTCOMES: A COMPARISON References Booth, J. A. (1871). Saint-Simon and Saint-Simonism: A chapter in the history of socialism in France. London, England: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. Howard, E. (1902). Garden cities of to-morrow (pp. 9-29). Retrieved from openlibrary. rg/ books/OL20551099M/Garden_Cities_of_Tomorrow. McArthur, B. (1975). The Chicago playground movement: A neglected feature of social justice. Social Service Review, 49(3), 376-395. Peterson, J. A. (2003). The birth of city planning in the United States,1840-1917 (pp. 98-122). Balitmore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. Retrieved from http://ohdl. handle. net. mercury. concordia. ca/2027/heb. 05838. 0001. 001. Thibert, J. (2012). Making local planing work for urban agriculture in the North American context: A view from the ground. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 32(3), 349-357. 6
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Amilcar cabral Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Amilcar cabral - Assignment Example Depending with the type of colonialism, that is, settler or exploitation colonialism, the ant-colonialism movements/groups will employ different techniques in their bid to regain back their freedom and/or autonomy of rule (Lovejoy, 2012); which may take violent and/or non-violent measures. The non-violent techniques and strategies involve diplomacy and negotiations but they are mainly inapplicable simply because the motivation for colonization is long term missioned based on either political, religious and economic interest; and the breakdown of these measures leads to suppression by police or armed forces necessitating the colonies to form revolts to fight for independence. Background Majority of the African countries have had a history of either settlers or exploitation colonization with the latter taking precedence due to minerals and favorable weather and climatic conditions that favored settler’s agricultural interest. ... for Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde, Angola, Mozambique, Kenya and Swaziland respectively in a bid to fight for their independence (Bienen, 1977). In this paper we shall look into details the activities of Amilcar Cabral and his undying motivation to liberate people of Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde as we analyze the political and social journey during colonial and postcolonial era. Amilcar Cabral was a Guinea Bissau national born on September 12, 1924 and assassinated on January 20, 1973, 8 months afore the unilateral affirmation of liberation for Guinea Bissau. He is viewed as a nationalist thinker and a political leader who based his social-economic and political views on materialist interpretation of historical development and dialectical view of social transformation through analysis of class-relations and conflicts in the society, commonly referred to as Marxism (Callinicos, 2011). Though he was not a Marxist, he drew much of his inspiration and motivation from education and profess ionalism he had gained as an agronomist and a writer from Instituto Superior De Agronomia University in Lisbon, Portugal. While a student in Lisbon, he founded a student movements dedicated to opposing dictatorship rule by Portuguese with an aim of promoting the cause of liberation of Portuguese colonies in Africa, a move that envisioned his political career and a perception as the Africa’s foremost ant-colonial leader. He led African Party for Independence of Guinea Bissau People and Cape Verde [PAIGC], a guerilla movement he had founded in Guinea Bissau together with MPLA for Angola in 1956, against the Portuguese rule and later evolved as one of the most successful wars of independence in African history. With the vast knowledge of Portuguese traditions he had gotten
Monday, August 12, 2019
Globalization and the Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Globalization and the Government - Essay Example Hence, it can be stated that globalization has weakened governance and dominance of government and has also restricted its role for the betterment of the society. The essay highlights the supporting ideas for the argument â€Å"globalization has reduced the ability of the government to govern†(Weiss, 2000).  International Monetary Fund (IMF) has stressed on the growing interdependence of economy worldwide on the increasing volume of cross-border transactions of goods or services and widespread transmission of technology. Dr. Ismail Shariff has defined globalization as a global process for homogenizing products, prices, wages, profits and interest rates. It depends on three main global forces of development such as the role of human migration, rapid movement of capital and international trade and lastly integration of financial markets (Poggi, 1978).  Globalization has been confounded by political and technical instruments such as policies of trade, information technology, and financial liberalization. Thus, these instruments are defined as the main drivers of globalization. However, there is a distinguishing feature of globalization, which has been identified by IMF and the World Bank. The feature refers to the wide scope of revenue for the economy that is engaged in cross-border transaction. These two institutions have given its decision in the economic affairs and have limited government intervention into globalization. Free trade and growing mobility of capital to promote the supranational decision making of the companies have reduced the power of the governments globally. These factors have undoubtedly developed greater economic and social inequalities as globalization brought new realities to the market through its laissez-faire approach (Held, 1991).
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Management Report on the Analysis of the Strategic Situation of ARM Essay - 1
Management Report on the Analysis of the Strategic Situation of ARM Holdings - Essay Example The main objective of the report is to understand the strategic initiatives that ARM Holdings takes to gain a formidable stand in the microprocessor market in United Kingdom. Herein the paper focuses on the business and gross environment of the company in regards to the United Kingdom market for microprocessors and then endeavours to understand the strategic initiatives taken by the company in that regard. The paper focuses to understand the strategic position of the company in regards to its different competitors operating in the United Kingdom market. In the second phase the company focuses on the analysis of the industrial and macro environment of the company in regards to the United Kingdom market to understand its relative position in the enhanced market. The paper moves on to discuss the strategic elements incorporated by the business corporation to sustain its competitive and business position in the market. Here the paper incorporates separate strategic tools to evaluate the position of the company in the United Kingdom microprocessor market. After conducting the evaluation of the strategic position of the company in the United Kingdom region in regards to other competitors and general and specific business environment the paper tends to draw effective recommendations. In regards to recommendations it is stated that how the company can help develop on its business and gain a la rger market in the region.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Canadian & US Immigration and Discriminition Essay
Canadian & US Immigration and Discriminition - Essay Example Therefore, around the globe many people eyes on the developed countries as a staircase towards their dreams. They believe that being in a developed state will provide them with proper job opportunities and a reward that is equivalent to their efforts. This partly may be true, but the first step of immigration is a big hindrance and may itself be a discouraging factor. Developed countries like United States and Canada have their own policies of immigration. Some may be beneficial for the immigrants while some poses a challenge to their existence. These negative aspects of these two countries immigration policies can be attributed to the fact that most developed nations are not very receptive to immigrants. A lot of discrimination exists on the bases of original nationality of the immigrants and various other factors. The paper will highlight and compare the difference in these policies and how they might discriminate on various bases. History of immigration in Canada and America: Both Canada and America are major recipients of immigrants from all over the world. As the statistics show that both of them accepted over 12 million immigrants between the period of 1960 to 1980 (Borjas 1991). This was a result of various changes in the policies implemented by the governments in the early 1960s. Before this period both the countries had a policy to issue only very few visas based on the nationality of the applicant. For example in the United States national origin quota system influenced the immigration policy prior to 1965 amendments. There was a definitive discrimination as Asian were only allocated a very low percentages of the total available quota. Most of these accepted immigrants were from European countries, Germany and Russia. Now we know that the source of immigration is an important factor that can determine the skills of the workers. This is partially due to the fact that cultural and social aspects of any country mould an individual’s talent. A sing le cultural immigration, therefore, caused a decline in the diversities of skills present in both countries. After 1960 both United States and Canada started to accept immigrants from diverse nations. US evolved a policy that allocated visa permits to those immigrants with relational ties to the residents of US. Whereas Canada initiated issuing visas on the basis of applicants observable socioeconomic characteristics (Borjas 1991). So overall these transmutation in the policies of both countries attracted workers with diversity of technical skills that aid in the economic development of these countries. US and Canadian immigration policy 1960 to 1980: The amendments made in 1965 in United States immigration policies abolished the national origin quota system and introduced a more versatile approach in allocation of the visas to the immigrants. These amendments influenced immigration system for the next two decades. Total number of visa allocation was increased to 270,000 and no more than 20,000 can be issued to the origin of a specific country. This is was totally in contrast to the earlier policies where most percentage of the visas was allocated to only few specific countries. Moreover, about 80 percent of those total visas were given to those with close relational ties with the US resident. This in particular was an important amendment because it
Company law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Company law - Coursework Example Dissolution of a company can be voluntary or through winding up. Voluntary liquidation of a company occurs when the shareholders of a company come to a consensus, pass a resolution saying that they have agreed to dissolve the company. On the other hand, the court may give out an order for the winding up of a company commonly done at the behest of a creditor who has not been paid. According to Ahmadu and Robert (425) global trends have led companies to be cautious in the way their operations are halted. Question 1 Liquidation of any company entails the winding up of financial statements in order to create time for effective dismantling of the structure of the company and help in fairly distributing the assets of the company to its creditors. Liquidation provides the only true way of ending the activities and operations of a company because both the assets and financial structure are evaluated (Ahmadu and Rob ert, 471). The court order for compulsory winding up Zed Ltd provides both the company and creditors with transparency and accountability because an independent entity, the liquidator, is given the task of protecting the interests of the shareholders, directors, creditors, and members. Since the court has appointed a liquidator, it shows that the creditor had enough proof to show that Zed Ltd truly is not able to pay all its debts. In addition, the company has in the recent past had cash flow problems. Therefore, Zed Ltd is insolvent. In the case of Niger Merchants Co. v Copper (1877) 185 ChD 557n, Jessel MR proposed that pursuing a winding-up petition for a solvent company is an abuse of the court’s process (Hicks and Goo, 609). Other such cases include Mann v Goldstein, and the sentiments of Malins VC in Cadiz Waterworks Co. v Barnett (1874) LR 19 Eq 182. Zed Ltd is unable to pay its debts; hence the creditor can apply to the court for a petition for winding-up. Section 123 provides information that can be used to substantiate whether or not a company is unable to pay its debts. The companies act provides provisions that are to be followed during liquidation as asserted by OECD (246). Although Zed Ltd was not aware of the petition filed in court by one of their creditors, the law requires the company not to accept any deliveries of goods for which it has not prepared any payment procedures. Also, the company is supposed to maintain the current status of its creditors, but it should not improve or make worse the situation. Nonetheless, any improvement or worsening of the situation may lead the directors to incur personal liability or be liable for misfeasance (Debt UK, 2008). The company has to ensure that no assets fall into the hands of creditors because they may be available for set off. Zed Ltd was under pressure to pay up its outstanding bills and debts; it sold a spare machine for ?10,000 whose i nitial price was ?9,000. Moreover, the company had donated a minibus to a charity in an attempt to promote the company’s image. However, Zed Ltd was not aware of the petition filed against it in court. The sale of the spare machine and the issuance of the minibus to charity involve company assets. However, the minibus was given to charity on 15 October 2009; creditor cannot challenge this move because it had taken place before the petition
Friday, August 9, 2019
International Finance Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
International Finance Management - Term Paper Example Forward contracts however can not change hands and are contracts between two parties. Prevailing interest rates in the respective markets have a major impact on the increase or decrease of a contracts price. For example if the GBP/USD contract is on sale at CME, than an increase in the interest rates prevailing in the British economy would increase the contract price and those in the United States economy would decrease it. This is because there is a direct link between the price of value of a currency and interest rates. If for example interest rates are reduced money supply will increase in the economy. According to the economic laws of supply and demand, an increased supply would result in lower prices. Thus the futures expected price of currency would also decrease. Balance of trade is without doubt the most important factor that can affect the price of a currency. Balance of trade refers to the difference between what a country imports and exports. Also called the current account balance, it can only be offset if investors keep investing in dollar dominated assets. If a country gives a budget with a deficit, it can only fill up that deficit by borrowing money for the national or international market. The government will have to use up its currency reserves to pay off international debt and possibly print more money to pay of national debt; these will decrease the value of national currency. The stability of the government is also a huge factor in determining the increase or decrease of national currency value. This is because a stable government establishes stable policies; this stability reduces investor risk thus increasing currency value. These factors have huge impacts on Currency value. This is because the risk associated with the currency is high in war and the risk of default; on foreign payments also increase. In case of Natural disasters, the expenditure of the country increases on
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Theoretical Perspective Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Theoretical Perspective - Dissertation Example Christensen, a Harvard Business School professor. He perceived technologies as falling into two categories, namely sustaining and disruptive. Sustaining technology was viewed as small additional improvements to technology that already exists. Disruptive technology is generally lacking in refinement but given time to develop, they in time replace the technology that is currently prevailing. The implications for business are significant if their products fall within the scope of the existing technology, since the disruptive technology is not immediately manifest and there is a risk that they may be rendered obsolete and lose their competitiveness (Kuzma & Priest, 2010). Technology Acceptance Model The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a theory that tries to describe the internal process undertaken by users in deciding to accept and use a new technology. Developed by Fred Davis in 1989, the TAM is currently gaining popularity among researchers particularly in the field of information systems (IS) development. Presently, not many lay people are aware of nanotechnology, and those who are regard it as too unfamiliar and are therefore suspicious of it. The diagram following shows how TAM perceives the technology acceptance process. In this model, ‘perceived usefulness’ is the extent to which a potential user believes that a particular technology would be advantageous to him or her, while ‘perceived ease of use’ is the extent to which a potential user believes that use of a particular system would be effortless or easy (Davis, 1989). Technology Acceptance Model Sociopolitical modernization and postmodernization Modernization and postmodernization refer to the process of social change. The concept of modernization views economic, social and political development to be linked in a coherent manner, and that all societies that undergo modernization tend to follow a consistent pat h. Researchers note that almost all societies that reach an advances state of development experience a shift from ‘modern’ goals of economic and physical security, to post-modern values that emphasize quality of life and self-expression. The development of nanotechnology, because of the enhancement of human lifestyle of which it is capable, will be viewed in terms of post-modernization (Ghazinoory & Ghazinouri, 2009). Diffusion of Innovation The diffusion of innovation theory is the model by which innovation is thought to be communicated through channels over time among the members of a social system. In this model, an innovation may be an idea, practice, or object which the social system views as new, and diffusion is the particular type of communication through which the message associated with the innovation is passed through the system. Diffusion of innovation is comprised of four elements, namely the innovation, communication channels, time, and the social system. The Diffusion of Innovation model is shown below (Rogers, 1997): Biomedical Ethics One of the most contentious theories that nanotechnology may expect to be entangled in is that of biomedical ethics or bioethics. The reason is that much of nanotechnology applications are in the sphere of medicine, where one of the more exciting prospects is the use of nanotechnology for the cure of cancer. Biomedical ethics concerns itself with the
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